The strongest gods in Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?

Important takeaways

  • Some of the strongest gods in the “Is it wrong to pick up Girls in a Dungeon?” includes Ganesha, Artemis and Hephaestus.
  • Each god's strength in DanMachi is reflected by the Familia they lead, with gods like Hephaestus wielding powerful influence.
  • Freya, the goddess of love and fertility, is depicted as a ruthless warrior with a sharp intellect in DanMachi.

Is it wrong to pick up Girls in a Dungeon? (or DanMachias it is sometimes called) is a popular anime among isekai fans. The series follows Bell Cranel, an insecure adventurer, and his friends as they take on Orario's challenges. The world of DanMachi ruled by gods who have come to the land of humans and created Familias consisting of various powerful races in a grip on power over the world.


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Bell belongs to Hestia's Familia, one of the lowest ranked gods in the land, but that doesn't deter him from trying his best and striving to become stronger. Behind the scenes, the powerful gods who pull the strings in the city of Orario stand as figureheads, beckoning strong adventurers seeking fame and glory. Here are some of the strongest gods in “Is it wrong to pick up Girls in a Dungeon?”.

Updated December 9, 2024 by Ahmed Rehan Nasir: DanMachi is laced with gods and goddesses who walk alongside their followers in the labyrinth city of Orario. Some have amassed sprawling families of powerful adventurers while others settle for smaller, close-knit families. The strength and number of these families is a reflection of the strength of the gods, although some gods stand as an exception to this rule.

With Season 5 of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon now airing, the ranking of Orario's Gods and Goddesses has changed. This list has been updated with a few more entries to reflect the current status of the strongest gods in Orario.

12 Ganesha

The Hindu god of wisdom and strength

ganesha danmashi is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon

First appearance

DanMachi Episode 2 “Monster Feria”



Ganesha is a hardy and powerful god with a loud and boisterous attitude who wears the mask of a tusked pig. Quite often he acts carefree and a bit self-absorbed, but has a strong reputation among his fellow gods. Ganesha constantly calls out his name to announce his arrival or to just say his name in general, so that others will rejoice.

Although he can be a bit light-hearted at times, Ganesha can take a more serious approach to protect his Familia and innocent lives. He is the leader of one of the largest Familias in Orario, which gives him considerable influence. Not many gods are willing to cross him, but Ganesha's peaceful personality makes him a friend to all.

11 Apollo

A lustful deity

apollo picking up girls in a dungeon is wrong

First appearance

DanMachi II Episode 1 “Party”



Apollo is the makeshift father to the members of his Familia. While his outward exterior is kind and gentle, he is actually quite perverted and pig-headed. He displays compulsive personality traits when something or, more likely, someone catches his interest, resulting in backhanded tactics to get what he wants.

Despite his faults, Apollo is still a God and leader of one of the most prominent Familias in Orario. Apollo doesn't have much power, but he can be a dangerous foe if crossed. He is often praised for his intellect and tactical prowess, matched only by his arrogance.

10 Ishtar

A jealous goddess of love

First appearance

DanMachi II Episode 6 “Ishtar Familia”



Ishtar is a fertility goddess and owner of the entertainment district of Orario. She held a tight grip on a large portion of the profits of Orario, giving her great influence and power over other gods. The only rival Ishtar had was the goddess Freya, whom she constantly tried to dethrone, even going so far as to kidnap Bell Cranel to weaken her position.

Unfortunately for Ishtar, she was defeated by Freya and Bell was freed. But Ishtar's Familia was made up of mighty warriors, some of the strongest in Orario, and their loyalty to Ishtar illuminated her own strength.

9 Ares

God of war

ares danmachi

First appearance

DanMachi II Episode 11 “Rakia”



Ares is a special case when it comes to the gods in DanMachi. While highly revered by the mortals who worship him and the members of his Familia, Ares has an unfortunate reputation among his fellow gods. As the personification of battle, Ares is the god of war and loves to wage war against kingdoms at random.


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Unfortunately, Ares makes Orario the target of his obsession on several occasions, declaring war on the kingdom, which he quickly loses each time. This has led to Ares being described as a meathead who is more brawn than brains for the most part.

8 Artemis

Goddess of fertility

artemis danmachi

First appearance

DanMachi Arrow of Orion



Artemis was a strict and devoted leader who cared for her Familia more than most gods. Unfortunately, Artemis was discouraged by love and forbade her Familia members to engage in romance.

While she has a very intense exterior persona, Artemis is a kind and easy-going god who is not afraid to stand up for her Familia against all odds. Artemis is highly respected among her fellow gods, and is even praised by Freya. Artemis had the Aracnum, the most powerful arrow in the sky capable of catastrophic destruction.

