Important takeaways
- Using powers creatively can make fights more memorable and exciting.
- Techniques like Galactic Donut and Solar Flare provide unique advantages in battle.
- Time-Skip and Body Change offer strategic ways to gain the upper hand against powerful foes.
In a series full of enormous powers and astonishing transformations, it's easy to forget that some of Dragon BallThe most iconic moments come in the form of the most creative powers that heroes and villains unleash in battle. Seeing these characters use powers in unique ways is a great way to break up the monotony of fights that mostly involve endless punch rushes and ki attacks.
Some of the best attacks in Dragon Ball are the ones that were used in ways that fans wouldn't have imagined. This eccentric use of one's superpowers makes it clear why these attacks are so memorable.

The 5 Smartest Dragon Ball Characters, Ranked
Trying to decide who is the smartest Dragon Ball character is tricky, as the main contenders for the title specialize in very different areas.
8 Galactic Monk
Yellow Rings Of Energy Binding A Target
- Famous users: Gotenks
- Anime Debut: “Super Moves of Gotenks” (Episode 258 of Dragon Ball Z)
Gotenks is one of the dumbest fighters in the series, despite being quite strong in his own right. The fact that he was able to take the fight to Super Buu is a good example of what made him so terrifying. But having the mind of a child was not good for a fighter's killing instinct.
As a result, some of Gotenk's powers can be quite childish, but they are creative. A good example is the Galactic Donut, where this fused fighter uses rings made of ki to bind an opponent and leave them vulnerable to a humiliating series of attacks.
7 Energy land mine
Traps made with Ki
- Famous users: Goku
- Anime Debut: “Body, Soul and Power Unleash! Goku and Vegeta!” (Section 123 of Dragon Ball Super)
Jiren is one of the most powerful fighters in the Dragon Ball Superand Goku had to pull out every trick in his arsenal to try and gain an advantage on this foe. This involved a ki trap that fans would see for the first time in the series.
By focusing his energy, Goku was able to set up energy landmines that can be detonated and cause serious damage. But for a fighter as powerful as Jiren, these traps were nothing more than an annoyance, and he had no problem with them.
6 Feet Kamehameha
An innovative way for Goku to take to the air
- Famous users: Goku
- Anime Debut: “Goku's Trap” (Episode 146 of Dragon Ball)
During his fight against Piccolo Jr. in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku was sent plummeting to the ground after a damaging blow by this enemy. But he had a surprise up his sleeve that no one could have expected.

The 8 most mysterious characters in Dragon Ball
There are many characters in the Dragon Ball franchise, but there are some that viewers know very little about.
Charging his ki into his feet, Goku unleashed a Kamehameha from his feet that allowed him to rise up and land a powerful double punch on Piccolo. Since he hadn't shown the power of flight before this point, this was a smart solution for the Saiyan to turn the tables on his powerful foe.
5 Body change
Changing bodies always provides creative scenarios
- Famous users: Captain Ginyu
- Anime Debut: “Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku” (Episode 71 of Dragon Ball Z)
Captain Ginyu may be one of the silliest characters in the series, but that shouldn't take anything away from the power he wields in battle. But when fighting an enemy with superior strength, Ginyu has a trick up his sleeve to turn the tide of battle in an instant.
He can use Body Change to replace his physical frame with a superior fighter to become more powerful. However, this Body Change prevents him from drawing out the maximum potential of a fighter, which can be a major disadvantage if his tricks are figured out.
4 Sunflame
A good way to distract enemies and let them escape
- Famous users: Tien Shinhan, Son Goku, Krillin, Cell, Master Roshi, Future Trunks, Future Gohan
- Anime Debut: “Stepping Down” (episode 94 of Dragon Ball)
Ever since Tien used this technique for the first time in Dragon BallSolar Flare is a recurring tech that fans can't get enough of. There's something about this distracting technique that makes it a joy to witness in the series. The one used emits a burst of light, stunning and sometimes blinding opponents.
Most Z Fighters have used this technique at least once in the series, with Cell whipping it out when he had to find Android 18. Solar Flare is a great way to distract enemies, either leaving them open to a damaging attack or letting the user flee a vastly superior opponent.
3 Time-Ship
Allows the user to skip time and land technical punches
- Famous users: Here
- Anime Debut: “Turn Your Anger into Strength! Vegeta's Full-Bore Battle” (Episode 35 of Dragon Ball Super)
Here is one of the most interesting fighters in the Dragon Ball Super. What he lacks in physical strength, he more than makes up for with a Time-Skip technique. This skill takes a while to figure out.

8 Best Dragon Ball Characters Who Never Fight
The following characters do not get into fights in Dragon Ball; they bring their other strengths to the table instead.
Vegeta himself succumbed to this technique in his Super Saiyan Blue form, and Goku had to whip out the Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken form to counter Hit's attack. Being able to skip time and nail an enemy where it hurts is a valuable technique that makes it clear why Hit is such a successful assassin.
2 Instant Transfer Kamehameha
One of the highlights of Cell Saga
- Famous users: Goku
- Anime Debut: “No More Rules” (Episode 179 of Dragon Ball Z)
During his battle against Cell, Goku realized that he needed an ace in the hole if he wanted to take out this regenerating villain for good. This seemed to be the case when Goku charged up a powerful Kamehameha that could have blasted the earth from the angle where he shot.
But at the last minute, he used Instant Transmission to teleport in front of Cell and fired a powerful Kamehameha that blasts Cell's upper half. If Goku had gotten the angle just right, then Cell could have been defeated then and there with this move.
1 Sliding Kamehameha
Without flight, Goku had to get creative to close the distance to Kefla
- Famous users: Goku
- Anime Debut: “Signs of a Turn! The Autonomous Ultra Instinct Erupts!” (Section 116 of Dragon Ball Super)
The Tournament of Power has some of the best Dragon Ball moment of all time, and Goku's Sliding Kamehameha is a prime example. With no-flying in this tournament, Goku had to find another way to make the most of his Ultra Instinct Sign transformation and take out Kefla in one hit.
He did this by charging a Kamehameha as he slowly closed the distance to Kefla, whose energy was running out of steam at that point. After jumping towards Kefla, the fused fighter unleashed a high-powered beam at Goku, hoping to hit him when he had no foothold left to dodge. However, Goku's heightened fighting instincts allowed him to glide across the beam's surface with his stored ki in one of the most creative moves in the series. This ended with a full-frontal Kamehameha that eliminated Kefla for good.
Dragon Ball
- Release date
- February 26, 1986
- Studio
- Toei animation
Dragon Ball Z
- Release date
- April 26, 1989
- Studio
- Toei animation
Dragon Ball Super
- Release date
- July 5, 2015
- Studio
- Toei animation