Best weapons for death ringers

Key takeaways

  • Veilsong – A healing weapon perfect for Death Callers due to synergies with passives, perks and Takedown mechanics.
  • Fadelight – Off-hand orb focuses on support, healing, defense, and increasing damage against health bar.
  • Veilseeker – Optimal staff for Death Callers invested in the Shadow Dragon skill branch, perfect for long range combat.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has tons of weapons for players to discover, and some of them are really well hidden in Thedas, so players have to look around to acquire and upgrade them all. Death Caller Mage is one of the strongest specializations, and players must choose the strongest weapons for this class to optimize their abilities.



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This list will showcase the best weapons for Death Callers, providing the best stat boosts, the most useful perks, and most importantly, the strongest synergy with the specialization's passive skills and traits.

8 Craft song

The strongest orb designed to generate more takedowns

Dragon Age The Veilguard Veilsong

  • Unusual: +25% displacement
  • Rare: This weapon deals bonus damage equal to 20% of the enemy's Stagger
  • Epic: Enemies hit with this weapon take twice as long to regenerate their Stagger
  • Legendary: Say hello to Takedown

Veilsong is one of the first weapon mages to obtain, and can also be purchased from the Veil Jumper faction in Arlathan Forest. As this weapon progresses in quality, it unlocks more perks including the ability to gain health every time Rook performs a Takedown.

It also pairs well with Death Caller's passives that increase Stagger Damage, and since the more Stagger players cause the more Takedowns they can perform, this will create a fantastic healing loop during combat, ensuring their survivability in even the toughest encounters.

7 Fadelight

A defensive off-hand, good for support builds

Dragon Age The Veilguard Fadelight Orb

  • Unusual: +15% damage vs health
  • Rare: +25% healing
  • Epic: Gain 250 health on Perfect Defense
  • Legendary: +25% Light attack damage while out of potions

Similar to Veilsong, Fadelight Orb is an Off Hand that focuses on support and healing, but instead of taking advantage of the Takedown mechanic, the skill provides Perfect Defense and heals every time players block incoming damage. This pairs nicely with the Return Fire Trait, which activates a powerful counter when you execute a perfect block.


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On the other hand, Fadelight also improves damage against Health Bars, which pairs well with Necrosis Affliction and most passives and parries Death Caller inflicts with their spells, especially Corrupt land, which causes necrosis and weakening.

6 Veilseeker

A fast fire crew, good at long range

Dragon Age The Veilguard Veilseeker Staff

  • Unusual: +20% Light attack damage
  • Rare: Final attacks with this weapon fire an additional projectile
  • Epic: Final attacks with this weapon fire an additional projectile if you have at least three Staff Energy charges
  • Legendary: Final attacks with this weapon create four projectiles, each dealing different magic damage

The Veilseeker is the optimal weapon for those Death Callers who have also invested in the Shadow Dragon Skill Branch, with powerful extra damage perks that provide projectile effects and add extra elemental damage of various types to overwhelm enemy defenses.

This staff is really fun to play, as it is one of the few weapons that deals all elemental damage, and pairs nicely with several of the mage's passive skills and traits, especially the Bolt Volley trait, which duplicates the amount of projectiles this staff shoots and turns it into a magical machine gun.

5 Spirit caller

Offers extra defense and lifesteal

Dragon Age The Veilguard Spiritcaller Staff

  • Unusual: +30 Defense
  • Rare: +20% resistance at low health
  • Epic: This weapon reduces health on hit if you are on Low Health
  • Legendary: Low health effects trigger at 10% higher health

The Spiritcaller staff is for situational use, but it can be really good if players build around the Support Death Caller which energizes allies and controls the battlefield with powerful AoE, generating primers for their companions to benefit from.



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On the other hand, it offers a lot of extra defense and health leech, which pairs nicely with Invigorating Beam, one of the Death Caller's Traits that turns the Staff Range charge beam into a life-affecting attack.

4 Meredith's legacy

A unique staff specialized in Life Steal

Dragon Age The Veilguard Meredith's Legacy Staff

  • Unique Benefit 1: +10% Leech Efficiency
  • Unique Benefit 2: This weapon reduces health on hit
  • Unique Benefit 3: You no longer get health from Potions or companions

This unique staff was found by solving the Warden Vault puzzle on Sharksmouth Mount, in the Rivain Coast. Its unique perks disable the healing of Potions and companions, but in return, any damage taken from this weapon drains a percentage of health. It also adds a bonus to the effectiveness of life seals, stackable with Death Caller's Invigorating Beam Trait and similar passive bonuses.

Players would think that this spell puts them at a disadvantage because it eliminates Potion Healing, but that's where the belt called the Glorious Ultimatum comes into play, also found in the Rivain Coast by completing the Dead Men Tell Some Tales Quest, granted by Spirit of Adventure. This belt turns all healing from Potions into Ultimate Recovery, and once players use their Ultimate, they gain full health. Meredith's Legacy doesn't disable this effect, so it's a win-win for players who want to overoptimize.

3 The point

A unique spell blade that redeems life from stricken enemies

Dragon Age The Veilguard The Point Spellblade

  • Unique Benefit 1: Charged attacks against enemies suffering from necrosis or bleeding remove all stacks and heal you

A great weapon to pair with a Necrosis Affliction build, which will constantly drain the health of enemies affected by this affliction. And since Death Callers are masters at dealing necrotic damage and this particular DoT effect, they can create a perfect combination for a melee build with Death Caller.


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The point is one of the earliest unique weapons that players can find, and it is located in the Treviso Canals, in the Street Coin Financial District. It's a considerably powerful weapon, scaling with the Rook's level, so players don't need to upgrade it all the time.

2 Enchanted Athame

Grants all spells, at a cost

Dragon Age The Veilguard Enchanted Athame Spellblade

  • Unusual: +50 Max Mana
  • Rare: Gain 2 Mana on hits with this weapon
  • Epic: Deal 10% more damage for every 50 Mana you lack
  • Legendary: Abilities now cost +50 Mana and deal +100% bonus damage

Perfect for an all-or-nothing build, this weapon buffs all spells by 100%, but it nearly doubles the Mana cost of each ability. But since the weapon itself has a bunch of Mana recovery and Mana Boost Perks, the skill economy hit isn't as hard as it seems.

A really powerful combination is pairing it with Fade Conduit Perks and with rings equipped with Mana Regeneration and Mana Generation. This way, players can practically nullify the legendary perk and enjoy a free +100% ability to take damage.

1 Crystalline shard

Boosts the Death Summoner's anti-barrier effectiveness

Dragon Age The Veilguard Crystalline Shard Spellblade

  • Unusual: +25% damage vs barrier
  • Rare: Bonus damage on Armor is now applied to Barrier
  • Epic: Win faster when this weapon breaks an enemy's barrier
  • Legendary: All damage vs. Barriers leeches some of their damage as health

Most enemies in the game have barriers that block Elemental Damage, but for Death Callers who specialize in overcoming Barrier thanks to Necrosis, this Spellblade adds many powerful boosts that ensure they can constantly drain HP from Barrier enemies.

Its Legendary Perk is especially useful and will amplify this effect even more against bosses that have the highest Barrier Pools in the game. Of course, this means Death Callers have to get up close and personal to deliver powerful melee blows with their Orb and Spellblade, but the benefits far outweigh the risks.

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