ReFantazio conjures up an image from a classic Zelda game

Important takeaways

  • Metaphor: ReFantazio is darker and more medieval than Persona, with betrayal and powerful magic.
  • Iconic and creepy, the moon in Zelda: Majora's Mask is similar to ReFantazio's royal magic.
  • ReFantazio's royal magic spell conjures a giant face in the sky, similar to Majora's Mask's moon, invoking fear.

Metaphor: ReFantazio is one of Atlus' darker games, even more so than any other Persona game released so far. Most of it depends Metaphor: ReFantazios medieval fantasy setting, which inevitably opens the floodgates to things like betrayal, murder, and powerful ancient magic. Indeed, such a magic spell conjures up the same terrible image as one of the best Zelda game ever made.

The moon is one of Zelda: Majora's Masks most memorable images, but not for the most positive reasons. Now, somehow, the same terrifying image from Zelda: Majora's Mask have found in Metaphor: ReFantazio through King Hythlodaeus V's royal magic.


Metaphor: ReFantazio's Leon Strohl is the game's Breakout Star

Of all the characters in Metaphor: ReFantazio, Leon Strohl is arguably the best because of his kindness, compassion, strength, and leadership.

The moon from Zelda: Majora's Mask is one of its creepiest images

While The Legend of Zelda has seen plenty of dark and often titillating moments, there may never have been anything more willing to sing itself into the minds of players than the Moon from Zelda: Majora's Mask. The horrific face characterized by bloodshot eyes and clenched teeth, a face that looks bent on vengeance and unstoppable destruction, is not easily forgotten, to the extent that the 24-year-old's image is still featured in Zelda-centered discussions to this day. The moon alone is one of the reasons Zelda: Majora's Mask considered one of the darkest The Legend of Zelda game ever made, and rightfully so.

Before the events of Zelda: Majora's MaskSkull Kid stole Majora's Mask from the Happy Mask Salesman, not realizing what it was. Soon, Majora's Mask possessed Skull Kid and began using him to do its bidding, including sending the Moon slowly drifting towards Clock Town. Shortly after Link arrives in Termina, he learns that he only has 72 hours to stop the moon from wiping out all of Termina. As the days progress Zelda: Majora's Maskplayers can witness the moon grow larger as it moves closer and closer to Clock Town, and each day the face of the moon becomes more and more nightmarish to look at.

No official explanation has ever been given as to why
Zelda: Majora's Mask
's Moon has a face, other than it's likely that the moon always had a face long before the game's story begins.

Metaphor: ReFantazio's royal magic is eerily reminiscent of the moon from Zelda: Majora's Mask

The events in Metaphor: ReFantazio are instituted with the death of King Hythlodaeus V at the hands of Louis Guiabern. Shortly thereafter, the royal magic spell is cast, causing the royal palace to float into the sky with a giant, ghostly image of the king's face looking down below. According to Parable lore, the royal magic is a powerful magic passed down through generations of euchronic kings, a magic invoked through a special lighter known as the Royal Scepter. With the royal sceptre, euchronic kings can have anything they desire. In the case of King Hythlodaeus V, he wanted to ensure that the next king was chosen democratically rather than by birthright or circumstance.

While the king's face is not a moon like the giant's face i Zelda: Majora's Mask is, the two bear a striking resemblance and evoke the same fear that has permanently etched itself into Zelda history. Although still terrifying, one of the king's eyes is normal. The other, however, has the faces of those who are currently being considered by the populace to inherit the late king's throne. The mouth of this face does not have teeth like the moon has in it Zelda: Majora's Maskbut the orange glow emanating from it is still remarkably eerie. The two are so similar that it would be surprising to learn Zelda: Majora's Mask's Moon was not an inspiration for Parables Royal Magic spell.

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