Important takeaways
- Bulma – a scientist with a brain and no fighting skills – helps the Z Warriors with her inventions.
- Porunga helps revive important characters by granting wishes and showing his importance.
- Zeno, the Omni King, has immense power, capable of wiping out the universe effortlessly.
Dragon Ball is a beloved battle shonen series that needs no introduction. Goku's humble adventure has been transformed into something completely different, encompassing a host of epic battles where fighters reach new heights of power time and time again.

Dragon Ball: 10 Characters Who Have Destroyed Planets
These Dragon Ball characters have destroyed planets, either by mistake or for the pleasure of sowing destruction.
But the unsung heroes in Dragon Ball are those who don't necessarily raise a hand in battle at all. These characters bring other strengths to the table in the form of their wits, passion, love, or something else along those lines that help them motivate the heroes to save the world.
8 Bulma Panties
A scientist with a fiery personality
- Debut:The Secret of the Dragon Balls (Section 1 of Dragon Ball)
Bulma has been a big part of Dragon Ball from the very first episode, and it's truly impressive that this character has never felt the need to pull a single punch. She is the gifted daughter of a scientist with brains to match and has developed several amazing things throughout the series.
Her ingenious pods have provided the Z Warriors with a place to train and countless meals, among other things. Even after all the developments that have happened in Dragon Ball Since her debut, Bulma continues to impress everyone with her eagerness to work and create scientific inventions that can help the world and its heroes in unique ways time and time again.
7 Porunga
Summoned with the Namekian Dragon Balls
- Debut:The password is Porunga (Section 75 of Dragon Ball Z)
The existence of the Namekian Dragon Balls was a source of great joy to everyone on Earth who believed that their friends could be revived with the ones they had on Earth. But gaining the services of this wish-granting dragon was an uphill battle, considering how Frieza and Vegeta also had their sights set on this dragon.
Thankfully, the heroes managed to summon the dragon Porunga, who granted the wishes required to revive the people who mattered. This dragon also appeared at the end of the Buu Saga, with his desire to restore Goku's energy and save the entire planet from extinction.
6 Zeno
The Omni King who doesn't have to fight to wipe out anything and everything
- Debut:Finally a decision! Is the winner Beerus? Or is it Champa? (Section 40 of Dragon Ball Super)
At first glance, Zeno doesn't seem like a big deal, but that's exactly what creators want their audience to think. The fact that the most powerful being in the multiverse looks and acts like a child betrays his true strength, with this character boasting the ability to wipe out an entire universe at the drop of a hat.

8 Dragon Ball Characters with the Most Defeats
These Dragon Ball characters have suffered more defeats than any other character in the long-running franchise.
This makes it completely trivial for Zeno to engage in a single battle. He doesn't even need to throw a bunch to wipe someone out of existence, especially since a serious blow would probably cause the Omni-King to accidentally tear apart reality itself or create a black hole, among other things.
5 Chi-Chi
Goku's wife who tends to blow up her battle obsessed family a lot
- Debut:The ox king on the fire mountain (Section 7 of Dragon Ball)
There's no denying that Chi-Chi loves her husband, but his obsession with fighting to the death gets to her after a point. She doesn't want her children to develop the same mentality and hates when Goku trains Gohan to fight in battles where her son could lose his life.
This leads to some comical outbursts where Goku gets pulled down a stick by his wife for being so irresponsible. It doesn't help that Goku does anything but make an honest living, forcing Chi-Chi to borrow money from his wealthy father more often than not.
4 Dende
A gifted Namekian who became Earth's new guardian
- Debut:Defy orders (Section 46 of Dragon Ball Z)
Dende was introduced in the Namek Saga as a young Namekian who saw his friends and family brutally killed by Frieza and his lackeys. This brutality traumatizes him, but the Z Warriors make sure he has a place to live with them on Earth.
After Kami fuses with Piccolo, Dende is given the responsibility of being the new Guardian of Earth. He takes this responsibility in stride, creating a new set of Dragon Balls and looking out for the heroes when they need help.
3 King Kai
A divine being who taught Goku the Kaio-ken and Spirit Bomb
- Debut:The End of Snake Way (Section 18 of Dragon Ball Z)
After the fight with Raditz, Goku is sent to heaven and must cross the Snake Way to reach King Kai's planet. This divine being chooses to train Goku after making him pass certain challenges, after which he teaches Goku two of his most iconic techniques.

Dragon Ball: Best Sagas In The Anime Franchise, Ranked
The Dragon Ball franchise has witnessed plenty of interesting sagas that are ingrained in the minds of fans.
Both the Kaio-ken and the Spirit Bomb are used by Goku to great effect throughout the series. At the same time, it is hard to believe that his trainer has never participated in a single battle.
2 Pilaf
Once an emperor, now a source of comic relief
- Debut:The Secret of the Dragon Balls (Section 1 of Dragon Ball)
Pilaf is the first ever antagonist in the series which is perfect for the comedic vibe that Dragon Ball leaning heavily towards early in the series run. The fact that his desire for immortality is thwarted by Oolong's hilarious request makes for one of the funniest moments where a villain fails to achieve his plans.
He imprisons Goku, only for the full moon to turn him into an Oozaru that destroys his so-called kingdom and turns him into a pauper. With the advent of Dragon Ball SuperPilaf and his cronies have been relegated to comic relief who constantly fail to carry out their plans.
1 Shenron
The legendary wish-granting dragon
- Debut:The Secret of the Dragon Balls (Section 1 of Dragon Ball)
The dragon summoned from Earth's Dragon Balls is one of the most iconic characters in the series. Shenron's mysterious presence makes him a fun creature to witness on screen as he makes a rare appearance, granting the wishes the heroes need to realize their plans.
Seeing him sweat after seeing Beerus is an amusing moment and the first time this beloved dragon has shown any signs of nervousness. It hammers home how terrifying the God of Destruction is and is a great example of how Shenron's presence elevates every moment of Dragon Ball where he plays a central role.
Dragon Ball
- Release date
- February 26, 1986
- Studio
- Toei animation
- Creator
- Akira Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z
- Release date
- April 26, 1989
- Studio
- Toei animation
- Creator
- Akira Toriyama
Dragon Ball Super
- Release date
- July 5, 2015
- Studio
- Toei animation
- Creator
- Akira Toriyama