Helpful Overwatch 2 video shows players how to make Cassidy a vertical hero

Important takeaways

  • Cassidy can be a vertical hero in Overwatch 2, by using Combat Roll strategically.
  • Players can use Cassidy's vertical abilities for tactical advantages and multikills.
  • Use Cassidy's Combat Roll to reach higher places; a useful strategy in Overwatch 2.

A Overwatch 2 fan shares a helpful video that shows the many ways that Cassidy is a vertical hero. Many Overwatch 2 characters are vertically focused like Pharah and D.Va, but some players may not realize that Cassidy is among them.

When Overwatch 2 was released, it added some new characters alongside the heroes from the original game. As Overwatch 2 switched from a 6-player system to 5-player, some of the originals got nerfs and buffs. Among the heroes that received drastic changes were Doomfist, Orisa and Bastion. Damage hero Cassidy also saw changes to his Combat Roll and Deadeye Ultimate Ability, and his Flashbang Grenade was replaced with a magnetic one. As these characters saw some major tweaks, some fans of the first game have struggled to adjust to their new styles. A player has discovered a way to use his abilities to make him a vertically based hero.

Reddit user EdenGLHF recently shared one Overwatch 2 clip highlighting different ways players can use Cassidy's Combat Roll to play vertically. The video begins by showing Overwatch 2 Damage hero near the attacking team's entrance on the Dorado map. The player faces a column leading down the stairs to the nearest door, using the Combat Roll to reach the roof of the main building that the defenders shoot down from. Players will know when they have successfully performed the Vertical Combat Roll when Cassidy jumps to a higher platform upon completion. The montage then shows the player using the same trick on various obstacles to reach high areas in Nepal, Hollywood, Rialto, Route 66, Eichenwalde, and King's Row.

This Overwatch 2 player turns Cassidy into a vertical hero

In addition to reaching higher places in Overwatch 2 maps, this video shows how Cassidy can get out of trouble. The player uses Cassidy's Combat Roll to climb to the second floor from the small room next to the Nepal Sanctum capture point, which has a health pack. A big benefit of getting Cassidy higher is the ability to highlight more enemies with his Deadeye Ultimate ability. Some players below may not expect Cassidy to be in high areas, causing them to scan the default playfield when his dialogue plays. This can result in multiple kills or even team wipe if players effectively use the Combat Roll strategy.

While Cassidy's casting ability doesn't initially seem like it could be used to reach higher places, EdenGLHF's video highlights its potential utility. While this doesn't allow Cassidy to compete with the verticality of Pharah or D.Va, it can help some players gain an advantage over their opponents. As Blizzard updates regularly Overwatch 2this aspect of Cassidy's Combat Roll may become nerfed in the future.

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