LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

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Sometimes, when dealing with enemies in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Sagayou don't always have to go the route of shooting them or cutting them down with your lightsaber. As a Jedi, there are many other abilities you can use, such as Force Push, Force Pull, and even Jedi Mind Tricks.

If you are playing right now LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Sagaand are unsure how to use Jedi Mind Tricks to your advantage, there are certain steps and prerequisites that you must follow. Here's how to use Jedi Mind Tricks the next time you run into a Stormtrooper.


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How to use Jedi Mind Tricks in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

When you start your journey through LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Sagayou will probably start with section 4, A new hopealthough you can choose one of the other trilogies as well. If you choose one of the other trilogies, you can look for the same prompt above your chosen enemy. In Episode 4, you will play as Leia and Luke first, as well as Ben Kenobi. Before you can use Jedi Mind Tricks, you must first make sure you are using the correct character. As you play through the game, you will often be with a group of characters and you can switch between them.

When you enter Mos Eisley for the first time with Luke and Ben Kenobi, you will be able to explore the new area and pick up new items and take on Stormtrooper enemies. There will be a special Stormtrooper enemy here that you can find by following the glowing yellow spots on the ground. You will arrive at the location shown in the first image above, with a Stormtrooper hidden behind a red gate. Here's what you need to do to use some Jedi Mind Tricks on him:

  • Start by approaching the Stormtrooper, and he'll tell you to show some identification.
  • You will notice one blue Lego head symbol above him. This means you can use Jedi Mind Tricks on him.
  • Since Luke doesn't have Jedi abilities at this point, you'll want to switch to Ben Kenobi.
  • Now a prompt will appear above the Stormtrooper allowing you to use Mind Tricks on him. Press this button and you will now take over the Stormtrooper after selecting 'Influence'.
  • As Stormtrooper, switch to red terminal to the right. To open the gate, press the four symbols that appear on the screen.
  • The gate will then open and you will now have access to this new part of Mos Eisley.

In the future, when you see the blue Lego head above an enemy's head, this will mean that you will have the chance to use Jedi Mind Tricks again. You won't be able to use it on all enemies, unfortunately, especially some of the powerful bosses like Darth Vader. There are three different types of Jedi Mind Tricks as well, including Influence, distract and panic. Influence allows you to take over the character, Distract prevents the enemy from attacking you, and Panic will cause enemies to attack each other.


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How to upgrade Jedi Mind Tricks in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Image of Ben Kenobi performing jedi mind tricks on a Stormtrooper in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

Jedi Mind Tricks can also have their abilities boosted so that they are more effective against the enemy. To upgrade these you need to do this:

  • Start by going to Upgrades tab and select Jedi class.
  • There will be two options that allow you to upgrade your Jedi Mind Tricks, including:
    • Trick time: This extends the duration of Distract and Panic, leaving enemies confused for a longer period of time.
    • Mind Master: This increases the range of Distract and Panic, meaning you don't have to get as close to enemies to activate the Mind Trick.

These upgrades are extremely useful if you want to use Jedi Mind Tricks often, and they will give you the chance to sneak up on your opponents and gain an advantage over them.

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