The tools Super Earth uses in the ongoing struggle for managed democracy largely boil down to massive explosions covering a soon-to-be-liberated planet in Helldivers 2. Orbital Cannon strategies such as Orbital 380Mm He Barrage and Hanger moldings such as
Eagle 500 kg bomb remain unchallenged in their ubiquity for that reason alone. But to get the job done Helldivers 2players often need to rely on more subversive ways to deal with terminids and automatons when faced with particular circumstances or objectives.
Thankfully, a more technical charge allows for niche tools at players' disposal: conflagrations, static fields and electricity, or caustic chemicals. Fire sources are explosive nearby in terms of how cinematic they can be when administered liberally, and they've also been positively represented in Helldivers 2s popular Orbital Napalm Barrage. The fire motif treatment i Helldivers 2 had its heyday via Freedom's Flame Premium Warbond as well. That said, while more weapons or items could be added in the future to provide further firepower, a gear inspired by Star Wars Battlefront 2General Grievous would turn flickering embers into raging fire.

The next Star Wars Battlefront must shake up how heroes are selected
Star Wars Battlefront had two new hero selection methods, each with their own pros and cons for how older characters could be played.
General Grievous' Shattered Armor Legendary Skin is a highlight of Star Wars Battlefront 2 Cosmetics
Star Wars Battlefront has been an interesting point of comparison for Helldivers 2 since the latter was announced, and not without good reason. The excitement and bombast of all sorts Helldivers 2 the match is surely comparable to any conceivable battle that follows Star Wars' Clone Wars, and it's been easy to think about what one Star Wars Battlefront entry could look if it took on Helldivers 2s team of four players who sweep a planet to rid it of its hostile enemies.
Four clone troopers surveying a planet and engaging in tense blast bolt exchanges with clankers would emulate Super Earth's struggle to spread managed democracy across autoloader systems, for example, and could learn a lot from
Helldivers 2
are lovely PvE .
Still, Helldivers 2 could benefit from drawing influences from Star Wars Battlefront and vice versa, even if it's just an incredibly specific skin that belongs exclusively to a Separatist military strategist. Not all skins in Star Wars Battlefront 2 are equally beloved, but General Grievous's charred, smoking legendary skin, dubbed “Shattered Armor,” was arguably his best. The detail that makes Grievous' Shattered skin so unique is that it has a burnt crispiness with embers still flaking from the damage done to the cyborg droid as if he had just come out of a fire.
Helldivers 2's Gear is ready to take its next natural step
Helldivers 2 have armor and gear related to conflagrations, static electricity, and caustic gases, but they are oriented around resistance to these elements. Armor like the I-09 Heatseeker, AF-50 Noxious Ranger, or EX-16 Prototype 16 looks like clothing soldiers would wear if they were deliberately wading into such natural or unnatural dangers and even serves as a boon if players happen to encountering fire tornadoes or random, difficult environments that their suits better prepare them for.
Rather, a simple twist on this premise might have armor representing the wear and tear of dangerous disasters, let alone gimmicks that players dive with and wave wildly at other teammates around. It would be great to have a hazmat suit eroded by, say, corrosive chemicals, or a suit constantly fried by flammable substances that mimics General Grievous' legendary skin.
Either way, the armor's limitations are sky high, and it will be interesting to see what aesthetics are implemented in Helldivers 2s future. Also, given how often players are killed by such elements, usually via hilarious friendly fire, it wouldn't be at all out of place if every Helldiver looked like they'd been killed a hundred times and bathed alive in flames.