There is 26 strange pictures in Silent Hill 2 (2024), and these strange Polaroid collectibles will add further obscure context to James' journey through the town of Silent Hill. To find all the strange pictures in Silent Hill 2players must complete each chapter, and only then will they claim the Pieces of Unarranged trophy that will help their library with collectibles and achievements.

Silent Hill 2 Remake: All Glimpses of the Past Locations (Echoes Trophy)
With 26 glimpses of the past to discover in the Silent Hill 2 remake, players can check here to find them all.
With some collectibles in Silent Hill 2 since it's of the missed variety, it's best to look here to find all 26 strange photos in the order they appear from the beginning of the game right through to the end, to ensure that no stone has been left unturned to discover them all.
South Vale (East) – All weird photos
Weird Photo #1 – I've been happy
Crosses through Sander's Street and Neely Street, opposite Neely's Barplayers can find one Silent Hill Fresh Meats shop. Simply break the glass in the viewing area and pick up first weird picture.
Weird Photo #2 – So many people here!
On Katz Street right by Wood Side Apartmentsthe second strange picture can be found next to a pile of trash and some wooden boards.
Wood Side Apartments – All Weird Photos
Weird Photo #3 – Valentine's Day
When players can, enter Room 102 and pick up third strange picture which will rest on food tray next to the TV.
Weird Photo #4 – Career's Humble Beginnings
Finding the gun is essential to developing the Wood Side Apartments, and eventually players will go to apartment 212where a balcony can be covered enter room 210. Inside room 210, the the ledge of the taped-over window holding fourth strange picture.
Blue Creek Apartments – all the weird photos
Weird Photo #5 – Forever Together
After a cutscene with Angela and after receiving the key to resilience, players can unlock the southern corridor in 1F where they will be able to go through room 101 and go down a flight of stairs. At bottom of the stairs on the right will be fifth strange picture.
Weird Photo #6 – How Time Flies
After completing the clock puzzle in room 212, the room will have changed to a more dilapidated state, and players can enter side room in room 212 to find sixth strange picture on the ground to the right.
South Vale (West) – All weird photos
Weird Photo #7 – So Far From Home
After meeting Maria on the West Side of South Vale, go to Rosewater Park where seventh strange picture will rest on seating area on the left of the map.
Weird Photo #8 – Did it!
Go through Nathan Avenue and look left to discover Octanis Fuels. Behind this building is a car that can be interacted with get a Garage Jack Lever. Take this key item to the building opposite Jack's Inn and Baldwin Mansion and use it for raise the garage door. Inside on a red toolbox will be eighth strange picture.
Weird Photo #9 – Ready to Kill It!
When James and Maria enter the The night of heaven adult bar, the ninth strange picture is found in dressing room by the wall of mirrors.
Weird photo #10 – Church entrance
A small cutscene with Maria and James takes place in Moonlight Grove. After, turn around and go through South side of Moonlight Grove to find tenth strange picture placed on top of the stone by a fountain next to a bench.
Weird Photo #11 – Best Taste!
After a cutscene with Eddie in the Reverie Theater, players will want to enter movie chairs behind him where on a chair it will be eleventh strange picture.
Brookhaven Hospital – All the Weird Photos
Weird Photo #12 – Her Drawings
In Brookhaven Hospital 2F, players can enter the Nurses Station to enter the back right corner and use a crawl space that takes them to room L3, which leads them to the observation room. Inside the observation roomthe twelfth strange picture will be on the white desk.
Weird Photo #13 – At least she was there
After entering the Doctor's Lounge and obtaining the keyboard combo note, players should be able to go down to Brookhaven Hospital 1F, where Exam room 1 will be open. Inside, a blue box can be opened to reveal thirteenth strange picture.
Weird Photo #14 – Nobody Knows
Now that players are in the Otherworld version of Brookhaven Hospital, they must go up to 2F where they can enter the observation room and find fourteenth strange picture inside a bed box in C5.
Weird Photo #15 – They Don't Know
After meeting Maria in the Otherworld version of Brookhaven Hospital, go to Pool area in 1F, and i upper left corner (when looking at the map) there will be fifteenth strange picture next to the life ring.
Weird Photo #16 – They're here
After escaping from Pyramid Head, players will now be in the Otherworld version of South Vale. Players must run through this area until they reach the East Side of South Vale. When you do, go to Lucky Jade Restaurant on Katz Street. Now go to the parked car, smash the driver's side windowand pick up sixteenth picture waiting inside.
Historical Society – All Weird Photos
Weird Photo #17 – The New Clock
Inside The ground floor of the historical societyplayers will want to stick with left the room and discover a display cabinet which must be smashed to obtain seventeenth strange picture Inside.
Toluca Prison – All Weird Photos
Weird Photo #18 – Four months to go
After accessing the Serpent section of the Death Row map, players will want to solve the witness room generator puzzle which will unlock all the cells. Players will want to enter cell E1 and destroy the breakable wall to access more E cells. The one they are looking for is Cell E13where eighteenth strange picture is on a shelf.
Weird Photo #19 – The old man is always prepared
Access the Eyeless Boar door through the scale and weight puzzle, then go left inside Warehouse departmentwhere nineteenth image will be waiting for them on a desk.
Labyrinth – all weird photos
Weird photo #20 – The whole world before us
Using the rotating cube to get to the desolate area, players will want to progress until they reach the flooded level that will have them enter a hunt with the Pyramid Head. The chase room is a hexagon and players want to run to right side of the room to climb the ladder (listed as VI on the map) at the top of the stairs in the next room is twentieth strange picture on a cloth-covered desk.
Weird Photo #21 – Your Best Friend
After completing the desolate area and returning to the maze center, players will want to use rotating cube to make a face appear with the symbols on the left and right scratched out. Enter the cube and down the stairs and behind them will be twenty first strange photo.
Weird Photo #22 – Road Trip!
After the Eddie boss fight, players will want to exit the building and keep to the path on the right. They will then find twenty second strange photo by a wall next to the stairs.
Lakeview Hotel – all the weird photos
Weird Photo #23 – Aftermath…
The twenty-third strange photo is inside one bed box in room 104 of Lakeview Hotel 1F.
Weird Photo #24 – Better Leave…
After entering the The staff section later in the Lakeview Hotel chapter players will want to get the Venus Tears Bar Key and then enter the Venus Tears Bar. Inside takes them to the basement area where they can find twenty-fourth strange picture on bar shelf with all liquor bottles.
Weird Photo #25 – Still can't get it right
After watching the cutscene involving James and Laura, players will want to enter Room 302 at the end of the corridor and move the metal cart out of the way to enter bathroom the door it blocked. Inside is twenty-fifth strange picture in the sink.
Strange Photo #26 – Form compels the mind
The last strange image can be found after the boss fight with 2 Pyramid Heads and after leaving the long corridor narrated by Maria. After leaving the long corridor, turn right and follow the path to find twenty-sixth strange picture on the floor.