The Most Valuable Exodia Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Exodia is one of the most iconic monsters in all of Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise. From the first time Yugi put all five pieces together and demolished Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon, being able to replicate the same effect in the game has always felt exciting.


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This monster can get quite expensive due to how iconic the cards are, but also the fact that you need five of them to make it work. There are also some valuable cards that make Exodia a powerhouse in the metagame. If you want to beat your opponent with the ultimate flex of skill and rarity, there's also a way to build the most expensive Exodia of all time.

Card values ​​reflect those found on TCG and may change over time.


Millennium Ankh Quarter Century Secret Rare $45.69

To call the forbidden

Millennium Ankh Quarter Century Secret Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

The biggest problem with Exodia decks is that most of the time there isn't a useful Exodia monster to spawn. The Infinite Forbidden set of the TCG changed this by introducing a Fusion version of Exodia that could be produced with the power of the Millennium Ankh.

This Spell card already looks great, but it looks even more mysterious in a rare quarter-century print. With this card, you can summon The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate in style by revealing the five Exodia pieces to your opponent.


The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate $56.99

Dazzling and unstoppable

The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate Quarter Century Secret Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate is an interesting take on the legendary monster as it also takes some notes from both the manga and anime. Summoning it requires the Millennium Ankh, and it is only as powerful as the player wielding it.


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Just like the manga, it will drain your life essence, or in this case, life points by 1000 during each of your Standby phases. It then gains attack depending on how much you have left. So anything that will increase your life points will only make this monster stronger. This quarter-century print is in The Infinite Forbidden Set.


Left Leg Of The Forbidden One Starlight Rare $93.86

A puzzle piece

Left Leg Of The Forbidden One Starlight Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge includes every piece of Exodia as part of the starlight rare lineup. This gives the cards a premium look that sparkles on both the card art and the card body. This makes them easy to spot when you pull one from a pack because they stand out.

If you're planning on building an Exodia with only the most expensive parts, this is one of the easier cards to get a matching set of. Regardless, having all five pieces as starlight rares is a nice flex due to how hard they are to pull.


Right Arm Of The Forbidden One Starlight Rare $105.64

A good right hook

Right Arm of the Forbidden Starlight Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

Right Arm of the Forbidden One is the second piece released in Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge which is a starlight rare. Again, it's very easy to spot but hard to actually find in a pack.


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Dark Magician Girl, Blue-Eyes White Dragon and more get Quarter Century rare cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Quarter Century Bonanza.

This is another starlight rare that you have to rule out if you really want to build the most expensive Exodia because there is a much rarer print. Retro cards that get rare hits are always nice and none deserve the premium treatment more than the Exodia pieces.


Left Arm Of The Forbidden One Starlight Rare $107.56

An expensive left hand

Left Arm of the Forbidden One Starlight Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

If you want to give your opponent the old one-two, you're going to need a left hand. The Left Hand of the Forbidden One can be found as a rare star in Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge.

It wouldn't be the same if you didn't have everything in matching rarity. For collectors, this means getting the right coloring, foiling and fixed identification numbers. That's how you can really achieve the perfect Exodia, although getting them all can be a bit expensive.


Right Leg Of The Forbidden One Starlight Rare $130.03

Good thing you only need one

Right Leg of the Forbidden Starlight Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

Give your Exodia an extra kick in the rarity department with the inclusion of a Right Leg of the Forbidden One from the Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge set. This Starlight Rare can do the same thing as a regular print, but it's that extra shine that makes it all worthwhile.


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Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Quarter Century secret rares are expensive, but maybe not as much as you might think.

The good thing about the more expensive Exodia pieces is that you only want one of each. So unlike other cards where you need three to have a playset at max rarity, just one will do the trick. This is the case even before the cards became limited.


Exodia The Forbidden One Dark Duel Stories $200.60

A unique find

Exodia The Forbidden One Dark Duel Stories Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

Dark Duel Stories for the Game Boy Color was released with two sets of three cards. The most popular set includes Dark Magician, Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Exodia the Forbidden One. These were all printed as prismatic secret rares.

Of course, it is difficult to find a copy of this in good condition. So much so that unsealed copies of the game can be expensive just for the trading cards inside. That's why it's always good to keep promo cards even if you don't have to open multiple drawers to find it.


Exodia The Forbidden One $262.96

Don't lose your head

Exodia the Forbidden One Starlight Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

Your pieces of Exodia wouldn't do anything unless you have a copy of Exodia the Forbidden One. This is the card that has the text that explains the alternative win condition. This special head is the final piece of the puzzle from the Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge set.


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While not the most expensive Exodia set, this is the rarest you can go before pieces become harder to find. The main advantage of getting them from Crystal Revenge is that they were reprinted in a set rather than an elusive booster pack.


Left leg of the banned $299.95

Get your friends in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Left Leg of Forbidden One GX Ultimate Starter Pack Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy was released in 2006 and a special pack gave players everything they needed to learn how to play the game. This includes a copy of the game for the Game Boy Advance, an instructional DVD, a starter deck, some booster packs based on Chazz Princeton and Jaden Yuki, as well as a complete set of Exodia cards.

But this also makes these Exodia cards hard to find. Finding them used is hard enough, getting them graded is an even tougher task to accomplish even for the leftist in the Forbidden.


Right Arm of the Outlaw $349.99

Selling an arm and a leg

Right Arm of the Forbidden One GX Ultimate Starter Pack Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card Art.

You have to sell an arm and a leg to get the Right Arm of the Forbidden One from the GX Ultimate Beginner Pack. Although most of these were given away as gifts, very few are now in good condition.

After all, trading cards were meant to be played with and even rare cards are no exception when you first get them as a kid. It's not until years later that you realize what an amazing find you had. If you're lucky, you might just find a few of these cards in your binder after never realizing that this is the card everyone wants.


Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: 10 Best Exodia Cards

Learn all about the best Exodia cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!

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