Where to find brown seaweed

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Foraging is one of the many professions you need to train in Fen Research's Brighter shores . It allows you to collect resources from all over Hopeport to make potions and some important cooking recipes, which players can use to regain energy and heal in the game. One of these important ingredients is Brown Kelp.

Brown Kelp is a slimy, beige seaweed that grows in specific areas of Hopeport. Although it is easy to pick up, it can be difficult for some players to get to its location. So this guide will show you where to find brown kelp in Brighter shoreswhich makes foraging a little easier for you.


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Where to find brown kelp in lighter beaches

Players can find Brown Kelp in East Beach and Jellyfish Landing in Brighter shores. The first time you need to collect it is when you create a healing potion for Captain Jal Degreene after a troll attack on Stone Street. To collect Brown Kelp, open your map and head to one of the aforementioned locations. Both are on southwest side of the water, so they are not very far from the training ground.

If you're early in the game and haven't unlocked all the areas, run north through the streets to the Central Waterfront. When you enter new regions, a pop-up window will display the region's name to help you keep track. From Central Waterfront, go right (or south) to West Waterfront. When you get to the end, follow the zigzag path to sea ​​road. East Beach is just to the left of Sea Road, so enter one of the two available passages to reach it.

Landing of jellyfish is really close to East Beach. To get there, take left track from East Beach, which leads you to Seashells Seashore and then Jellyfish Landing.

When you're in one of these places, look for Brown seaweed on the ground. Unlike some other foods, it will be placed on a khaki fabric, similar to a sack. Since Brown Kelp is a level zero foraging item, it requires no advancement in the foraging profession to be picked. When you find it, simply click on it and select the “Forage” option. to add it to your backpack. Each time you do this, you get a brown kelp. It just exists three brown kelp nodes at East Beach and Jellyfish Landing, and after you feed them, they take 60 seconds to resume. This means players can collect a good variety of them for use in the game.

How to use the brown kelp in lighter beaches

brown kelp uses lighter beaches

Brown Kelp is needed to craft basic alchemical potions in Brighter shoresincluding 10% Healing Potion and 20% Healing Potion. It is also an ingredient in 10% Preparation Healing. Players can consume the potions during intense battles with trolls to recover a bit. Those short on cash can also sell them for 450 and 640 gold coins respectively at The Apothecary Shop.

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