Infinity Nikki: How to get Palettetail

Pallet tails are fish in Infinity Nikki which can be used to make clothes or items. One of the most notable items of clothing created with this material is the Goldleaf Ascent, shoes that are part of the Wishful Aurosa miracle outfit. In fact, players have to get multiple Palettetails in Infinity Nikki if they hope to make that item, and this guide details exactly where that fish can be found.

According to the in-game item description, the Palletetail scale produces a delicate and vibrant pigment when ground up, which serves as a crucial colorant in accessories and beauty products.



Infinity Nikki: How to Get Dawn Fluff

Players in need of some Dawn Fluff in Infinity Nikki can learn how to find and care for a Legendary Dawn Fox in this guide.

Infinity Nikki: Palettetail Location

Players looking for Palettetails must first gain access to Wishing Woodsan area northeast of Florawish. For complete clarity, that area becomes available during the sixth chapter of Infinity Nikkiand fans who have yet to reach it should return to this guide after completing a few more main quests.

Buy Palettetails from Gooeybo

After gaining access to the Wishing Woods, Infinity Nikki players should get to Timi's beauty labtalk to Gooeyboand buy at least one Palettetail from them. This purchase will allow for easy tracking of additional, and much larger, Palettetails, and Gooeybo's exact position has been marked on the following maps.

Fishing for pallet tails in Wishing Woods

Once a player has purchased a Palettetail from Gooeybo, they should take the following steps to have Palettetail locations marked on the in-game map:

  1. Open the map.
  2. Tap the entry that appears near the bottom-left corner of the screen to open the Collections menu.
  3. Select the fish tab, click on the Palettetail and press the trace input.

A yellow circle should now appear on the map, and players should travel to their position and look for a circular disturbance in the water. Fans should then switch to the gear with fishing ability, cast into the disturbance and reel in any fish they land. The third fish that players draw from the location should be a pallet tail, and here are some places where the yellow circle can appear:

infinity nikki palettetail seats

After a fishing spot has run out, players will notice that the yellow circle has moved to a new position. Fans should then travel to that position and fish in the disturbance they find to get additional palette tails. Players can then repeat this process until they have enough palette tails to craft Goldleaf Ascent i Infinity Nikki.

Infinity Nikki Tag Page Cover Art

Infinity Nikki

December 5, 2024

Papergames, Infold Games

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