There are various ways to increase the chances of landing a Victory Royale Fortnite. While skill is a major contributing factor, there are other factors players must consider when planning for victory.

Fortnite: Hidden Mechanics in Chapter 6 Season 1
Fortnite is a constantly evolving game, and as such, players may have missed out on these hidden mechanics that could see them claim the Victory Royale.
One of the ways to improve the chances of surviving to the end of a match i Fortnite is by acquiring Medallions, as they grant players a unique ability that is exclusive to the holder and unavailable to everyone else on the map. This guide shows players where to find the medallions Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1.
How many medallions are there in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1?
There are very few medallions this season. As usual, bosses drop Medallions, and as of this season there are only two big bosses on Fortnite map, meaning also there are only two medallions in chapter 6 season 1.
Players will have to face Shogun X and Night Rose to get their medallions, but they are definitely worth it as they provide unique benefits to whoever can collect them.
How to get Night Rose Medallion in Fortnite
To get the Medallion of the Night Rose Fortniteplayers must head to the Demon's Dojo and defeat this powerful boss. Night Rose's boss fight is quite challenging, so players may find themselves running away temporarily to retrieve some shields. Still, they should continue, because her locket is worth it.
First, players should damage Night Rose until Oni Mask takes control of her body. Then they must shoot the worm's eyes, as that is the only vulnerable area that will take damage. Eventually, the mask will cease to control Night Rose, allowing players to eliminate her completely. Once she's gone, the Night Rose Locket will be among her loot.
What does Night Rose's Medallion do?
Night Rose's Medallion constantly reloads weapons in the holder's inventory. So, regardless of whether the weapon is equipped or not, as long as it has an inventory slot for it in the player's inventory, their weapon will continue to reload by itself.
How to get Shogun X's Wanderer Medallion in Fortnite
Shogun X is a walking boss, meaning he doesn't have an exact spawn location. To find Shogun X i Fortniteplayers must open the map and look for his marker. Shogun X has two phases, but defeating him during the first phase will not make him drop the medallion, as he will simply run away and leave some loot behind, namely the Mythic rarity Enhanced Sentinel Pump Shotgun.
Players must wait until the floating loot island spawns on the Battle Royale map after the third Storm Circle. Once the loot island has appeared, Shogun X will spawn on top of it. Players must get up there and fight this boss again to completely eliminate him. This time, when he goes down, he will drop the Wanderer Medallion as well as a Mythic Typhoon Blade and a Mythic Fire Oni Mask.
What does Shogun X's Wanderer Medallion do?
While holding Shogun X's Medallion, players will have infinite stamina and be covered by an invisibility cloak when sprinting. This means players can sprint for as long as they want, and also they will be invisible for a moment if they sprint.