Sims Legacy Collection has major crash problems

Summary Sims Legacy collections are plagued by crashing questions and frustrate many players. EA released older collections on January 31, 2025, but players report regular crashes and bugs. Fans express disappointment with the prices of $ 19.99 and $ 29.99 for unplayable sims 1 and 2 games. The Sims Legacy Collections have significant crash problems. … Read more


Octopus TD is a well -made time killer inspired by the popular Octopus series. Here, as in many other tower defense games, you will find an interesting campaign with different levels and places filled with many enemies. To confront all these enemies, you must mount a powerful team, which will cost a lot, especially if … Read more

Complete fish list in wuwa

Riccioli islands is player's destination under the old man and whale event quest in Wuthering waves. The island can be found embedded among Rinascita's turbulent water, where players will go on a fishing adventure with Phoebe. Rovers can see all different types of echoes or fish while exploring the Riccioli Islands, from the Astrit crab, … Read more

Ex-Ghibli employees work with a brand new anime

Summary Ex-Ghibli employees work with a new 60-minute anime called Cocoon, based on a true story from the Second World War. Anime is directed by Ina Yukimitsu, with Hikari Matsushima and Marika Ito confirmed in the role. Cocoys thought -provoking plot about two schoolgirls in Okinawa will be released in March 2025. Studio Ghibli is … Read more

The best comedy -Anime for adults

Summary Anime cater for adults with a variety of genres, including Raunchy content and mature themes. Recommended comedy anime for adults has unique animation, mature humor and adult-oriented themes. Shows as pAnty & Stocking With Garterbelt and A punchman Offer adult humor and satire. (87 characters) Some cultures consider animated functions as being strict for … Read more

Rainbow Six Siege teases “Major Evolution” for the game

Summary Rainbow Six Siege X will be revealed on March 13, with graphic improvements and new events. Fans eagerly await more information about the upcoming game after an exciting teaser from the developers. Year 10 season 1 will introduce Rauora, a new attack operator with unique gadgets and weapons. Rainbow Six Siege has announced an … Read more

What is exhaustion in DND?

In the middle of the battle against a red dragon, an armor -plated fighter's stomach bumbles. The party was too excited to jump into a game Dungeons and dragons And did not packed enough rations. After three days without food, he finds it difficult to concentrate and his movement brakes. He will not survive this … Read more