7 Hestia

Goddess of the hearth

First appearance

DanMachi Episode 1 “Bell Cranel”



Hestia is a beloved goddess in Orario but also possesses one of the smallest Familias in the kingdom. Hestia is a charismatic young god but can also be stubborn, hot-headed and clumsy, which gets her into trouble and in debt most of the time.

Hestia does not excel in battle and has no brilliant physical attributes. Also, Hestia doesn't fare well against intellectual gods like Freya or Loki. But Hestia can be cunning and puts her full faith in Bell leading the way to victory when the chips are down.

6 Hephaestus

The God of Smithing

First appearance

DanMachi Episode 2 “Mosnter Feria”



Hephaestus is known as the goddess of blacksmithing and is Orario's best blacksmith. Her blades are known beyond the Labyrinth City itself, and any blade that bears the insignia of the Hephaestus Familia is considered a coveted and highly sought after weapon. Although Hephaestus' expertise in blacksmithing and weapon-making makes her a powerful god, her overall influence is still much weaker compared to other gods and goddesses.

Despite her role as a mere blacksmith in DanMachi, Hephaestus has played a significant role in driving the story forward. From forging the famous Hestia Blade to even lending his children to Hestia's familia, Hephaestus has stayed by Bell and Hestia's side until the end.

5 Hermes

Messenger of Zeus in Orario

First appearance

DanMachi Episode 2 “Monster Feria”



Hermes is a very aloof god, withdrawn from front line politics and bickering between his divine brothers. But behind the scenes, Hermes is a cunning villain who has his fingers in many pies of mischief in the town of Orario.

Although Hermes appears to be helpful, he never does anything that does not increase his position or strengthen his advantage. All gods are aware of Hermes' true personality and are careful to keep their cards close to their chest when dealing with him, making him a major threat not to be taken lightly.

4 Loki

Trickster Goddess

loki picking up girls in a dungeon is wrong

First appearance

DanMachi Episode 1 “Bell Cranel”



Loki is the leader of the second most powerful Familia in Orario. She is a brilliant tactician and confident leader. Although Loki doesn't have much experience in the combat department, she is an expert at thwarting any plot against her simply by using her intellect as a weapon.

Loki is the only partner that Freya and her Familia recognize as an equal. The Loki Familia is hailed as the most powerful Familia in the city and stands on equal footing with the Freya Familia, with the two often keeping each other in check. Loki's only downfall is her drinking, which always gets her into trouble or leads to her being taken advantage of.

3 Ouranos

The primeval god

First appearance

DanMachi III Episode 1 “Vienna”



Ouranos, known as the primordial god, was the first god to descend from heaven and live among humans. He was the pioneer of the current family system DanMachias he was the very first god to bestow upon his followers the Fallen. As the primordial god and founder of the guild, Ouranos is undoubtedly one of the strongest gods in the DanMachi.


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Since Ouranos watches over Orario from his altar, his strength has never been witnessed in action. But the stories of his power and his status as overseer of divinity on Orario attest to his divine power. Ouranos lives up to his true mythology, as he is based on Uranus, the primordial god of the sky who gave birth to hundreds of divine beings.

2 Freya

Goddess of love and fertility

First appearance

DanMachi Episode 1 “Bell Cranel”



The goddess Freya serves as more than just the series' secret antagonist; she is also the most influential and powerful goddess in the land of man. Thanks to her sharp intellect and magical skill, she can easily get everything she wants and take the rest.

Freya is far from arrogant and never underestimates her opponents. But she is a ruthless warrior, having destroyed the entire Ishtar Familia and sent Ishtar back to heaven for interfering with her relationship with Bell. Freya's obsession with adventurers draws her to the Bell Cranel. Although he cannot be charmed, she longs for the day when he matures into a mighty warrior so that she can claim him for herself.

1 Zeus

A God among gods

Zues picking up girls in a dungeon is wrong

First appearance

DanMachi Manga Chapter 35 “Holy War Breaks Out”



Zeus was once the leader of the most powerful Familia in the land of man. His strength was unmatched and his skill as a fighter rivaled only by his perversity. Zeus and his Familia perished after facing the one-eyed black dragon, which left them permanently weakened, forcing them to retreat or return to heaven.

Zeus is also secretly the grandfather of Bell Cranel, whom he raised as a child before, for unknown reasons, faking his death. Zeus is the most powerful of the gods, and if he were to repeat his position, it would upset the delicate balance within Orario as well as the rest of the world.


Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon

Release date
April 4, 2015


Fujino Omori

Japanese title
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka

Number of episodes
67 (8 – Season 5)

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