How to beat Lagrange Wind in Fantasian Neo Dimension

While Act 1 of Fantastic Neo Dimension is a more curated, guided experience, Act 2 is the exact opposite. Leo is free to explore the world as he pleases, taking on all quests in any order, and it comes down to which companions he chooses to rescue first.


Fantasian Neo Dimension challenged me more than any Final Fantasy game has in years

Fantasian Neo Dimension looks set to be a challenge, especially for those of us who are brand new to it.

Saving China and Cheryl is a bit more involved than others, but returns two of your party members after an incredibly long absence. Saving them isn't easy though, and that's after you figure out how to reach them.

Entering the wormhole

Collect the chests

To get started on finding China and Cheryl, you should head to the giant wormhole hovering over Vence. Approach it, and a cutscene will trigger that has Leo freaking out that they can't reach this one, before he remembers the open Wormhole in the Machine Realm where Vam was fought. Warp here now.

After a few short conversations, the party will jump into the wormhole, only to land on one rooftops in the old district of Vence. Disappointed but not yet dejected, Clicker advises you to keep jumping until you find China and Cheryl.

Before that, you might find yourself in the building where a chest has been resting ever since you first entered En. You might even remember the other just a little out of reach chests all over the world. Here's how to reach them. So go back to the Machine Realm and start jumping.

Here is each chest, in order and what they contain:

  • One, Old District – Hero vest.
  • Vence, Central – Holy stone.
  • Ancient Hill – Ruby L.
  • Vence, Western – Brave belt.
  • Ancient mountain path – Opal L.
  • Chaos Field – Dragonfly (arms for Ez).

After Ancient Hill, you will
card into the wormhole
Right. Go below to learn more about it.

After landing in all these places, Leo will start cycling through them again. Turns out that's not the way to go after all. The game doesn't give too much indication of what you're actually supposed to do next either.

The Wormhole Horde

The party in a fight against 100 enemies in the wormhole in fantasy neo-dimension.

With your fourth jump into the wormholeyou will end up in the dark space between worlds. This is the space where Cheryl and China are trapped, although unfortunately you don't get to stay here very long. This is more of a taste of what's to come.

Here you will be inserted a fight against 100 enemiesmany of them quite strong, and most of them brand new. Make sure you've healed before you take that leap.

This isn't a hugely challenging encounter, but it can go on for quite a while, so it's worth being tactical. Piercing attacks are the way to go to cut through the ranks faster, and Valrika's Arrow Rain is of particular help here.

There is also a chance for
Orblings carrying machine keys
to spawn here, so be sure to defeat them before they have a chance to escape.

When all enemies are defeated, you will simply return to the human realmlands in Vence again. Back to the Machine Realm Wormhole you go.

A staircase extending from Vence's wormhole in fantasy neo-dimension.

Finding the real wormhole

With the Machine Realm Wormhole as a bust, you have no choice but to do so return to the wormhole above Vence and somehow hoping for something different to happen this time. And lucky Leo, it sure does.

Queen Cynthana's spirit speaks to Leo, and after briefly trying to focus on her voice, she begs him to save her daughters, and creates a bridge from Uzra up to the wormhole. Leo walks up this bridge and enters the wormhole immediately.

Once you enter the wormhole, you are
free to leave again
and turn back if you don't feel like it right now.

With no chance of suddenly booting from the wormhole like before, you actually can spend your time finding China and Cheryl. This area has a recommended level of 40, so try to reach around that level before entering.

Explore the wormhole

After all the effort to reach the wormhole, it's actually quite short and linear. But that said, it has a wonderful amount of powerful items, some of which will help in the upcoming boss battle. Since the area is fairly straightforward, you can see every chest in your path, and the map is pretty easy to navigate from the pause menu.

Here are all the items you can find:

  • A Ether L.
  • A SP capsule.
  • A Lapis lazuliwhich casts Regen at the start of each battle.
  • A Whetstone.
  • A Heal Stone.

  • A Emerald Lwhich greatly increases the defense.
  • A Elixir.
  • A Whetstone.
  • A Pezzottaite Lwhich restores MP when an enemy is killed.
  • A Phantom Quartzwhich negates the curse effect.
  • Two more Grindstones.
  • Some Order Motes.

Quite a large selection! These are all incredibly useful, of course, but Emerald L is the most powerful for the incoming manager. They hit obscenely hard, even with boosted defenses and a barrier, so you need all the extra support you can get.

