The best chaos and tracks in Sonic Speed ​​Simulator

Roblox Sonic Speed ​​Simulator lets you run around the areas you've come to know and love from previous Sonic titles, collecting rings and leveling up to increase your speed.


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To help you on your journey, you can find hundreds of different Chao and Trails that increase your stats and give you unique bonuses. With so many Chao and Trails to choose from, you might be wondering: which are the best?

What is Chao And Trails

The Freinds and Trails sign, where you can get Chao and Trails from vending machines in the Green Hill Zone, in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator

Chao are cute little creatures and have a variety of characteristics and colors that set them apart. In Sonic Speed ​​Simulator, they serve as pets you can float around your character as you run through the areas, and they give you bonuses in certain stats.

Trails work similarly, as they also give you bonuses in statsand a track is just that – a track that follows you as you speed at the speed of sound.

At a time, you can equip up to three Chao (up to five if you buy the +2 Pet Slots game pass), and a trace.

Chao and Trails can be level up with rings and red star rings, up to level 25 – every fifth level will require a number of red star rings depending on the level of Chao or Trail.

What are statistics

The stats of Chocola in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

Chao and Trails can increase up to three different statistics:

  • XP – reinforcement how much XP per Chaos Orb you get.
  • Calls – changes the value of a ring when picked up from the ground.
  • Damage – boost your damage against bosses and enemies.

While some will only increase one or two of these stats, most Chao and Trails come in the mid to late game reinforce all three to some degree.

Aside from this, both Chao and Trails can have special bonus stats:

  • Magnet – allows you to pick up objects from the ground from further away.
  • Stamina – so you can boost longer.
  • Luck – to increase your the chance to become legendary Chao and tracks from vending machines.
  • Events – to increase how much progress you get in Events.
  • Air – increases how long you can spend underwater for non-robot characters.

What are fast friends

Cream Fast Friend, strike a sweet pose in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

Fast Friends is an alternative to Chao that takes best statistics of all your Chao and rolls them up into a pet.

For example, if you had a Chao with +20 rings and +10 XP, and another Chao with +10 rings and +20 XP, the fast friend will just take the best stats from each Chaogiving it +20 rings and +20 XP.

This works across your entire stock of Chaoso very quickly the pursuit of the best Chao in each stat becomes important.

Because of how Fast Friends works, you're going to want the best of you every basic statas bonus stats do not count against the Fast Friends stats.

What are the best Chao And Trails

A player with the best Chao equipped in front "Friends and tracks" log in to Green Hill, in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

Limited time events can create you Chao and Trails – and these Event-limited Chao and Trails are the best in the game. Once the event ends, the only way to get them is through trade.

Throughout the game you will also find Vending machines which costs either Rings or Red Star Rings to roll for a random Chao or Trail within it. These are always available to youmeaning if you unlocked the world you will always have access to them. This is the only way to consistently gets Chao and Trailsand these are free alternative to the best Chao and Trails in the game too.

The statistics provided are for
level 25 Fused Chao
you must get five
of the listed chaos,
level them all up
to level 25 and
fuse them together
– after which the molten chaos again needs to be
level up to level 25

Best Chao And Trail for XP

A player with Best XP Chao equipped, Metal Sonic 3.0 Omochao, in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

As of XP, the best Chao for this is Metal Sonic 3.0 Omochao. Boast +2.19 million XPit was available during the Metal Overlord Event for 299 Robux. It sometimes rotates to the Robux store for a similar price.

A free option would be Horizon Chaowhich gives you one +1.3 million XP bonus. It is available in a vending machine in the Hill Top Zone, the fifth zone in Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

A player with the best Xp Trail equipped, Emerald Energy Trail, in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

As for trails, the best one is Trail for XP Emerald Energy Trail. It gives one +6.82 million XP bonus, and it was available during the Super Sonic: Powering Up Event for free after completing a mission.

The best option is Chili Dog Trail rewarding +3.25 million XPavailable in a Hill Top Zone vending machine.

