Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero has had the advantage of inheriting an extremely passionate fan base. Considering Dragon Balls status as a Shōnen fighting manga, it is almost impossible to avoid discussions of power scaling. Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero features characters from throughout the show's history, and that fact alone has taken fans' arguments to the next level.
Many of these arguments are all fun, and this latest match is certainly no different. There is currently a discussion going on among Dragon Ball fans debating the power of Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta and Base Cabba. This is a meme caused by the sheer absurdity of the escalation Dragon Ballbut the reality of this match-up could be very interesting.

How to unlock every character in Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO
There are 47 unlockable characters in Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO, most of which can be acquired in a variety of ways.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Fans Spark hilarious debate over an unlikely rivalry
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero has playable Anime Power Scaling
Power levels were introduced in Dragon Ball Zand has sparked fierce debate among fans ever since. While the power levels themselves have hardly remained relevant in canon, the actual scale of the battles in the series has only grown over time. Proving who is the strongest has always been at the center of Dragon Ballso it's no wonder this debate would start sooner or later.
Thanks to the severe power gap between some characters in canon, one would assume so Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero would have a hard time balancing characters in the game. Ironically, developers approached this problem by seemingly embracing it. Instead of trying to balance so many wildly different combatants, playable characters are designed to reflect the level of power and fighting ability they displayed in the anime itself.
The lead developer has gone so far as to say that players win with relatively weak fighters, especially if they are matched against much more powerful opponents. This is a good enough solution, although it does raise an important question as to why fans can't stop talking about a match-up between one of the strongest characters in Dragon Balland one of the most impressively unremarkable.
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta and Cabba are at opposite ends of Dragon Ball
Gogeta's first ever appearance was in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborna tie-in movie where he faced off against Janemba. Gogeta reappeared Dragon Ball GTwhich is also where Super Saiyan 4 debuted. Super Saiyan 4 is largely considered non-canon, as are most movie characters. In fact, Gogeta is a rare exception thanks to his appearance in Dragon Ball Super: Broly. As a fusion of Goku and Vegeta, rival protagonists in Dragon BallGogeta often represents the ceiling of power itself.
However, few characters leave less of an impression than Cabba. Cabba was under an early arc in Dragon Ball Super and became relevant once again during the acclaimed Tournament of Power. Cabba comes from an alternate universe and exists as something of an alternate variant of Vegeta. Despite this comparison, Cabba is definitely a background character, and even his most redeeming qualities rarely outshine any of the other Universe 6 fighters.

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero's Season Pass Explained
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero is absolutely massive in every sense of the word, and its Season Pass helps take the game's scale to even greater heights.
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero's most unbalanced battle has a surprising winner
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero provides a definitive answer to an unlikely match-up
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero includes GT and movie characters, despite their non-canon status. Given its status as the latest major entry in the series, it's no wonder that Dragon Ball Super also gets a certain weight. Thanks to the ridiculous power escalation inherent in the Dragon Ballthese two segments of the series invite many fun comparisons.
There are two ways to resolve an argument about which character would win in a fight. The first relies on lore, using only objective feats a character has accomplished, and facts other characters have made about them. The second method is based on narrative, meaning what the author reasonably wants their audience to assume about a character's strength.
The real winner of Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's most unbalanced battle
Transformations in Dragon Ball are multipliers of a fighter's base power, not benchmarks per se. Fusion works on a similar principle, by simply combining the power of both fighters involved. For example, Goku is usually considered significantly stronger than Goten or Trunks. Even if the two fused into Gotenks, and even if they turned into Super Saiyan 3, Goku would still wipe the floor with them. Facts about both transformations and fusions can be used to reveal the true winner of this battle.
Shortly after his introduction, Vegeta tells Cabba that the two are about equal in power while in their base forms. Although Vegeta can easily wipe the floor with Cabba thanks to his transformations, this simple comparison is impressive to the point of absurdity. At the time, Vegeta was considered to be about as powerful as Goku was when he first unleashed Super Saiyan God. Similarly, the gap between Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan God is shown to be much larger than the transition from 3 to 4.
In terms of power scaling, Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT are on completely different levels. The discrepancies between the two series, along with Vegeta's statement, make a solid case for Cabba far exceeding the power of SSJ4 Gogeta. However, the narrative presentation quite obviously forces the fight in the opposite direction. When Gogeta was canonized in Dragon Ball Superit was immediately obvious that he is an order of magnitude stronger than his GT counterpart, let alone Cabba.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero seem to agree with this narrative, contrary to the admittedly hilarious counterargument. Kicking Zeros power hierarchy is meant to reflect canonical power levels, and this seems to further clarify where the game stands in this debate. Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta is one of the strongest characters in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zerobut the same cannot exactly be said for Base Cabba. Although Cabba's devoted fans may have lost this time, they will surely remain strong in the fight against Dragon Ball's the top layers.