The best evolution cards in Clash Royale

Evolution cardwhen they first came out, were absolutely run in Clash Royale. Barbarians was the first card to get the Evo treatment, and suddenly every deck in the top tier had this five elixir card even when it didn't make much sense. Fast forward to today and we have more than 25 development cards in the game, with more added with each new season.

Naturally, with so many developments, players are given many options to experiment with. But this also begs the question: which of these evolution cards is the best? The short answer is that it depends on the deck. If you look closely at things, some Evo cards stand out from the pack to be more versatile. We've compiled a list of the best Evo cards in the game for players wondering which Evolution cards to unlock next.


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Best Evolution Cards in Clash Royale

These are the best Evolution cards available right now in Clash Royale:

Evo Firecracker

clash royale evo firecracker

Elixir cost


Stat Boost

Identical to the base card

Short cycle


Evolution ability

Evo Firecracker's projectiles leave a pool that damages troops every 0.25 seconds for up to 3 seconds.

When it first came out, Evo Firecracker was arguably the most blown development card in the meta. Every deck used the card, even when it didn't make sense. The surprising thing is that people still won consistently with it even when it wasn't a good deck.

Of course, like all broken cards, balance changes came, and Evo Firecracker got hit with the nerf hammer. Even so, for Hog or Goblin Drill players, Evo Firecracker is still a strong troop to add to their army due to its unique effect. Even a few X-Bow decks use it as their main source of damage for defense. The damaging pool of its projectiles can take out small troops and even eat away enemy towers if you manage to get a connection.

Each damage pool in Evo Firecracker deals separate instances of damage.

Much like the Evo Bomber, the Evo Firecracker can act as a secondary win condition if you use it correctly. If you manage to outrun your opponent's arrows or fireballs, try to shield the card to keep the pressure up on your opponent.

Evo skeleton

Clash royale evo skeleton

Elixir cost


Stat Boost

Identical to the base card

Short cycle


Evolution ability

Creates a new skeleton each time one of the Evo Skeletons attacks. Stops playing at 8 skeletons.

Released in June 2023, the Evo skeleton has been a mainstay for most Clash Royale bicycle tires because of their versatility. The base Skeletons card is excellent in its own right. You can use it to cycle through your deck, defend a Hog push, kiting a Pekka, or try to DPS down a Royale Giant – the possibilities here are endless!

The Evo skeletons are multiplied every time one of the skeletons hits an enemy troop. This unique ability makes them excellent in defense. Unless the opponent takes them out with a spell or splash damage troops like the witch or baby dragon, they can stop almost any big push on their own.

Be careful when using Evo Skeletons against a Mother Witch, as she can spawn infinite Cursed Pigs from the multiplying Skeletons.

Not only that, if you manage to get them to your opponent's tower, they can multiply and take down the tower all by themselves. Since it only costs a single elixir to deploy and only requires two card cycles, it's easy to get to your Evo Skeletons when you have a deck.

Evo Knight


Elixir cost


Stat Boost

Identical to the base card

Short cycle


Evolution ability

When moving, Evo Knight gains a shield that reduces incoming damage from all sources by 60%. The shield disappears when a unit comes within Evo Knight's attack range.

Evo Knight came out a month after the release of Evo Skeletons, and like its predecessor, it has quickly cemented itself as one of the best Evolution cards to grace the arena. Prior to development, the base Knight was used in only a handful of decks Clash Royale. But when Evo came out, it quickly replaced Valkyrie, Dark Prince, and Mini-Pekka as the best mini tank card in the game.

The damage blocking shield that Evo Knight comes with is deceptively strong. If he goes into a lane, even an Inferno Dragon can't kill him unless he attacks other troops. You can use Evo Knight to pull air troops to another lane against a lava dog or balloon deck.

As a mini-tank, Evo Knight can put a lot of pressure on the opponent if he tanks for something like Goblins or Evo Skeletons.

Evo Knight is also good against siege or Sparky decks as it can take a lot of damage when you place it on your side of the bridge. Against big beatdown decks, put it behind the enemy's win condition to distract any support troops they use while also distracting the tank with your defensive builds.

