Fantastic Neo Dimension is a JRPG that captures the nostalgic essence of classic RPGs with a modern twist. Developed by Mistwalkerit features diorama-style environments and a turn-based battle system reminiscent of the legendary Final Fantasy titles of Square Enix. The game's blend of traditional mechanics with innovative features such as Dimengeonwhich stores random encounters, sets it apart while still maintaining a classic RPG feel.
Sick mother is the first side quest that players will encounter. While not lengthy, it does involve specific dialogue choices to progress. This guide contains the necessary steps to complete the quest and earn its reward, a valuable Iron Key.

Fantasian Neo Dimension: How to get Iron Keys
In Fantasian Neo Dimension you will come across locked chests that require an iron key to open them.
Sick Mother Side Quest Walkthrough In Fantasian Neo Dimension
The first of many side quests is called Sick Mother, which begins when you return to Sv – New district after China join your party. You will come across a sick woman who is asking for help in finding her son, who has reportedly run away. Follow Mountain Path connects to En to reach En – Old District, and go to Owen's shop. To the left of the residence you will find the boy standing next to Mechteria.
During the conversation with him, choose the following dialog options:
Afterwards, return to the mother to complete the side quest and get 1 Iron Key as a reward.
Keep in mind that you will often encounter enemies along the way until you get the Dimengeon, which stores them in an alternate dimension.