It's actually pretty easy to reach the boss. When you reach the next save point, the boss is right ahead. Make sure that clear out your Dimengeon beforehand for some extra EXP, and maybe some machine keys too.

How to defeat Lagrange Wind

Party arrangements

The creature in the battle against the Lagrange wind as it flies in a fantasy neo-dimension.

Before you jump into the fight against Lagrange Wind, make sure you have your party properly. At this point we had saved both Ez and Zinikrso we had a pretty versatile party for both offense and defense during this battle. Here is our recommended setting:

  • Leo – Nanomic Blade 2.0, Ruby L and Emerald L.
  • Ez – Harp, Hermes Stone.
  • Zinikr – Delta Knuckles, Emerald M.
  • Electoral – Anima Stone, Opal M.
  • Tag – Poison Thrower, Opal M.

From the growth map, we also invested in some key competencies. For Leo we got Samidare Hits + and the Fire version of the attack. Quick everyone is very helpful for Ez to give the party some extra turns, especially when the boss finishes off his most powerful attacks. Barrier All and Revive is an incredible help here for Prickle as well. Try to get Holy strike also for Zinikr, as this is the boss' only weakness.

We also acquired Leo and Zinikr's suspense skillswhich was very helpful in scraping off the boss's last bit of HP.

The Hero vest and brave belt you got before when you jumped through the wormhole will be of great help here as well, so make sure you have them equipped.

Fighting the Lagrange wind

Let's begin. This fight is functionally different from any other in the game because of how the boss moves. Lagrange Wind doesn't stay still, nor do they change phase when they get lower on HP. Instead, they consistently change phase as it pleases them,and that means you have to change your strategy from time to time.

When you start the fight, Lagrange Wind will grab the crystal holding China and Cheryl and fly away. They don't fight back during this turn, but you are under something of a time limit. During this segment, you have to beat the weak points of the bossconstantly forward in the body until you reach the face.

The challenge here is to make sure to really hit the weak spot. The boss's body shifts all the time, sometimes covering the weak point and blocking your attack completely. Make sure to attack only when you can actually see the weak point so you don't waste a turn.

If you take too long to destroy a weak point,
it restores the previous one
and kicks you back a scene.

When you reach the face, the boss will attack, but only with a simple physical attack that hits the entire party for a decent bit of damage, but nothing to worry about. The advantage of this phase is that it giving you time to heal and polish your party. With two characters attacking every turn and a heal and buff, you should be perfectly capable of still destroying any weak points in time.

Once you've punched the face up enough, the crystal will drop onto your platform, and the boss will face off with you. This is where the bulk of the battle takes placeand that is no easy feat. Let's check out its features to begin with.



Regular attack

The boss performs a non-elemental attack for significant damage to a single character.


The boss spits a ball of fire from its mouth that attacks a single character with fire elemental damage.


The boss removes all debuff casts on them.


Attacks the entire party for high damage and has a chance to slow them down.

Terrifying look

Can petrify a single character.

Scissors cross

Preparing its claws to strike in the next turn. Will activate even if both claws are destroyed.

While there may not be a huge amount of moves, they all give you something else to worry about. This boss is pretty fast too, so you'll be relying on Ez's Quick All quite a bit during this battle.

Petrifying Stare has a lot
higher chance of failure if you cast Mist on the boss
with Valrika.

Although you can tank the regular attack and fire, you might want to rely on Zinikr to cast Iron Wall for the party's defense lift to free up a few turns for Ez to heal and cast other buffs. Quick All is especially useful after the party has been hit with slime.

Scissor Slice is the big move to worry about. The boss will fly back carrying its claws. Both can be attacked independently and are only weak to Saints. Try to destroy these as quickly as you can, but prioritize healing. Even if both arms are destroyed, the move will still activatealthough dramatically weakened.

If you don't think you can destroy the arms, heal up as much as possible, cast iron wall with Zinikr, and trade in Prickle to cast Barrier All. If your party is buffed and at high HP, this should be enough to prevent the party from being wiped out, although it's handy to have Revive on Prickle just in case.

After each use of Scissor Cross, the boss will return to its original phasewhich gives you some time to revive and heal any party members that have just died. This pattern repeats throughout the rest of the fight, with Mucus being the only new move introduced.

After they are finally defeated, China and Cheryl will rejoin the party (and boosted up to level 30), and get their respective divine artifacts as well.


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