Hello Pekka


Elixir cost


Stat Boost

Identical to the base card

Short cycle


Evolution ability

Whenever Evo Pekka deals the deathblow to a troop or building, it heals 1/10 of its original HP. It also gains extra health if it is already at max HP.

The Hello Pekka is a recent release that entered the arena just last month with Season 63 Fight Night alongside Evo Mega Knight. While Evo Mega Knight is also a decent Evo card, it's not on the same level as Evo Pekka. Its Evo ability is unlike anything else in the game, and it's one of the most broken evolution cards you can unlock right now.

The base Pekka card has massive damage and HP, but its biggest weakness is that it is easily distracted. Due to its slow movement and attack speed, it already has low HP when it kills something. Against a decent player who knows what he's doing, it's pretty much impossible to get Pekka on the tower.

Evo Pekka solves that problem to some extent. The healing effect makes Evo Pekka a much bigger threat than the base version. Your opponents can no longer counter it with Skeletons as Pekka will heal them. Goblins are also ineffective for the same reason.

Evo Tesla


Elixir cost


Stat Boost

Identical to the base card

Short cycle


Evolution ability

When Evo Tesla appears, it creates a pulse of electricity that stuns and damages a large AOE around it. The effect reactivates when Evo Tesla is killed or times out.

Evo Tesla was the first build card to get the Evo treatment Clash Royale. When it first came out, it was extremely broken, allowing players to defend massive pushes with only four elixirs. While nerfs have tamed it a bit, in the right hands, it's still one of the strongest cards in the game.

Tesla was always a decent defensive build, doing respectable damage and hiding under the arena to avoid spell damage when no enemy troops were around. But players still preferred to use an Inferno Tower or Bomb Tower because they just dealt more damage and had more HP.

Evo Tesla will always create a damaging pulse when attacking.

With the Evo upgrade, Evo Tesla usage saw a steep rise. The damaging pulse can not only damage enemy troops, but it can also apply a reset, making it an excellent counter to cards like Mighty Miner, Inferno Dragon, or even the X-Bow decks in the meta.

Evo Bomber

Clash royale evo bomber

Elixir cost


Stat Boost

Identical to the base card

Short cycle


Evolution ability

Evo Bomber's attacks bounce twice behind the original target.

Bomber is not a card that was used in many decks Clash Royale. Aside from a handful of Golem decks, nobody really cared about the card. Everything changed once Evo Bomber walked into Clash Royale arena. For only two elixirs, this card offers an insane level of damage.

The unique effect of Evo Bomber allows you to use it as a secondary win condition in your deck. You can use the card with Golem decks, Goblin Drill decks, or even Hog ​​bike decks, offensively and defensively. His attacks have a good splash radius, and the damage output is also quite impressive for such a cheap squad.

Evo Bomber is usually paired with a Tornado to line up shots on enemy towers.

The card has been nerfed a lot, but it's still a decent card in today's meta, fitting in with many decks used in the top tier. It doesn't die to Zap or The Log, meaning your enemies have to use arrows to take it out or play it safe when you put an Evo Bomber on the field.

Evo Royal is recruiting


Elixir cost


Stat Boost

Identical to the base card

Short cycle


Evolution ability

When the shield of an Evo Royal Recruits is knocked off, the unit starts charging after moving 1.5 tiles, dealing double damage to the first unit it hits.

Royal recruits is one of the most annoying cards to face Clash Royaleeven without its development. This is the best card in the game when it comes to applying double lane pressure and the charge effect from the Evo variant can be extremely punishing on your opponent if they slip up on defense.

The biggest strength of this evolution card is its unique evolution cycle. This means that every other Royal Recruit you deploy will be the Evo variant. Once the game reaches the double elixir stage and you keep cycling one Evo Royal Recruit after another, it will be extremely tiring for the opponent to defend against your attacks.

All six Evo Royal Recruits gain the Charge ability.

Despite being such an excellent evolution card, Evo Royal Recruits only fits in with specific decks designed around it. As such, you want to be careful about what cards you place in your deck if you want to get consistent wins with this card.

Evolution cards add a lot of dynamism Clash Royaleand every time a new Evo comes out the methane changes drastically. People are trying new combinations and finding interesting ways to use the evolution cards in their own deck variations. This is what does Clash Royale such a fun game to play!

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