Despite being released more than a decade ago, 7 days to die is drawing in a record number of players due to its recent stream of high-quality updates. Many new players download the game. When loading for the first time, it can be a little overwhelming knowing what to do and where to go.
Everything in the game wants to kill you. Players must keep an eye out for enemies, traps, environmental hazards and more. One thing that every player will encounter at some point is infection. That's where honey comes in. This guide will go over everything there is to know about this valuable and tasty treat.

7 Best Places to Loot in 7 Days to Die
Players looking for valuable loot in 7 Days to Die may want to check out the following locations.
What does honey do?
Honey does two main things: it replenishes the player's hunger level and cures infections.
Cure infections with honey
No matter how careful you are, you are bound to get infected at some point. Pretty much every enemy in the game has a chance to infect you with the zombie virus every time they land a successful hit. Once you are infected, a percentage bar will appear in the bottom corner of the screen. This percentage will gradually increase until the infection is treated. Should the percentage reach 100%, you will die.
Although the rate at which the infection progresses is quite slow, it increases every time you are hit by an enemy. So if you discover an infection halfway through clearing a difficult POI, you can expect the infection to worsen rapidly as you clear the rest of the site. Honey reduces your infection rate by 5%. This effect stacks, meaning that if you consume two jars of honey, your infection will be reduced by a total of 10%.
Curing an infection does not happen immediately. When you take a cure, the infection icon at the bottom of the screen turns white and the number starts ticking down. If the icon returns to an orange color, it means your course has run out and your infection is slowly growing again. Honey is the lowest quality of the infection cure; but it's also the easiest to get hold of. The other remedies are herbal antibiotics and antibiotics.
Honey As Food
As mentioned, honey also helps fill the player's hunger bar. By default, consuming honey will give the player 8 food and 3 health. While this can be helpful in a pinch, it's best to save honey for treating infections.
Honey can also be used to craft Grandpa's Great Sauce, a special potion that gives you better trade rates for 3 minutes. Although you can buy this drink from merchants and from vending machines, it is quite expensive to buy. Plus, you get a 10% trade-in discount if you craft Grandpa's Awesome Sauce. To make it, you need the following:
1 jar of honey
50 Dukes
5 mushrooms
10 petrol cans
1 ear of super corn
Get honey from tree stumps
The main way to get honey is from tree stumps, which are mainly found in pine forest and snow biomes. When it breaks down, you get wood from the tree stump. There is a 20% chance to get some honey when the stump is completely destroyed. That percentage doubles to 40% if the stump is located within the boundary of a POI/Point of Interest. The best POI to visit to collect honey is Journey's End Nursing Home, as there are usually multiple tree stumps within the POI's boundary.
Get honey from traders
The merchant's inventory is always somewhat random. However, there are two things that determine the type of item a merchant will have: the player's loot stage and the specific merchant. As you progress through the game, your loot stage will go up. You can see your prey stage by checking out the character section and selecting core stats. The higher the loot stage you have, the better quality a merchant will have in their inventory. While honey is not an extremely rare item to find in a merchant's inventory, it is somewhat uncommon for it to be sold during the early stages of the game.
Each merchant varies in what they tend to sell. Trader Regt specializes in food and seeds, meaning he has a slightly higher chance of storing honey. Trader Jen specializes in medicinals, so she also has good opportunities to store honey in her warehouse. It's worth checking with the merchants every few days as their inventory changes quite often.
When you complete a quest for a merchant, there is a small chance of getting honey when you return to the merchant to collect your reward. But you can also get an option to choose a higher quality remedy. Be sure to look at all possible rewards before making a decision.
How to get honey early
It's pretty easy to get honey on day one. With each playthrough, you get a set of challenges to complete. One of the challenges requires you to harvest a total of 5 jars of honey from tree stumps. If you track the challenge, it will mark all nearby tree stumps with an orange marker, making them much easier to spot. If you do this as soon as you complete your initial starter challenges, you can end day one with several jars of honey, which will help you build up a stockpile of infection meds.
Find honey in loot containers
Although it doesn't happen very often, you can find honey in some loot containers. Your game scene and trade scene have a big impact when it comes to the items you find in containers. Also, rank two of the Master Chef skill increases your chances of finding salvageable food in dumpsters. Since honey technically counts as a food item, this skill can be very useful.

7 Days to Die: All food and effects
There are many foods in 7 Days to Die, each offering some handy restoration or additional effects.
Most of the time you will find honey inside Shamway boxes and food piles, which can be found in grocery stores and kitchens. You can also find these containers at the end of a POI as one of the main loot boxes. If you check those loot boxes, invest a few points in Master Chef, and check trash cans, you'll have a pretty impressive honey stock in no time.
A book that increases your chances of finding honey
There are tons of books you can collect and read 7 days to die. Among these books, Wasteland Treasures Volume 1 gives you a small chance to harvest honey from common trees. The chance of getting honey from cutting down a tree is significantly lower than cutting down stumps; But since you need a lot of wood to build and craft, you will be cutting down trees regularly. This book gives you a nice little boost to the amount of honey you'll collect as you progress.

7 days to die
- Released
December 13, 2013
- Developer
The funny pimps
- OpenCritic Rating