Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist takes place decades after the events of Ender Lilies: Quietus of Night. You play as an Attuner as you travel through a desolate landscape battling monsters and bosses known as Homunculus. Yolvan, The Black-Winged Huntsman, is the second boss in the game and the first to present any real challenge to the players.
Since you're still early in the game, you have limited access to Homunculi Abilities, which makes the fight seem harder than it really is. But once you learn his attack pattern, the fight becomes much easier. In this guide we will tell you everything you need to know about beating Yolvan, The Black-Winged Huntsman Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.
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Ranking the 11 best Metroidvanias
Today we're covering our picks for the best games in the action-adventure platform subgenre, Metroidvania.
How to find Yolvan, The Black-Winged Huntsman in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist
Players will encounter Yolvan, The Black-Winged Huntsman, in Old Town – Lower Tier region of the game. After talking to Gordon and receiving the quest to find the winged homunculus, go right past the wooden bridge to get to Old Town – Lower Tier. The area is fairly straightforward, but it is filled with tons of enemies to fight.
Eventually you will arrive at the Clock Tower Plaza – Entrance Respite. Nola will say that the winged homunculus may be nearby. Go to the room on the left to start the boss fight.
Rest on respite to heal up to full and refill your health wards.
How to beat Yolvan, The Black-Winged Huntsman in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist
Yolvan, The Black-Winged Huntsman, is no pushover, at least at this point in the game. As the name suggests, the boss can fly around the arena, so you'll have to rely mostly on your jump attacks to damage him.
In this phase, the boss has three main attacks:
- Bullet Combo: Yolvan fires three bullets at the player. The attack has a very short range.
- Bullet Penalty: Yolvan flies from one side of the arena to the other while shooting bullets beneath him.
- Single shot: Yolvan fires a bullet shot that deals heavy damage to the player. The bullet also has a wider AOE than his other attacks.
The first stage of the battle is fairly straightforward and shouldn't be too difficult for most players. All you have to do is use your jump attacks whenever Yolvan takes a breather after an attack. Double-Jump and Dash allow you to avoid most of his attacks during this phase.
If you manage to break Yolvan's hold by emptying the yellow bar under his health bar, Yolvan will fall to the ground. Take this opportunity to deal as much damage as possible before the boss recovers. Rinse and repeat as he recovers, and eventually he'll be down for good.

7 best soulslike games that are mostly boss fights
These titles cut right to the heart of the soulful experience – the boss fights.
How to beat Caladrius in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist
Once you get through Yolvan's HP bar, he will transform into Caladriusand you enter the second phase of the battle. If you die against Caladrius, you have to restart the fight from the first phase.
The boss will get a new set of moves for this phase. Thankfully, Caladrius won't shoot any bullets at you like Yolvan does. Here are the three attacks Caladrius uses at this stage:
- Slash: Caladrius slashes forward in a wide arc. It has short range.
- Jump Slam: Caladrius jumps into the air and slams down, creating a small AoE shockwave.
- Fire Orb: Caladrius jumps away and fires three Fire Orb projectiles at the player.
At first glance, Caladrius can seem intimidating due to his size, but like Yolvan, all of his attacks can be avoided if you time it right. When you see Caladrius raise his arm for the Slash attack, dodge through to get behind him and land some hits. Avoiding the Fire Orb attack can be a bit tricky, as you have to time your Dash perfectly. Press the Dash button the moment the Orb lands on you to avoid taking damage.
During this stage, Lito is your best friend. You'll want to use her ability when it's not on cooldown to deal heavy damage and rap the boss. When his stance bar is depleted, he will be stunned for a short time, giving you an opening to deal more damage.

Best Metroidvania Boss Fights
There are many Metroidvanias out there, but these examples have some of the best boss fights in the genre.
Where to go after beating Yolvan, The Black-Winged Huntsman
After defeating the boss, Caladrius will fall to the ground and you can summon him. A memory will play out, and once it ends, Yolvan will join your army as your third Homunculi. He has three different push-type attacks that you can unlock using specific materials found while exploring the world.
Here is a quick summary of his abilities within Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist.
- Barrage: Fires continuous projectiles when you hold down the attack button. The attack damage is low, but it can quickly break a stance.
- Spin: Hold down the attack button to fire spinning blades that slice through enemies. The blades can ricochet off terrain.
- Recesses: Hold down the attack button to create a spinning tornado in front that ignores enemy defenses and deals continuous crit damage.
You can equip or change Homunculi from the abilities menu while on a respite.
At this point you want to go back to the Old City Market and talk to Gordon. You get the key item, the Lower Stratum Key, which you use to advance to the next section i Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist. Plus, you'll unlock Fast Travel shortly thereafter to make navigation that much easier.

- Released
January 22, 2025
- Developer
Adglobe, Live Wire
- Publisher
Binary Haze Interactive
- OpenCritic Rating