What to expect from Valheim's The Mos Witch Update

Immediately following Ashland's expansion, Valheim getting a new update. But instead of adding a new biome, Valheims upcoming content releases will focus on adding some depth to one of its existing pillars.

Despite already claiming a domain in pop culture, Valheim still going steady in early access. Iron Gate Studios' consistent delivery of polished updates to the title has not only been hugely beneficial to Valheimbut for early access as a whole. The game feels like a complete experience despite being incomplete, and that aspect has raised the respect given to the Early Access model in general.


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Valheim's next update will update cooking and farming, with a new NPC for good measure

ValheimThe next update has been revealed during a recent development livestream – and it's not the addition of the Deep North. Although the addition of the next biome is in pre-production, the game's next update (which will arrive in the public test branch in the next few weeks) will focus more on quality of life additions. This part of the update will focus on major improvements to food, not only increasing its depth but also how it can help multiplayer. In addition to these improvements, a new NPC will be added Valheim: the marsh witch. This ingredient vendor will help players brew potions and cook hearty feasts.

Farming And Cooking Improvements

Cooking is the key Valheimnext update, with many of its features revolving around that aspect. One way in which cooking will improve is through holidays. Feasting will be a new form of cooking that serves multiple portions, can be placed directly on the table, and will provide long-lasting benefits (albeit somewhat different benefits compared to regular food). According to a press release from Iron Gate, eight new holidays will be made available when the update launches. Additionally, a Prep Table workstation will be added; fewer recipes will be available via the cauldron, with some moving over to the Prep table.

Cooking, crafting and farming are all part of Valheim who are keen to acquire new skills. Also, in terms of farming, a scythe will be added to the game. Lien will allow farming fans to harvest multiple crops at once, which is a long-requested feature among Valheims player base. Given the new dishes made available through the Feast system, this improvement to farming couldn't be timed more perfectly.

The marsh witch

Deep inside Valheims swamp biome will soon be located a new NPC provider. The Ant Witch, who according to the press release will have the appearance of a weeping dwarf, is the key to this update. She will sell potions, potion ingredients, and other supplies. During the stream that revealed this update, the developers also hinted at the fact that the Feast system will be made available through the Bog Witch. The stream also mentions that among the new potions brought in with the witch, a love potion will be added to Valheim.

A new NPC is an exciting development too Valheimespecially given their relative scarcity. Few creatures in the game aren't there to hunt or be hunted, so another friendly (or at least neutral) face is welcome. Additionally, the Bog Witch acts as a path not only to the exciting party system, but to a host of other consumables. “Tonics, Meads and Draughts”, presumably the potions in question, are mentioned in the press release – and those sold by the Bog Witch will improve the strength, dexterity and stamina of players. The press release also mentions that players should avoid the “broom”, but what this really means is currently unknown.

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