The music from its secret plane explained

Revenge of the Savage PlanetMusical points immediately remind players that they have been stranded on a foreign planet. The sound is lush and down to earth, filled with banjo's twang and acoustic guitars. But as soon as players hit the bizarre inner world of Revenge of the wild planet Secret fifth plane, things change. The sound gets more of an electric feel, as if the player is trapped in a giant arcade or pinball machine. The choice is a intentional and effective, perfect for the setting.

Game Rant recently spoke to Revenge of the Savage Planet Sound Director Cameron Jarvis about how the music developed for the fifth planet, which was recently revealed to players via a short teaser trailer. “It felt like a natural decision to make a pivot away from the rest of the game's music to give it a really sharp contrast,” Jarvis revealed and described the harder, electric sound.


Revenge of the Savage Planet Developers Talking Creating New Contributing Bizarre Critters

The Revenge of the Savage Planet will contain even more bizarre creatures to interact with than the previous game, Journey to the Savage Planet.

The music contributes to the planet's artificial feeling

The original Travel to the wild planet Only one planet to explore, but Revenge have five. The first four are outdoors, lush and natural, with different biomas including forests, hills, plains and more. But the fifth planet has indoor areas, called “shrines” by the team, which differs from everything that previously seen in The game plane.

Suitable also has various sounding music, centered around electric rather than acoustic instruments to create an overall “artificial” feeling that remains in “shrines”.

“In the shrine, we let our composer cut off with their walls of synths and brought a lot of hard, bright sounding electric guitar sounds. This not only gave it a cool, unique vibe, but also meshed good with our idea of ​​the shrines to be a whole artificial addition to this (mostly) untouched foreign star system.

The effect is a successful one. The music, which would not feel in its place in a game that Cyberpunk 2077The Leaves players who feel constantly on the edge as they explore deeper and deeper. The fifth planet is filled with secrets, maybe even contain the answers to all Revenge of the wild planet Biggest mysteries – and a lot of danger too. It is just right that an sometimes optimistic, sometimes scrubbing, sometimes sinister synth/electric guitar-heavy soundtrack should follow players on their journey.

Revenge of the Savage Planet Tag Cover

Revenge of the Savage Planet is a positive, satirical action adventure sci-fi. Jump, shoot and gather over lively foreign worlds, reveal new tools and upgrades, while discovering various hidden secrets.

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