Path of exile 2 should “steal” a fate 2 the final form idea


  • Path of Exile 2 should consider adding Destiny 2's exotic class articles for more powerful and interesting buildings.

  • Unique articles with dual pmerk can increase built diversity on the way for exile 2.

  • Introduce combined unique into the game can revitalize some unique objects currently subpar.

It's been almost two months since Road for exile 2 First was launched in early access, and so far the game is already in a good state overall. It is very likely that GGG will continue to polish and update the game as the months go by, possibly even release a new league with an economy update for all players to join, and the next update can be a few weeks away. Although the game already has more pressing things to deal with, there is a new addition that Road for exile 2 could take advantage of, and that would be an interesting function Destiny 2 is included in the final form expansion.

Destiny 2 and Road for exile 2 is undoubtedly very different titles, but they share looter elements that affect both the type of articles that players can find and how affecting these can be in a given building. Road for exile 2Unique articles are not different from Destiny 2Exotic with regard to concepts, although the former has no limit to how many unique objects can be included in a building, while the latter limits exotic to a weapon and a armor. In the final form, Destiny 2 Added exotic class articles that combine the effect of two exotics into one, which is a powerful and interesting function Road for exile 2 could take advantage of.


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Why Path of Exile 2 should add Destiny 2's exotic class articles

Destiny 2Exotic class articles became very popular when they came out, and this is because the limit for an exotic armor can make these two-in-one items very strong. The concept is quite simple, as the exotic class articles take one or more parts of a given exotic benefits and combine them with another exotic benefits. This can work very well in Road for exile 2But it must be carefully adapted.

Given that Road for exile 2Unique articles are not limited to an overall, but rather players can use all unique they want, this system should have both advantages and disadvantages. There are many ways to do this:

  • Road for exile 2 Builds can be limited to a unique object that combines different unique into one, making it harder to abuse the function
  • Unique items combined into one may have some restrictions, such as just merge the effects of two items from the same track or take specific object sites, such as amulet, call or belt

  • Another option may be to make these articles have substantial requirements, ranging from high attributes to even making them class -specific

How Dual-Perk Unique items can work in Path of Exile 2

Inventory and Plund screen in the way for exile 2, showcase gear and a one-handed MACE choice

All in all, there is a good chance that the introduction of this concept in the game can work in some way, and that would be interesting for some reasons. One of them would be to build diversity, as the alternatives can be almost intended based on how these articles would work. Many unique is considered subpares in the game, and they can easily be overshadowed by Somes in Road for exile 2Postage, but combining two existing unique into one can create some powerful and interesting objects.

It remains to be seen whether GGG will assume this idea for its ARPG, especially since buffering of existing unique articles may be the better option to make them more interesting to play at all levels. But combining two unique into one could make for some interesting combinations that would not normally be possible if both articles were originally in the same place. The only cases where you can duplicate the effects of an existing unique or use unique from the same location are when it is double practicing or when using rings. Still, Destiny 2S The final form expansion made exotic class articles a good choice for many buildings, and it is likely that it Road for exile 2 would find further success with a similar idea.



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M for mature 17+ // blood and gore, nudity, violence

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