Time's strings is a time -limited event in Infinity Nikki It offers different rewards for players. There are a couple of tasks available every day for a total of six days. However, keep in mind that after day 3, instead of the information being available automatically for the next day, includes the remaining days an extra day.
One of the tasks that players need to complete is to take a photo that rides on swirl-a-pony at night, which is easier than some of the other tasks in Infinity Nikki. You simply need to go to a specific location at the fireworks and ask for a ride from an NPC called Carosel.

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How to take a photo that rides on swirl-a-pony at night in Infinity Nikki
The first step would be to go to the fireworks because this is where the whirl-a-pony is located Infinity Nikki. Go to Sizzle & Spark Center Warp Spire and continue northeast to find swirl-a-pony. It is surrounded by beautiful flowers and an NPC stands in front of it. Before you talk to him, Make sure it's at night Because that is what the Strings of Time event demanded specifically. Then, talk to carosel and request a swirl-a-pony trip. He asks if players want to go alone or with everyone, and you can choose one of the option that it does not matter.
After accepting the ride, Nikki will go around in the swirl-a-pony that waving happily. If you look at the upper right corner, there is a Momos camera icon. Press it to go into the camera mode and take a picture. Unlike regular photos, you cannot choose pose, lighting and change other settings when Nikki walks around and is not in the same place.
After taking the picture, players can go to the event menu and open the Strings of Time section to demand their reward, which is 100 melodic harmony. The goal behind the event is to gather as much melodic harmony as possible to unlock the infinite longing in Infinity Nikki. Each level requires a certain number of the event's token, melodic harmony, and players must reach at least Tier 5 to get all the pieces for outfit.
Given all the tasks of the event in Infinity Nikki Rewards 100 melodic harmony and level 5 requires 1600 melodic harmony, stylists would need to complete all available information given daily during the first few days if they want to unlock the endless longing in Infinity Nikki.