Best Chao And Trail For Rings

A player with the best equipped Ring Chao, Summer Sonic Chao, in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

To get the most rings in your relaxed runs at mach speeds we have Summer Sonic Chaoadds +243 462 Calls to every ring you take. It was available during the TMNT Crossover Event for 299 Robux.

The nearest alternative would be Raider Chaoadds +134 542 Calls. It is also available in a vending machine in the Hill Top Zone.

A player with the best Ring Trail equipped, Silver Blur Trail, in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

The best Trail for Rings is Silver Blur Trailadds +502 320 Calls to your sum. It was available in the Super Sonic: Silver's Quest Event and in the Overpowered Silver Event – both times given out for free after completing a mission.

The best option is Chili Dog Trail on +324 305 Callsonce again.

Best Chao And Trail For Damage

A player with the best equipped Damage Chao, Knuckles Chao, in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

The best Chao for Damage is Knuckles Chaoincrease your attack by +8.7 million Damage. It was available in many Knuckles related events and returns often.

The best option is Leek Chao with +5.34 million Damageavailable in a vending machine in, you guessed it, the Hill Top Zone.

A player with the best equipped Damage Trail, Rainbow Star Trail, in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

The best Trail for Damage is Rainbow Star Trail with +22.8 million Damageand was available in the Super Metal Overlord Event for free after completing a mission.

The best option is The gunpowder trail on +19.95 million Damageavailable for free after completing a mission from Captain Dread in Sonic Prime: Dread's Event. This event is permanent, so you can always complete it.

Best Chao And Trails overall

A player with one of the best loadouts in Roblox: Sonic Speed ​​Simulator.

Since Chao and Trails generally excel at only one stat, it's hard to choose which ones to equip all the time.

XP and Damage are not as useful as rings – but more important than these base stats are undoubtedly bonus statistics as some Chao and Trails have to offer.

For this reason, we have compiled a list of notable Chao and Trails that we selected as important to have on hand for various situations.

Here are our picks for the best tracks overall:

  • The best slot for free play players is Chili Dog Trail – It has a very good distribution of statistics, and it is overall best.
  • Gunpowder Trail may not have particularly impressive stats, but its +10 Magnet bonus stat makes picking up rings and chaos orbs so much easier that we recommend it over the Chili Dog Trail unless you have another magnet source.
  • If you have magnet, try to find it though Silver Blur Trail – because not only does it have the highest ring stats, but the gives you +10 Stamina so you can boost for a while longer.

As for the Chao, it gets a bit more complicated, as the Chao themselves aren't the ones you should have equipped all the time. Fast friends are much more importantas these can be further upgraded to increase this max stat beyond what is otherwise possible.

Here are our picks for the best fast friends overall:

  • The most important stat in the game is the Event bonus statas this allows you to complete most events much faster. Events are known to require quite a bit of effort, so for this one we recommend cheese and chocolate – both can be purchased for free after completing permanent events in Green Hill titled Cream's Friends and Chao School respectively. You can only get one of each, and they are not interchangeable.
  • Summer Sonic toy robot is one of the rarest and most valuable fast friends because of that Event statisticsand unlike cheese and chocolate, you can find and equip several. If you can ever trade or buy one for Robux, we recommend it.
  • Magnet and persistence are both useful stats to have when you're not doing events, so try to fill your pet slots with Fast friends who have this bonus statsuch as Toy Robot Tails, Rouge, Silver and Knuckles. There are many fast friends with any of these stats, and it depends on what you are missing from the rest of your build. We recommend focusing on Magnet more, but persistence is also important.
  • Luck isn't useful for general gaming, but is extremely useful when trying to get a specific Chao or Trail from vending machines. For this we recommend Crimson Wisps with +20 Luck when fused, and at level 25. These can be found in the Cyber ​​Station Zone, in one of the vending machines. Ideally, you should get enough of these fill in all your pet slots when rolling vending machines, to have the best chance of getting the Chao and/or Trail you're aiming for.


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