The best cards from OP08 Two Legends in One Piece Card Game

OP08 Two Legends in the One Piece Card Game continues the color black's reign in the meta. With cards like Jack and Who's.Who, all black decks will have a chance to top a major regional tournament.


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That's not to say that there aren't other cards that further support other strategies. Cards like the Blue Ace can support the Marco Leader in this set or even the Blue/Yellow Ace from the Three Brothers Starter Deck. Overall, the set is stacked with excellent cards no matter what player you choose to be.

10 Tony Tony. Chopper

The doctor is in

Tony. Tony.Chopper regular art from OP08 Two Legends.

Not only did the Straw Hat doctor get his own leader in OP08 Two Legends, but Tony Tony Chopper got a host of support cards, one of which was his Drum Kingdom self. This card is great for decks that aim to flood the board with the animal pack, as it will play out animals for free when he comes into play and when he attacks.

Although he may seem overwhelming at first, for decks that can boost their characters, like Roronoa Zoro, or combo decks that aim to play many characters, this Chopper will be an excellent choice.

9 Namie

Finally, some good removal

Nami regular art with egghead outfit from OP08 Two Legends.

Vegapunk from OP06 was a fun life healing deck that stopped opponents with its multiple triggers. While the deck was fun, it lacked removal and its two lives made it weak to rush down decks. With OP08 Nami, the deck becomes a bit more consistent, giving players more card draw, as well as an option that can remove a body from the battlefield.

The only downside is that Nami's trigger doesn't actually let you play her, like most Egghead cards, it just activates her playability when triggered. The card is still great and can help Vegapunk eliminate some serious threats.

8 Charlotte Linlin

Healing for purple decks

Charlotte Linlin regular art from OP08 Two Legends.

Charlotte Linlin is a versatile card that purple decks can use in a pickle. Usually healing life is a gimmick that only yellow decks use, but this purple Charlotte Linlin can be considered an honorary yellow due to its healing effect and psuedo-Katakuri removal.


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It's a big body card that won't see early game, but with leaders like Charlotte Pudding or even Kaido you can quickly ramp to the higher DON!! count, making it easier to overwhelm your opponents with the power of the Four Emperors.

7 Charlotte Pudding

Another ramp tool for purple

Charlotte Pudding regular art character card from OP08 Two Legends.

OP05 Eustass Kid is an excellent card for purple decks that constantly use DON!! minus mechanic. So what if you could get the same effect but a turn earlier? Charlotte Pudding is that card.

Charlotte Pudding is only a 3 cost character and can create excellent combos that won't set you back on the DON!! when using your effects. Unfortunately, she is not a blocker like Eustass Kid, but with 4000 power, she can be used as an attacker should the need arise.

6 Gate gas.D.Ace

Spam the board with fiery grace

Portgas.D.Ace regular art from OP08 Two Legends.

OP08 Marco has an amazing effect that can stack the top of your deck with any card you want, while reducing the power of your opponent's characters. With this OP08 Portgas.D.Ace you can perform some explosive combos that will play the top card of your deck for free, similar to Doflamingo from OP01.

The flexibility of adding cards from your hand for the Ace to play can set up blockers, removal, and multiple bodies coming in for a fiery attack next turn—if your opponent isn't ready, of course.

5 Carrot

Stun your opponent's problem cards

Carrot's regular art from OP08 Two Legends.

Lots of cards have been given the “On Play/When Attacking” treatment. This makes the cards a bit more flexible and can handle more situations, especially with the Blackbeard leader in OP09. The carrot easily takes care of problematic cards with its stun effect.


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Although not as good as jewelry Bonney's leader effect, Carrot has no DON!! requirements and can specifically target big cards, like Jack, that can steamroll their competition in an instant. The minks that write are very niche, but Carrot's effect is generic enough that it can even be played in green combo decks like OP01 Trafalgar Law.

4 Who is. Who

A fully charged 2000 counter

Who's.Who regular art from OP08 Two Legends.

The best, and possibly worst, part about cards with a 2,000 counter is their playability. Many times these counter cards have amazing effects that make you wonder if you should keep them in your hand or play them for their myriad effects.

This is the case with Who's.Who. This card is packed with tools. Removal, discarding cards from hand to set up your trash, great power, and even a trigger that will bypass the cost of the removal. If you play a black deck, this is a must.

3 Black Mary

Is ramping like this very little problematic?

Black Maria regular art from OP08 Two Legends.

Black Maria was the talk of the town as OP08 neared its release. With red/purple Trafalgar Law from the Three Captains Starter Deck as the best deck in the format, players saw Black Maria as one of the cards that should be on the Limited list.

Fortunately for Animal Kingdom fans, Bandai decided to ban the team leader from hitting the consistency piece for Kaido, King, and other purple strategies that could use the powerful ramp that Black Maria can provide players.

2 Silver's Rayleigh

The Pirate King's right hand

Silver's Rayleigh regular art from OP08 Two Legends.

Long gone are the days of red dominance in the One Piece Card Game. Zoro has slowly crept back into the spotlight with the powerful animal build, but most red decks have been kept at bay by blue's excellent removal, and black's constant cost reduction.

With this Rayleigh card, red can stand a chance against the barrage of fast and powerful decks like Rob Lucci. This card is generic enough to be splashed into any power-based red deck, so buying a couple of these isn't the worst idea.

1 Jack

The top that does it all

Jack regular art from OP08 Two Legends.

A lot can be said about Jack. This card is good. Not only is it a great endgame, Jack can remove a three-cost figure every turn, while drawing a card. Remove a three-cost for seven DON!! doesn't seem that great, but black has so many cost reduction effects that removing a big card isn't a problem.

Black mirror matchups are always a toss-up, but Jack is a great card to use because once it's on the board, Jack's cost becomes 11, making it much harder to remove with cost-based effects.


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