How to Activate Wishes and Fears in The Sims 4

There are various functions in The Sims 4 that help the game feel more realistic and immersive – Wants and Fears is a perfect example of this. A Sim's environment and personality will affect how they feel, and this will be expressed not only through moods but also through desires and fears.


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The Wants and Fears system is very different from what is in The Sims 2and this guide aims to explain exactly how it works so that players can familiarize themselves with this challenging yet fun game feature.

How to Activate Wishes and Fears in The Sims 4

wants fears the sims 4

IN The Sims 4players can switch to and from Will and Fear at any time. Although fears can sometimes negatively affect a Sim, wishes are a great way to improve a Sim's mood and collect points, which the player can spend in the Reward Store.

To enable or disable desires and fears in The Sims 4players must pause the game, select Settings, and then open the Game Options tab. On the right side of the Game Options tab, players will see the “Show Wants and Fears” option with a box next to it.. Players must check the box if they want to play with Wants & Fears enabled or they can uncheck it to keep these features hidden.

How to Check and Complete Wishes in The Sims 4

complete want sims 4

To check in a Sim's wishes The Sims 4players must hover over the bubbles that appear on the left side of the selected Sim's head in the lower left corner of the screen. There are lifelong ambitions in The Sims 4 which Sims must work towards throughout their lives, but these bubbles only show the Sim's momentary desires. However, players can pin wishes so they don't disappear, ensuring Sims will receive their reward no matter how far in time they complete the wishes.

To complete a Want in The Sims 4players simply have to perform the task linked to the sim's wishes. Often the description of the request gives the player direct instructions on what they must do to fulfill a Sim's wishes.

How to control and overcome fears in The Sims 4

When Sims experience certain events in their lives, they may develop fears, which will affect their mood. Thankfully, there are ways to deal with fears The Sims 4 and prevent them from stalking Sims for life.

Here are all the fears The Sims 4 and how to overcome them:




Fear of being cheated

  • Has the jealous trait
  • Mediocre WooHoo with partner
  • Lack of attention from a partner
  • Catch a partner who loves others

Discuss fear of being cheated on with a partner

Fear of death

  • Near-death experiences
  • Death of close relatives or friends

Discuss Fear of Death with other Sims

Fear of fire

Put out a fire

Fear of ghosts

  • Have a negative experience with a ghost swim

Fight a ghost

Fear of the dark

  • Have a negative experience at night

Go out at night with the Confident moodlet

Fear of swimming

  • Have a negative experience while swimming

Swim for an hour with the Confident moodlet

Fear of failure

  • Performs poorly at work
  • Create poor quality items

Show off a crafted item or request a performance review

Fear of a dead-end job

  • Haven't received a promotion or raise in a while

Use the Regain Passion interaction on the Sim before going to work

Fear of coplants

Milk a cow plant with the Confident moodlet

Fear of being judged

  • Be the target of Mean social interactions

Use the Figure Out Differents interaction on two Sims

Fear of tight spaces

Use three fun social interactions when you're in a crowded area

Fear of unfulfilled dreams

  • Haven't completed Wants in a while

Complete a wish and then use the Discuss Fears interaction on another Sim

Fear of failure at leisure activities

  • Was a sim with low confidence
  • Has the Overachiever trait

Complete the daily task of a leisure activity with a happy mood

Fear of disappointing parents

  • Drop out of high school or university
  • Share negative feelings with the caregiver
  • Sim with low confidence

Use the Absolve Fears interaction on a deceased caregiver's urn or use the Set Expectations interaction with a living caregiver

Fear of failing classes

  • Be a sim with low confidence
  • Has the Overachiever trait
  • Have low grades in school

Do extra credit work on homework after asking a teacher to do so

Fear of failing tests

  • Failed an exam or passed an exam with a low grade

Prepare for the exam with focused moodlet

Fear of homework

  • Haven't done homework in a while

Do homework two days in a row with focused moodlet

Fear of being inferior

Get a B or higher in school or get more than five levels in a skill

Fear of horses

  • Have a negative experience with a horse
  • Has the paranoid trait

Use the interaction Discuss fear of horses with other Sims or have nice interactions with horses

Fear of eviction

  • Get fined from the property owner

Successfully use three friendly or flirtatious interactions with the property owner

Fear of being alone

  • Have a low relationship meter or poor romantic satisfaction with a partner
  • Has the Lovebug, Unflirty, or Cat Lover trait

Use the Seek Validation interaction on a romantic partner, use the Practice Affirmations interaction on a mirror, or seek couples counseling with the Cupid's Corner app

Fear of intimacy

  • Have the socially awkward, non-committal, tireless, or romantically reserved trait

Use the interactions Discuss comfort levels or Share intimate thoughts with a close friend

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