How to get the green orb in Dragon Quest III remake

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Once you get your ship in Dragon Quest 3 Remakeyou are free to explore almost the entire world. That's a pretty hefty amount of freedom thrust upon you, and it lets you explore the story in your own order for the most part, coming across many towns and villages in your own time.


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One such place is the village of Theddon, and home to the Green Orb you need to defeat Baramos. Except Theddon is left in ruins without finding anyone. So how exactly do you navigate this village and find the missing orb? We'll show you how.

Where is Theddon Village?

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Redo the introduction to Theddon Village at night.

The first step to actually getting to Theddon Village is knowing where on the map it actually is. It's pretty disconnected from most other parts of the world, so you can only reach it by ship. This means you must have obtained your own from the King of Portoga first.

It's also very small on the map, small enough that you probably can't see the village without knowing it's there. thankfully, some people nearby will be happy to give you directions. Or you can consult our instructions.

Theddon is along the southernmost part of the western continent. It's directly south of Ibis on the map, with the river flowing directly into it as it splits in two. This is also directly north of the snowy island below it.

Once you enter Theddon, however, it's a bit unusual. If you walk around during the day, you will see it the whole village is dead and abandonedcorpses strewn everywhere. At night, the town lives on boozethe majority of whom are not even aware that they have died.

How to get the night light

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake the party that procures the night light from a house in Theddon during the day.

If you happen to make it to Theddon during the early day, it can be a bit boring just standing outside on the world map waiting for night to fall. In fact, you might have no reason to believe anything could change overnight considering the village is already abandoned. It's there the night light comes in.

During the day, enter the house in the southwest part of town and get upstairs. Here, sitting in a coffin all by itself, is the Night Light. This has the wonderful feature of changing day to night in an instant, and serves as a hint that perhaps you should visit Theddon again when night comes.

Keep in mind that the night light only works on the world mapand can only change daytime to night, and not vice versa.

Its ability isn't exclusive to Theddon's surroundings, thankfully, which means you can now change day to night anywhere in the world you please

Explore Theddon Village

During the day

While Theddon, rather paradoxically, comes alive at night, it still exists very worth finding during the day when the light makes it easier to distinguish your surroundings. So take a brisk walk before the moon rises.

Here are all the items you can find in Theddon during the day:

  • The aforementioned Night light in a chest on the second floor of the southwest house.

  • A Black bandana can be found in the boxes by the wall in the same building.

  • A Bag o' laughs monsters can be recruited in the western house just before the prison.

  • A Mini medal can be found in the poisonous pool to the east before the prison.

  • A Pointed hat can be found in the barrel to the left of the prison.

Some of these items can still be found at night, though Night Light, Black Bandana and Bag o' Laughs are daytime exclusives.

You can also enter the prison during the day through the broken wall and read a bloody message scrawled on the wall. This gives a clue as to how you are supposed to get the Green Orb for your quest. Time to let the sun set and the moon rise.


Come at night, the spirits of those who died in Theddon arisecompletely unaware of their own death. Best not to make them too aware of it either. No one wants to deal with a vengeful ghost.

Theddon opens up some extra features at night too, like one Church to save your game, a Act to shift up, and one Inn for you to rest on until morning.

This inn does not offer the option to rest until a certain time of day, so sleeping here will always wake you up in the morning and empty the town of booze again.

There aren't many exclusive items to be found during the night, but be sure to go into the crypt by the poisonous pool to encounter a very friendly Walking Corpse to recruit for your retinue of monsters.

But the man in prison who wrote that message about his orb is now alive and well guarded by a soldier who refuses to let you pass. A nearby old man will gladly inform you that to get the orb you need the ultimate key, and informs you to travel to Lanson to find it.

The Ultimate Key is quite the detour, requiring the Bottomless pot from Edina to open a shrine in the sea to get the ultimate key. Once you've caught up with all that, you can return to Theddon.

Defeat The Dying Fire

With the Ultimate Key in hand, you can walk past the soldier standing guard and chat with the prisoner. He is excited, and trying to pass his green orb to you. But an enemy appears, the dying fire, which refuses to let it be given away. They challenge you to a fight to the death about it.

Before we go into this meeting, we would recommend that you are around level 30 if you don't want to face too much hassle, even a party a few levels lower can still handle this boss with some strategy. Alongside your hero you should bring a Monster Wrangler, Sage and a Cleric. We previously had our warrior trained as a cleric, giving them spells and physical attacks.

None of the enemies in this encounter are particularly difficult. Rather, it is the strength of their numbers that makes them formidable. If their numbers decrease at all, both Dying Fire and Phantasm enemies can call for backupgiving rise to more of them.

This action refers to how fire can continue to grow as long as there is something to catch a flame. Science!

As such, it's best to pick one goal to prioritize, although none is particularly harder than the other. The Dying Fire comes mostly Wind Sicklesthat hit a single character, and Whizwhich meets several. These are both wind elemental attacks, so equip Aerofoil earrings to your weaker characters if you have them.

Phantasms are a bit weaker, but have a completely different set of moves. Spooky Aura can reduce magic resistance of a single sign, while Bang allowing them to hit every character at once. There is no specific way to protect against explosive damage, so if that best to use Kabuff instead.

As you target the dying fires, think of theirs resistance to physical attacks and their weakness to lighting. The hero is the only character with lightning moves, but most characters should have access to some elemental move. As the enemies begin to thin out, Dying Fire will also start using Whack more often, so have revival spells and items ready.

Thankfully, the Phantoms' attack patterns never change. Their physical attacks can paralyze you but try to keep your agility high so you can land your attacks before them. They are also weak to ice, so have your Sage throw them with Crackle.

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Redo the party that obtains the Green Orb in Theddon.

Because of how often they call for backup, this battle may drag on for a whilebut none of their attacks are too damaging. However, the fight will not end with the defeat of just the Dying Fires. You have to beat all the phantasms too.

With them all extinguished and banished, the prisoner finally arrives bequeath his green orb to you. Your time with Theddon has now ended.

His bloody message during the day will also be updated now to reflect his happiness on being able to pass on his orb.


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