How to get The Raven Sword in Black Ops 6

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Citadelle des Morts, the new Zombies map introduced with the release of Season 1 Reloaded in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6brings back a familiar feel reminiscent of the old Zombies maps from previous Black Ops entries. It is vast, gothic, fantastic and full of dangers and secrets.


Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – How To Get The Caliburn Sword

Burn baby!

Unlike the two launch maps, Citadelle des Morts does not have just one subweapon. Instead, it offers four elemental swords as sub-weapons. Each sword requires you to acquire it and upgrade it to its corresponding elemental state. This guide will walk you through all the steps to obtain the Hollow Corpse Sword, Balmung.

How to get The Void Sword Balmung

Player standing in front of the empty sword, Balmung - bo6

Get The Raven Sword

After receiving a stamp from one of the zombies with a helmeted head, make your way to the throne room.

Interact with the knight statue that has a raven on its shoulder to get the corresponding sword.

Obtain the ancient item

Next, go to the Alchemical Lab room on the left side of the thronewhere you will find several shelves.

The item is random every matchbut somewhere on the shelves you should find an animal skull that you can pick up.

When you pick up the item, it will notify you that you have found one Antique item. Each antique item corresponds an animal and a zodiac signwhich means there are several possible antique items that you can find.

With the item in hand, return to the spawn area and go to the basement of the barwhere you find a circular mechanism on the wall. Interact with it to insert your antique item, then you can place your Corpse Sword inside.

This triggers a ring puzzlewhich can be a bit complicated.

Solve the Zodiac Dial puzzle

See the two pictures below which will be your reference to solve this puzzle.

The first image corresponds the animal represented by the ancient object you found. For example, if there are two raven faces, it represents Gemini; if it is the jawbone of a lion, it corresponds to the Lion; and if it is a scorpion, it represents Scorpio, and so on.

So the first step is to identify which animal and zodiac sign your antique item represents.

On the steering wheel puzzle you will notice a green arrow.

What you need to do is rotate the inner ring (with the green symbols) until you match your zodiac sign with the corresponding element above (blue symbols), based on the second image above.

We will update this section when we have all possible solutions for each ancient item to make solving the puzzle easier.

If done right you will see a purple hole on the floorand orbs will start following you. Your task is to lead these orbs to the purple hole so they can be absorbed by the ground.

You must do this two more seats: the ground floor and the upper floor of the bar.

Finally, after dealing with the orb, follow the main orb back to the dial in the basement.

Soon after, the sword will appear and you will get the empty sword, known as Balmung sword.


Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – How To Get The Durendal Sword

Lightning can strike the same thing twice!

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