Like two different Pokemon games, Pokemon TCG Pocket's Space-Time Smackdown has two packages with its own exclusive Pokemon. This can make it a difficult decision to make when choosing which packaging to open during the package's opening time. So why should you go with dialga?

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Dialga Pack has some of the most devastating cards in terms of abilities and injuries. Some improve their types to raise their place in methane, while others open the door to strategies that can put your opponent in bindings that they could never expect. So what cards do dialga pack so satisfactory to open?
A surprisingly good mental card that comes from Dialga Pack is Dusknoir. If you have ever had your favorite ex Pokémon get full of holes after resisting an almost fatal attack from your opponent, don't sweat it. Dusknoir can help.
It does this by using Shadow Void, which sucks up all the damage from your other Pokémon as long as Dusknoir is somewhere in the field. It can also do this for several Pokémon in a tour, as long as you do it one by one.
A massive headache
Do not underestimate fossil Pokémon. Space-time Smackdown's Dialga Pack gives you access to the skull fossil, which will eventually become Rampardos. This Pokemon has a devastating attack that handles 130 damage to only one energy.

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Can the turn of a single coin really decide a match? With these powerful features, almost certainly.
The only downside to using Head Smash is that you take 50 damage if you manage to knock out your opponent's pokemon. But if it helps you get points faster, it is well worth the risk, especially when the recoil does not close Rampardos immediately.
The ultimate fighting ability
Lucario may not be an ex Pokémon, but its ability makes all other battle in the game better on its own. While Lucario is in the field, all your types of combat automatically receive a 20-damage buff every time they attack.
This can even turn basic Pokémon into nightmares for your opponent. This ability is not only powerful, but it is also flexible, as it is active if Lucario is hidden in the bench or fights in the active location. It is also stacking with another Lucario.
Pachirisu ex
Better than Pikachu?
Can Pachirisu ex really surpass the biggest metahot from genetic top? Pachirisu ex is almost identical to Pikachu ex. Both have 120 hp, a feature that costs two electrical energy and a retreat cost for one. They are also both basic ex Pokemon.

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These basic Pokémon have some fantastic attacks and do not lose two points at a time.
So what makes Pachirisu ex so much better? Instead of needing a full bench to reach its maximum potential, all Pachirisu ex -needs are a Pokemon tool. When equipped, sparkling gadget can do 80 damage. It can make ten less than Pikachu, but not to trust Pokémon on the bench is a big plus.
Darkrai ex
Darkness and injury
Darkrai Ex is one of two dark-type ex Pokemon introduced in Space-Time Smackdown. What makes this card so good is that it can handle damage without even being in the field thanks to its ability.
Each time you attach a dark energy, you get 20 damage to your opponent's active Pokémon. This is useful in so many ways, ranging from getting preemptive damage to your opponent or even ending them so that their next Pokemon takes full damage from your upcoming attack for the turn.
Giant Card
A protective tool
In Pokemon TCG Pocket Meta, even another 20 hp can tilt the balance between victory and defeat. However, there is a significant difference between healing 20 hp and simply having 20 credits to begin with. This is where Giant Cape comes in.

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Here are the best Pokémon types in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
This Pokemon tool makes all Pokémon that carry it just a little longer. This gives it the chance to survive a move that would normally knock it out in a tour. As a Pokemon tool, you will use this card will not consume your use of a supporter, and if your Pokemon manages to live a new tour, it may attack again.
Pokemon communication
Replace what you don't need
One of the biggest grips with development strategies is that you can sometimes hit a wall when you get a step two Pokémon but need it in between before you can actually use it. Pokemon communication is essentially a trade where the brick goes back to the tire and you get a random Pokemon back.
This trade is not reserved for Basic Pokemon. You can get everything back, whether it is a basic, scene one, two or even an ex pokemon. If you know how to thin your tire, you can improve your chances that Pokemon communication works for you.
The shipping pile Finally
One feature that does not receive as much attention in the Pokémon TCG pocket is the use of the disposal pile as a resource. Volkner breaks this trend by allowing you to attach two electrical energy from your disposal high to either an electivire or a luxray.

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The perfect supporter cards can change how your tire is played. We rank every supporter card in the game.
Given that the Pokemon TCG pocket has no energy cards, it was assumed that energy simply disappeared when a card was knocked out. Volkner sets the trend for the mobile game as one of the fastest ways to get back electrical energy that you have generated and lost.
Keep the energy in motion
What can an energy do? Most types that have an energy acceleration method usually agree with their own type. Most other cards that let you move energy around have specific restrictions for which cards can be favored. But not dawn.
Dawn lets you move a single energy from one Pokémon to another. This creates a two -card combination where a Pokémon can generate the energy while Dawn moves it to a Pokémon you want to attack. It can also be used as a resource management system where a Pokémon will be eliminated, and you want to use its energy elsewhere before it goes.
Dialga ex
Strategic and game change
Dialga ex is not just one of the two faces in the Space-Time Smackdown set, but it is extremely powerful due to its energy acceleration. Dialga ex just wants to spit out steel energy to all Pokémon behind it on the bench.
With zero restrictions for which Pokémon can use the energy, this also helps colorless Pokémon to reach new heights. Dialga can also attack with a major impact when you are ready to spread energy for a decent 100 damage. This is an incredible move if you get it from Dialga Pack.