IN Dragon Ball: Sparking ZeroAt the beginning of time, players are still working hard to get through the different modes of the game. Being the named successor of the famous Budokai Tenkaichi series back on PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii, Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero needed to make sure it was the whole package, and it seems to have succeeded. Custom Battle alone would be a new feature with a lot of value for more creativity Dragon Ball fans, though Kicking Zeros online offering has also proven surprisingly fleshed out and capable of hosting competitive play.
Many other modes are on the table, like the regular ones Dragon Ball Tournaments, which are more varied than ever, or the Gallery mode, which comes with an encyclopedia more filled with comments than its equivalent in Budokai Tenkaichi 3. But the first mode that will draw most players' eyes is Episode Battle, Dragon Ball: Sparking Zeros resident story mode. Starting with Goku, players can unlock up to eight different character episodes focusing on the battles and potential new decisions made by pivotal Dragon Ball sign. Overall, it's an impressive feature, but one episode feels like it drags the rest down.

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's Best What If reveals the roster's biggest blind spot
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero introduces an original character during Gohan's Sparking Episode, and it would be a shame if they don't become playable.
Goku Black's Unusual Sparking Zero Story Explained
Five of the eight episodes focus on the main members of the Z Fighters, they are Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo and Future Trunks. The remaining three are given to Frieza, Goku Black and Jiren, and already one question comes into focus. While most of these protagonists participate in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super Sagas, Goku Black and Jiren are only in one Super Story each. Being the respective untouchable antagonists of the sagas, they also only participate in a few fights, and Goku Black has it even worse than Jiren in that regard.
Even Jiren's episode surpasses Goku Black's
While Jiren has different challengers through the Tournament of Power, and a Sparking Episode that gives him even more, Goku Black doesn't share the same luxury. Goku Black only fights four or five battles on the way to his endings, and a couple of endings are split between different paths thanks to overlapping circumstances. Jiren may have two paths to two easy endings, but his Sparking Episode route at least provides a rare reference to Dragon Ball Super manga, and its corresponding ending gives him some character development. The Goku Black episode barely does anything to justify its existence.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero could have done a lot better than Goku Black's story
After punching through some of the Kicking Zeros hardest late game content for such paltry rewards, it's fair to question why Goku Black's episode is even in the game. One of the coolest things Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero do with Goku Black as a concept being in a Gohan Sparking Episode instead, and Goku Black's story arc being pretty much disconnected from the Tournament of Power that everyone else, even Future Trunks in another Sparking Episode, is in. As much of a disservice as it would be to one of Dragon Ball Supers prominent villains, Kicking Zero probably should have switched Goku Black's episode with something else.
What characters could have had better episodes than Goku Black
Past Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi titles give some candidates, like Raditz and Zarbon, and Krillin has enough fights to fill an episode, but the best choice is Majin Buu. Although Buu is sidelined for the most part Dragon Ball Supera Sparking Episode could easily see him make it to the Tournament of Power instead of Frieza, and that's just the beginning. Evil Buu gets more screen time, Super Buu revisits some of his “what if” absorptions from Budokai 2and also Uub starts a surprise Dragon Ball GT arc could have formed one of Dragon Ball: Sparking Zeros best character episode, and should take priority over another Goku Black chapter if the Episode Battles format returns.