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Using map objectives to get souls
Deadlock is a game that focuses on hero abilities and map objectives. Ideally, you are tasked with eliminating enemy patrons and anyone who gets in your way. Usually, when players take on these objectives, souls are automatically collected without them even realizing it.

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Everything you need to know to become a pro at Deadlock.
But it's always better to pay attention to where and how you can collect the most souls, as it will help you improve your hero's abilities and stats by purchasing relevant items from the Curiosity Shop. Also, it's sometimes better to save souls for late game items instead of spending them early in the game.
Deadlock is in alpha, so everything in this guide is subject to change in the future.
How to grow souls?
Souls are Deadlock's primary economy and act as a way for you to buy goods throughout the course of the game. Doing so ensures that your hero is well equipped and has all the active/passive items they need to maximize their damage, vitality and abilities.
The easiest way until peasant souls are over eliminate enemy minions. You'll find them in every lane, and all you have to do is make sure you get the last hit.”
You can wait for your companions to damage them enough until the minion's vitality is at a minimum or take care of all the damage yourself. However, you need to make sure you get the last hit.
Now, here's the most important thing – Soul Orbs. You only get half the souls when you eliminate a minion unless you also shoot Soul Orbs comes out of them.
They are little green blobs that float away like souls leaving their bodies. This mechanic makes collecting souls a little more fun, although it takes some practice to get used to.
ten minute mark
has gone
minions don't give souls
after getting the last hit. That's when you will need
focus on getting Soul Orbs
more often.
In addition, you can reap higher rewards by eliminating mini-bosses on the map protecting each lane and enemy territory. Some of these are quite difficult to eliminate and will need the combined effort of the team. Treat them like an enemy hero and use all your might when planning your attack. Also keep an eye out for opponents defending their lane.
Enemy type |
Souls |
Guardian from Tier 1 Tower |
275 |
Walkers from Tier 2 Tower |
750 |
Twin Guardians from Tier 3 Tower |
No |
Two shrines at one base |
500 |
Cartridge (first phase) |
500 |
As you earn souls through the different stages of the game, what you invest in will become increasingly important. Early on you can buy cheaper items (for 500 souls), but as you progress you will spend more than 5000 souls on items.
Please read the item descriptions carefully before making a purchase. After all, you don't want to regret getting certain things!
To get that last hit sometimes it is
best to approach an enemy
rather than relying on your weapon's ammo.
Using map objectives to get souls
Other than farming souls from minions like you usually do, there are many map objectives you can find in hopes of getting more souls. This is crucial if you want to jungle and earn resources.
In addition to souls, these objectives also give you rewards that can help you and your friends progress through the game more efficiently.
Name |
Spawn Time |
Reward |
Amount on the card |
Mid-Boss |
Ten minutes |
Rejuvenator |
A |
Sinner's Sacrifice |
Ten minutes |
200 souls |
Four |
Rune/Powerup Buff |
Ten minutes |
Temporary buff |
Two |
The soul urn |
25% bonus souls |
A |
While it is possible to earn these rewards all by yourself, it is recommended that you communicate your goals (via voice or text chat) before entering. You can also let your team know about your activities by simply clicking on the mini map. Since rewards are earned individually, there is no question of players unfairly splitting earned souls.
Communicating your farming intentions can help allies stay aware. They might even accompany you and make the task feel easier.
Finally, while earning souls is a fundamental part of Deadlock, money is not the most important thing in the world. Well, at least not in Deadlock. As you practice and build your playstyle over time, your favorite heroes will begin to earn more eliminations, and gaining souls will eventually become a passive activity.
Farm as much as you can during the early stages of the game can be a good call, as it allows you to invest in useful items early on. Then, upgrading your character can help you fight mini-bosses and powerful enemy heroes, which in turn makes it easier to buy and earn important resources towards the late game.

Deadlock: Rejuvenator, Explained
Here's what you need to know about the Rejuvenator in Deadlock.