Fallout 76 is free to play for a limited time

Important takeaways

  • Fallout 76 is free to play for a week starting October 22 to celebrate Fallout Day.
  • Fans expect valuable information about upcoming Fallout elements during the event.
  • Bethesda has made efforts to change the initial negative reception of the game, but some controversy remains.

To celebrate the upcoming Fallout Day, Bethesda has made Fallout 76 free to play from October 22-29, which together with the various news expected from this event, has many players excited. When it was first released, Fallout 76 had a bumpy start, as not all fans of the franchise took to the title as well as expected. Fortunately, many players agree that the course has been corrected over the years and the game is now viewed much more positively.

The long-awaited Fallout Day, which takes place annually on October 23, celebrates the start of the Great War in Fall-out universe and is slated to deliver valuable information about several upcoming installments of the famous franchise. Throughout its history, Fallout 76 players have created their own Wasteland CAMPS and experimented with the title in almost every way possible. Still, there's still plenty to discover in Appalachia with all the extra content rumored to be on the way for players in the coming months.


Fallout 76 Leaks Powerful 4-Star Legendary Effects

A Fallout 76 leak reveals the list of 4-star legendary weapon and armor effects currently being tested, some of which sound ridiculously OP.

Earlier this week, Bethesda announced that Fallout 76 would be free-to-play for an entire week in commemoration of Fallout Day, which players hope will be packed with various news surrounding upcoming updates for the game, as well as everything related to Fallout 5s release date. The free-to-play week has been tried and tested before and proved to be extremely successful, as it was also implemented when the first season of Fall-out The TV show premiered. The result was a record number of players Fallout 76 on Steam, which was likely a pleasant surprise for both players and Bethesda.

Bethesda is celebrating Fallout Day with another free week of Fallout 76

Despite the success the title has had in recent months, the story has not been without controversy. Not long ago, Bethesda allegedly used a fan's art without their permission, sparking a debate among many fans of Fall-out franchise, mainly arguing over IP rights and the use of Vault Boy in unofficial artwork.

While many players are reportedly excited about what's to come Sparkling depth update, there are also others who are wary. This is mainly due to issues with the latest update, Milepost Zero, during which players were asked to download again Fallout 76 in its entirety in an attempt to reduce the size of the game. Unsurprisingly, this was not warmly received by many fans.

With Fallout Day just around the corner, players expect Bethesda to make several announcements about Fallout 76s future, as well as the TV show's second season. Several fans are said to agree that Bethesda's live stream needs to give a good impression of what's to come to compensate for the negative effects that Fallout 76s Season 17 event affected the overall fan perception of the game and the number of players. Whether this free-to-play week will be as successful as the last remains to be seen, but in any case, players have plenty to explore in Appalachia in the meantime.

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