Where To Farm Iron And Mechteria Keys In Fantasian: Neo Dimension

As you explore the magical world Fantasia: Neo Dimensionyou will occasionally come across treasure chests of all kinds, but some of them may be locked. These chests require a specific type of key to open and collect the goodies.


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While you will sometimes be awarded different types of keys for completing side quests or other activities, there is a method to getting as many as you want, but it will require some luck. Below we take a look at how to get both Iron and Mechteria Keys.

How to farm iron and mechteria keys

There are more locked chests in the world than disposable keys you get from side quests, so you'll eventually need another source for this item if you want to loot all the world's treasures. Fortunately, there is a way to infinite farm Iron and Mechteria Keys.

These items drop from Key Orblingsa rare enemy that spawns in different locations and drops a different type of key. Here is every type of key.

  • Iron keys: Key Orblings i Southern forest
  • Mechteria Keys: Key Orblings In East Vence

To farm Iron or Mechteria Keys, all you have to do is go to one of these areas and fill up your Dimengeonthen fight the enemies inside. While Key Orblings aren't the most common type of enemy, in a set of 30 in Dimengeon, you can expect to get between three and five to appear, and sometimes even more.

However, be careful, because Key Orblings will flee if not defeated in one turn. If you fight them in Dimengeon you should have more than enough time to take them out, but make sure you focus them down with strong attacks to ensure you receive your key.


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