Marvel Rivals technically adds powerful Marvel villains in Season 1

Marvel Rivals expands its already considerable character list with two heavy-hitters: Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman. This dynamic duo is part of the game's Season 1 rollout, which reinforces Marvel Rivals lore along with its gameplay elements.

The story of Marvel Rivalsas is the case with most multiplayer-focused games, one takes a back seat to the action. It functions mostly as a way to facilitate gameplay, focusing on an interdimensional entanglement that resulted in a number of character variants clashing with each other. The game's diverse setting offers virtually limitless possibilities when it comes to introducing new characters, concepts, locations and more, and this limitless potential is evident in Season One's upcoming content.


Marvel Rivals Season 2 would be the perfect time to add PvE if the rumors are true

Marvel Rivals could have an even more exciting Season 2 in store for players if two rumored additions hit the game at the same time.

Marvel Rivals The Maker Skin represents one of Marvel's greatest villains

The Maker's Backstory

Marvel's Ultimate Universe was started in the late 1990s with the intention of offering unique origin stories for Marvel's biggest characters. The likes of Peter Parker and Tony Stark were at that point wrapped up in decades of complex continuity in the primary timeline, making it both harder to tell new stories and harder to appeal to new readers. Thus Ultimate Marvel was born, and it is against this backdrop that The Maker was introduced.

After the deaths of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, Magneto, in an episode of furious grief, attempts to destroy the world. The heroes of the Ultimate Marvel Universe manage to stop him, but at no cost: destruction has been wrought on a large scale and a number of heroes, including Professor X, Wolverine and Daredevil, are dead. Wracked with grief and traumatized, Reed Richards finally snaps when Sue Storm turns down his proposal at Franklin Storm's funeral.

Believing his world is destroyed, Richards decides to use his intellect and resilience for selfish ends, becoming The Maker and seeking a new world to shape as he pleases. Reed Richards is arguably the most intelligent character in any Marvel Universe, but Ultimate Reed Richards is confirmed to be able to “stretch” his brain to increase his intelligence by several orders of magnitude, making him a major intellectual threat. Once deeply imbued with his villain arc, Molecule Man splits him into an infinite number of physical beings, one in each new universe created during the events of Secret Wars. To make matters worse, all these duplicates share one consciousness. In conclusion, The Maker is perhaps the smartest human in the Marvel Universe, unbound by both dimensional barriers and conventional morality.

What Maker's introduction says about Marvel Rivals

With its multiverse-centric stories and multiple distinct continuities, there is no “true” version of any major Marvel character. But at the same time, most incarnations of these characters share crucial similarities that serve as gateways between different universes. For example, Ultimate Peter Parker is a bit more atmospheric than Earth-616 Peter Parker, but they both share the same value system, the desire to see justice done, sometimes shyness and humor. In other words, they have the same essence.

But The Maker is so different from almost every other version of Reed Richards that he's actually a completely different character. So the fact that he is only included as a skin for Mr. Fantastic is interesting, as it basically excludes him from being a dedicated character, indicating that NetEase wants to relegate such overpowered characters to easter eggs and references rather than essential parts of the Marvel Rivals story or game suite.

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