The best weapons in Sword Of Convallaria

In Sword of Convallaria, you are the leader of a group of mercenaries whose job it is to manage the builds and strategies of your crew on the field. That includes making sure they are well equipped with the right weapon for the job. The fragile peace of Iria depends on your tactics and custom troops.


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There are five different types of weapons to equip your menagerie of heroes, each suited to their specialty, and can be obtained through quest rewards or forged in the Spirals of Fate. Weapons can then be upgraded to have higher strength once you have access to Elysium.

10 Whale hunter

The legendary Whale Hunter Bow in Sword of Convallaria.






After dealing DMG with single-target active attacks, one wins 50-100% chance to cause [Infection] on the target, which can be triggered up to 1 time per round. Deals 20% more DMG to enemies [Infection].

The Whale Hunter is a formidable weapon that is effective against enemies from a distance. Along with dealing huge amounts of damage to targets, it can trigger the infectious disease along with damaging enemies that are already affected,

A great character to equip this bow with is Faycal, an archer who comes fairly early in your adventure. His attributes and skills, which become more expansive with each promotion, can increase the overall effectiveness of the Whale Hunter's unique abilities.

9 Brutal Axe

The legendary brutal ax in Sword of Convallaria.






Increases HP by 3-10%. When attacking, if the enemy's HP percentage is higher than the character's, is ignored 20-40% of target's DEF.

The brutal ax is a vicious weapon that can tip the balance in a tactical battle. When your unit encounters an enemy that has better health than them, their defenses are significantly interrupted, causing each land to be hit harder until the balance is broken.

Ax-wielding mercenaries like Alexei, Rawiyah, and Magnus can equally benefit from their own attributes and skills that can decimate enemies with this ax weapon. The skills that work best are skills that take full advantage of the percentage health differences, like Alexei's Fight to the Death, Magnus's Resolve, and Rawiyah's Guardian's Heart.

8 Dueling dagger

The epic dueling dagger in Sword of Convallaria.






When attacked from [front or side]P.DEF increases by 5-25%.

The Dueling Daggers are a great full-frontal attack weapon that can make it pretty easy for sword wielders to stay on the front lines. The sword has an incredibly high attack power and the defense you can have increases significantly when your unit encounters enemies on the front or side.


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Garcia's sword skills are ideal for this weapon. Her trait, Execution, allows her to deal even more damage with each of her stacked turns. Her other skills that can increase the effectiveness of this weapon include Counter Attack, Lone Ranger, and Spinning Blade. All of these help in one way or another to completely decimate and hold enemies where they are most vulnerable.

7 Starry Sky Heritage

The Legacy of the Legendary Starry Sky in Sword of Convallaria.






Increases HP by 5-10%. Grants bonus M.ATK equal to 3-6% HP at start of battle.

Wizards tend to be fairly sensitive units in a combat situation, with health gauges that are generally low. Starry Sky Heritage ensures that these units will get tons of boosts to their health along with gaining magical attack bonuses.

Sorceress Beryl has several skills and spells that increase the capabilities of this weapon. Her character trait, “I'm a genius!” ensuring that she already has an increasing increase in magical attack power. With the Starry Sky Heritage, she would be incredibly powerful.

6 Sharp Spear

The epic sharp spear in Sword of Convallaria.






When actively attacking enemies with 3 or more [Debuffs]P.ATK increases by 3-15%.

This spear is effective against enemies that have already been weakened by multiple debuffs. It pairs well when you have other units that can deliver debilitating ailments to enemies.

Gloria and her Flag of Justice trait make great companions for this spear due to the multiple attacks she has against multiple enemies.

5 Senator Swift Sword

The legendary Senator Swift Sword in Sword of Convallaria.






Increases HP by 3-15%. After dealing DMG with single target attacks, adds [▼Move I] on the target for 1 turn

The Senator Swift Sword is a fast and elegant sword suitable for scouting and cutting down weakened enemies.


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NonoWill is the perfect scout/rogue whose skills match this weapon's skill set. She could jump past obstacles, use her viel to sneak up on enemies to attack, and retreat after an attack. Once she unlocks her Triple Slash skill, scouting and taking out isolated threats becomes easy.

4 Formidable axe

The epic formidable ax in Sword of Convallaria.






When attacking from [Highland]Crit increases by 5-25%.

The formidable ax is a formidable weapon that can take any dangerous enemy unit down a notch or two. Taking full advantage of this axe's critical damage boost means having your best Breaker units on high ground.

Rawiyah is the fearsome founder and leader of the Sword of Convallaria. Her skill and special ability Bottoms Up gives her a relative increase in attack power and several other special bonuses from recovering health. Other abilities she has that make the formidable ax a good weapon for her are Gale Breach, Fatal Attack, and Gale Spin Attack.

3 Antimagic axe

The epic anti-magic ax in Sword of Convallaria.






After actively attacking and dealing with DMG, one has 60-100% chance to dispel 1-2 [Buff] on the target. cd: 2-1 turns.

Engraved with beautiful runes of protection, this ax is excellent against mages and enemies that specialize in magic. It provides natural protection against the effects of nullification spells while allowing them to weather any magical augments that enemies would apply to themselves.

Guzman, the monstrous armor brought to life by Tranquillo. This darklight monster of obsidian armor has multiple skills and his Undead Corpse trait, which gives him immunity to the debuffs that lower his resolve. Guzman's skills, Earthshaker, Survival Instinct and Lives Devouring. Everyone is wild for magical opponents and those who can try to weaken him with debuffs.

2 Double headed halberd

The legendary double-headed halberd in Sword of Convallaria.






Increases P.ATK by 5%. For each target hit when attacking, the DMG increases by 3-8%, up to 9-24%.

This spear is great for taking on multiple enemies and the increase in damage percentage can bring down their numbers in an instant. This weapon is made to attack multiple targets during attacks and the attack boosts depend on each one that is hit.

Leonide, Bishop Cari's high-ranking Beam Guard, has several special traits and abilities that work best with this weapon. Several choices include the all-out pike thrust, Fearless Charge, and Charge Stance to prepare the attacks.

1 Guardian's will

The Legendary Guardian's Will in Sword of Convallaria.






Increases HP by 5-10%. When you have [Shield]increases DEF by 20-40%, and reduces DMG taken 0-10%.

A powerful sword that provides your best shields and defenses. The Guardian's Will increases the health and defense of shield bearers and reduces the percentage of damage your armored units take. This sword is perfect for a rear guard strategy, for protecting main units or points of interest, or for pushing through various enemy positions.

Teadon, a senior knight in the Roland family, has a special character trait that complements the abilities of the guardian's will. Battle-Tested Shield ensures you use the block actions while staying alert for multiple turns. It also greatly increases attack damage, making Teadon a formidable juggernaut with this sword.


August 1, 2024



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