How to get and use Dew of Firework

Fireworks season off Infinity Nikki introduced a whimsically huge amount of new content for players to enjoy. This includes the addition of Fireworks Isle, countless new quests, tons of new fashion ensembles, and even some new resource items. Some of these items can even be used to create some sparkly surprises.

Such a thing in Infinity Nikki is Dews of Firework. If you want to get your hands on some for your crafting endeavors, you need to know not only how to find them, but also how to use them.


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How to get Dew of Firework in Infinity Nikki


Dews of Firework is a permanent resource item i Infinity Nikki. They are exclusive to The Fireworks Islands was introduced during Fireworks Season (V1.1.2). This means they can only be found around the Firework Isles region, which you can travel to by boat after completing “Go to the Fireworks Islands!” special assignment in Florawish. Be aware that before the Fireworks Season quests become available, however, you must first complete them The quest “The truth is near” in chapter 2 of the main story questline.

Once you reach Fireworks Isle, you can start exploring the region almost immediately. Soon enough, you should stumble upon Dews of Firework. They are very similar to the Dews of Inspiration found on mainland Wishfield that you occasionally deliver to Kilo the Cadenceborn at the Old Florawish Memorial in exchange for rewards.

Similarly, they are found in small clusters enclosed in purple spheres of corruption. To collect them, use your purification ability to purify them. When completed, they float to Nikki and count towards the total amount of Dews of Firework for the area.


You can check how many Dews of Firework you have collected at any time via the box in the upper right corner of your map. It will appear automatically when you are in the region. Otherwise, you can use the drop-down menu on the same box to select “Firework Isles” from your options and see your progress no matter where you are. You can do the same now with Dews of Inspiration, as your progress is broken down by each region and listed together instead of having to travel to see your progress.

There is 261 Fireworks days to find around the Firework Isles. While they can't be tracked on the map like regular resource items, they're still generously scattered around the Firework Isles, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding at least a few dozen of them in the starting areas of the region. They can be found in a variety of places, such as rooftops, nestled under bridges or crevices, or just floating high in the air, in which case you'll need a suitable jump pad nearby to reach them. Be sure to grab plenty of Blast Pollen along the way during the night.

How to use Dew of Firework in Infinity Nikki


Purpose of Dews of Firework i Infinity Nikki are basically the same as their Dew of Inspiration counterparts. Just as you exchange them with Kilo the Cadenceborn at the Old Florawish Memorial for various rewards, Dews of Firework are used to exchange for bundles of valuable materials to help with your crafting endeavors (or anything else you might need them for).

Search for Vita, the fireworks seller, in his shop on Sparkheart Islandwhich is near where you first enter the region. It is directly south of Sizzle & Spark Center Warp Spireand it will be available once you have completed “Training in Fireworks: Part 1” mission with Marques Jr. and Scintillada.

Vita will have two different item swaps available for you to browse. One of them allows you to exchange your acquired Dews of Firework for bundles of valuable items, from Resonite Crystals to Shiny Bubbles, Blings and even the item Glowing Thoughts, which allows you to develop the Fiery Glow ability that you created in the previous mission.

Each package costs 30 days of fireworksso be sure to explore the islands thoroughly during your travels as they are relatively easy to find compared to the Dews of Inspiration. Also, don't forget to check out the gloomy cave in the Crescent Moon Ruins, because you're bound to find something pretty exciting there.

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December 5, 2024


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