Fortnite brings additional mechanics to its design with Chapter 6 Season 1, and players can expect unique surprises that might just change the way they play, and might just make the dub all the easier to claim. Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 brings further innovation to celebrate, and players can now parkour, as well as learn additional secrets within not only combat, but within the game itself and map design.

Fortnite: 6 Best Weapons in Chapter 6 Season 1
Fortnite's best weapons are always incredibly influenced by the current meta, so consider these awesome weapons for your next drop from the battle bus.
There are so many new things in it Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1, and players looking to jump back into Battle Royale can benefit from knowing exactly what they may have missed, and things that might just help them get one step closer to victory.
6 Teleport with the void mask
The Void Mask allows players to sneak around enemies and save allies
The Void Mask is a random drop that everyone should carry in their loadout for a few reasons. While it is not a weapon that deals damage, it is one that is very situational and can definitely save players who are in a bad time. The Void Mask uses Void Tears, where players can use a projectile to land a teleportation point just like an Ender Pearl in Minecraft.
Void Tears are visible, but they don't alert enemies, so players can easily reach enemy teams and flank them with Void Tear. Some players have even been able to place a Void Tear and then use it to escape to safety when there is too much action or when a friend needs to save.
5 Parkour!
A new movement system provides better control over the action
Chapter 6 Season 1 features an animation and motion overhaul of the game, keeping the movement as fresh as ever. Players now have access to some new tricks while moving, on top of the tactical sprint and slide. With Chapter 6 Season 1, players can parkour, vault from wall to wall, and run up ledges to reach higher ground without building.

Fortnite: Every Mythic Weapon in Chapter 6 Season 1
The best mythical weapons in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 will help players prove that they are the ultimate battle royale champion.
Parkour is crucial to the new movement system, and even tuck and roll allows players to absorb fall damage and regain stamina, allowing players to always be on the move with this new movement system.
4 Easy editing
Edit buildings instantly with the touch of a button
Another mechanic for Chapter 6 Season 1 is the Simple Edit tool, something players can find in the build modes of their controllers in the Settings menu. With Simple Edit active, players can edit small segments of their textures that they are looking at directly, instead of having to edit it manually. This allows some quick editing styles to instantly remove parts of walls, floors and stairs for even better build control.
Simple Edit is essential and super easy to implement, so those who love cranking 90s and building wild builds on their opponents will definitely benefit from this system, players should head to their settings menu immediately to try it out before jumping into the map.
3 Canting of weapons
Alternate from 1st person to 3rd person when aiming, and vice versa
Weapon Canting is a unique ability introduced in Chapter 6 Season 1 that allows players to change perspective when aiming their weapon. For those with weapons with a scope, players can hit L3 to see them toggle between scope and bloom, changing perspective from 1st to 3rd person.
This is a great mechanic that players need to be aware of, as not everyone prefers 1st person and not everyone prefers 3rd person. Weapon Canting is just the beginning of the potential for Fortnites first-person mode that has been confirmed but not released.
2 Negate fall damage with Typhoon Blade
Cancel falling damage with air dashes and sword attacks
The Typhoon Blade is a must, and players lucky enough to have one in their inventory will see it as a huge boon for a few reasons. Not only is it cool as anything to run around with a katana on your hip, but it also takes tons of damage with each furious slash and allows players both more stamina and a faster tactical sprint.

Fortnite: All Sprites, Sprite Shines and Their Effects
Sprites are an adorable and rewarding addition to Fortnite in Chapter 6 Season 1, but where can players actually find them, and what do they do?
Still, perhaps the most underutilized feature of the Typhoon Blade is its ability to counter fall damage, as players who are in the air can use an attack move to send themselves hurtling down to the floor without risk of damage. On top of that (it's a bug), players can hot-swap from a weapon to a katana to basically fly across the map.
1 Go invisible with Shogun X's Medallion
Infinite sprint and invisibility are a must
Defeating Shogun X on his floating island after the 4th Storm Circle will drop Shogun X's Medallion, which when equipped will make players invisible while sprinting. It will also make them sprint endlessly, so it's easily the best medallion on the map. Medallions are nothing new to Fortnitethis is definitely worth mentioning for those who haven't picked it up yet.
Players should fight for this medallion, as being able to go invisible and run around undetected will make flanking teams that much easier, and will definitely be an essential piece of equipment when trying to avoid capture.