How to level up cooking in New World Aeternum

Cooking in New World: Aeternum has changed little since the earlier stages of Amazon's first MMORPG, and although almost everything looks the same, the interface has changed slightly, and there have been some tweaks to recipes. New players and veterans alike will need to learn a thing or two about one of the most useful trading skills in the game to get the most out of it.

That's why we've designed a complete guide on how to level up Cooking in New World: Aeternumwith tips and useful advice on how to speed up the process, where to find the best ingredients, how spices work and most importantly: where to find special ingredients to cook the best dishes. Grab your cooking utensils: it's time to embark on a long gourmand journey.


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How does cooking work in New World: Aeternum?

New World: Aeternum made some changes to the cooking system, mostly related to how recipes work, but the mechanic shouldn't be unfamiliar to returning players. To start cooking, players can use Camp function. For players playing on a PC, by pressing the Y key on your keyboard will suffice. For those using controllers, they will be able to activate a radial menu by holding down the UP button on their D-padand from there select the camp function.

It will give them access to basic recipes like rations, pots and bait, which will range from level 1 to 5 depending on their camp level. But to start cooking for real, players need a Cooking Station, which is can be found in Settlements.

Cooking stations start at level 1 and can be developed to a maximum of level 5. This is determined by the growth rate of the settlement and how much the ruling Guild has invested in city projects. When players approach a cooking station, they will be able to access the crafting menu by pressing E (on PC), Triangle (PS5), or X (Xbox). The cooking menu will appear, and players will be able to select the recipes they want to create right there.

If you scroll to the sides when selecting a recipe, you will set the amount prepared. The more they craft, the more cooking points players will get, meaning they'll be able to raise trade skills and unlock new recipes.

Try to create as many level 1 recipes with basic ingredients (like rations) and then scale from there to level 2, 3 and so on. The more players craft, the faster the level up. But to do this they need lots of materials.

How to level up cooking faster in the new world: Aeternum

To level up the Cooking Trade Skill in New World: Aeternum, players must create hundreds of dishes and unlock new recipes. But here are some useful tips and tricks that players can use to overcome the soft boundaries between level 1 and level 3 and improve trading skill much faster:

  • Create a decent farming route and gather lots of materials before you start crafting. Several farming paths are good for materials from level 1 to 3, we will cover them in a few videos below.
  • Don't leave a single box unchecked. Crates and chests often contain crafting materials. Cooking materials are among these, but drop especially from provision trays and reserves.
  • If money is not an issue, players can also buy ingredients from other players from the Trading Post.
  • Proficiency Boost potions can help players collect even more materials to create better and more recipes, thus leveling faster.

Provision boxes are good places to find certain ingredients such as salt, milk, rye, rice and others. Farms are great places to find produce like fruits and vegetables. Mills will often provide flour and other ingredients for baking bread. Pirate coves and caves in general often offer a large amount of ingredient and material crates, so they are also good places to look for these items.

Step 1: Establish a profitable farming route

There are many great farming paths in the game, but from level 1 to 17, here's what players need to do first to start cooking like professional chefs:

  • Look for herbs and game near the Monarch's Bluffs and Windsward coasts.
  • Hunt turkeys, rabbits and boars for meat and raid turkey nests for eggs.
  • Collect berries and wild vegetables from bushes. (Berries can be red, orange or purple, while wild vegetables like gourds grow near the floor).
  • Visit caves and pirate coves to collect extra materials.
  • Visit farms to get produce.
  • Harvest nuts from fallen branches near mountain sides to make oil from them.

Step 2: Start cooking until you reach level 3

Once they've gathered enough materials, it's time for cooking. Start by creating close to 50 Tier 1 recipes, which will provide enough experience to jump to Tier 2. From there, 100 Tier 2 recipes will put players on track to cook more dishes and reach Tier 3.

Cooking isn't just about dishes, players can create
Composite materials
such as pasta with flour and eggs, or spices with herbs. They will also be good for improving cooking. Making sausages and other meat products, or cheese and other dairy products is also necessary to fully develop this trade skill.

Level 3 to 5 recipes can be quite challenging and will require intermediate materials, and they can be created from starting level 20/50 of the Cooking Trade Skill. This is why players need to constantly farm materials, especially salt, sugar and herbs to make spices, because once they reach Cooking Tier 3, the fun begins.

When at mid level 3 (65 Cooking), players will abandon the soft cap, the experience becomes harder to obtain as more and more materials are needed. Players have two choices now: start raiding enemy settlements for extra materials or develop the secondary Trade Skill Fishing. We will discuss it next.


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Best secondary trade skills for leveling up cooking

Fishing, skinning, and harvesting will be three trade skills that players will need to level up to get the most out of cooking. Harvesting and skinning will level up naturally as players collect materials such as Meat and fodder for Bear. But the fishing requires a little finesse to develop. This mini-game will send players on a quest to become the best anglers in Aeternum, but to do so, the best place to start is on the coast of Windsward, near the right side of the Amrine Temple.

There are two fishing hotspots there, and players should practice their fishing skills for two important reasons:

  • It provides fish that can be harvested for meat and oiltwo important cooking ingredients.
  • It has a chance to give treasure chests containing regulationscarpets, jewels and gold coins.

Once the two Hotspots are exhausted, players should stick around as they will also be able to get plenty of mats from the nearby Pirate Coven. There is plenty of game (turkey, rabbit, lynx, etc) to be hunted in the hills to the north, and in Amrine Temple (near the northern hills), lots of wild vegetables, herbs and berries to harvest too.

Another good farming route is the Monarch's Bluff Shores – Hurtfang Hole zone (seen in one of the first videos), where players will find plenty of turkeys, boars, herbs and berries to harvest. Be sure to skin each animal, as these will provide meat that is a must for cooking.

Best New World Cooking Recipe: Aeternum

New World Aeternum Legendary Recipe-1

Here is a list of some of the best cooking recipes that players can create in New World: Aeternum:

  • Carrot cake: Increases Dexterity by 44
  • Fruit salad: Increases Intelligence by 44
  • Banana parfait: Increases Constitution by 44
  • Grilled prismatic fillet: Increases Magnify (highest stat) by 48.

There are dozens more that increase key attributes or provide other great bonuses like increasing luck while performing one of the trade skills, such as chopping, harvesting, fishing, and skinning.

Some of these recipes will require players to collect a lot of materials and reach a high level of cooking (250+), but it will be totally worth it, especially in the endgame where the extra attributes and secondary stats that these consumables provide. can come in handy.

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