Game Rant exclusively reveals ODDROMan unorthodox first-person shooter that truly lives up to the studio's namesake: TeamODD. ODDROM Largely takes place within a series of lucid dreams where the player character is aware that they are dreaming, an understanding that gives the player expanded capabilities during first-person shooter combat and traversal. ODDROM pits players against a staggering array of enemies throughout each dream sequence, along with an equally impressive array of environments and scenarios.
In a roughly four and a half minute long trailer provided to Game Rant, TeamODD highlighted ODDROMs dreamlike visual style, its light-hearted yet action-packed gunplay and a selection of adrenaline-filled traversal sequences. The trailer also features several bullet hell-style boss fights, a handful of enemy types that appear to be homages to games like Fire Ringand a lot of ODDROMs weapons and environmental variation.

8 Most Satisfying First Person Shooters
The key to a great first-person shooter is powerful, satisfying gunplay, and these games made that their first priority.
ODDRooM's dream sequences keep players guessing
The trailer begins with the player being in a mansion, being greeted by a strange cat-like creature, and then setting off through one of the many glowing doors towards a dream sequence. The mansion is a hub area for players between missions, allowing them to decide which dream to tackle next. In a way it is similar to Peach's Castle i Super Mario 64and it seems that these “dream doors” are gradually being unlocked in a similar way.
TeamODD then pops right into the game and shows off ODDROMs whimsical take on otherwise punchy and fast-paced first-person shooters. Bullet effects are accentuated with comical speech bubbles like “Splat!” and “Kill!” which brings to mind classic shooters such as XIII. At death, enemies occasionally explode confetti along with a festive Duke Nukem-style voice line. The player is also shown unleashing comically powerful uppercuts with his legs, sending enemies into low Earth orbit. The same legs are used for slides, wall runs and huge leaps, which demonstrates ODDROMs acrobatic movement. It's an action-packed, hyper-violent shooter that replaces gore with TeamODD's quirky humor.
ODDROM wears absurdity on its sleeve.
ODDROMs enemies and environments stole the show in this trailer, with a dizzying variety of themes due to ODDROMs dream sequence setting. In one scene, the player pulls the face down a cyberpunk skyscraper, while in another they throw pumpkin bombs at rabbit monsters in a dimly lit fantasy dungeon. ODDROM wears absurdity on its sleeve, and there seem to be some nods to other franchises. A prominent example was enemies that strongly resemble Fire Ring's Living Jars, while other attackers bear a strong resemblance to Changes Typhon. Based on what was shown in the short trailer, it's safe to say that TeamODD has dreamed up a memorable experience for shooter fans.
ODDROM is currently in development for PC.