Famous Mistborn author Brandon Sanderson says Netflix lost a “visionary” when Henry Cavill went out as Geralt in The Witcher.
He thinks the studio had listened to Cavill, the show could have done better.
Why Cavill left is still a mystery, although fans speculate that it was due to creative differences.
Netflix's The Witcher has been associated with controversy since its very first season 2019 considering the various deviations from Andrzej Sapkowski's novels, such as killing Eskel. But the most controversial moment in the show's history was when Henry Cavill announced almost three years ago that he resigned as Geralt from Rivia.
Many regretted the loss of a self -prescribed fan that they thought fought in their corner against a creative team that hated the source material and gave the newcomer Liam Hemsworth some big boots to fill. It's no wonder he tried to Curry favor before Series 4 by saying that Witcher 3 is one of the best games of all time.
He resists an intelligibly angry fanbase and endless skepticism, but as much as a section that has been sent. Even the famous Mistborn author Brandon Sanderson believes that Cavill was the key to getting this adaptation right.
Cavill was a “visionary”, says Sanderson
Sanderson spoke to Polygon, Sanderson discussed his concerns about the state of fantasy fenic passes in general and discussed how many people have woken up in recent years despite their huge budgets. During this conversation, Witcher inevitably came up.
“Streaming has had a major problem with epic imagination, and this has me worried,” Sanderson said. “Rings of power and wheels at the time have not gone as well as I had hoped. Shade and legs only lasted for two seasons, after a very strong first season.
We haven't seen really good Epic Fantasy Film Television since the early, mid -seasons in Game of Thrones.
“I really think the key member is the visionary filmmaker. Epic fantasy has responded poorly to too much surveillance from above. I think it was Witcher's problem. You had that visionary: It was Henry Cavill. And they didn't want to listen to listen to him.
It is unclear why Cavill left. Deadline reported that he only made a “short -term business” for The Witcher and decided to move on after three seasons instead of renewing his contract because of the demanding production schedule. However, fans speculate that it may have been due to creative differences, given his comments on the Philippine star.
“The things I pressed on, it wasn't necessarily just more dialogue,” Cavill said. “It brought a more book -proof Geralt to the screen. Because as I am sure you know in the books, Geralt is an amateur philosopher. He is an intellectual. He is wise and thoughtful. Yes, he is sometimes Morose, Morbid, and snarky . But it is important for me to be the character […] All my asks were in line with just being faithful to the source material. “
Whether it was simply too demanding to film, because of his upset about how the show adapted the novels, or even his short return as Superman before James Gunn finally reworked the character, we do not know for sure. But whatever reason, Sanderson claims that Netflix lost a “visionary” when Cavill left.