Everything to do before round 10

Black Ops 6 Zombies continues the beloved round-based trend of giving players increasing difficulty. Still, this difficulty can be handled more easily if players are smart with their schemes and endure the hardships required of them before round 10 to ensure their survival is prosperous and filled with the opportunities they need to excel in high rounds.


Call Of Duty: 7 Challenge builds for Black Ops 6 Zombies

Unlock additional excitement and fun in Black Ops 6 Zombies by trying out these challenging builds that come with an abundance of variety.

Jump into a map Black Ops 6 Zombiesthere are some aspects that players need to keep in mind for each new new game so that they can get the best items and perks as soon as possible, or at least before the dreaded Elite Zombie favors.

7 Take Jugger-Nog

The most essential Perk-a-Cola will prevent players from dying

buy juggernog in liberty falls

  • First Privilege Purchase: 2,000 Essence

The first perk that players should always prioritize buying above all else is Jugger-Nog. Benefits work a little differently in Black Ops 6and the first Perk will only cost 2000 Essence. While that may seem like a lot in the early rounds, it will definitely benefit players to spend that Essence now rather than later, because Jugger-Nog has big ambitions.

With Jugger-Nog, players will be able to withstand more hits from zombies, allowing them to reduce the anxiety that a single hit can give them. Other perks can be obtained in time, but Jugger-Nog will easily be the main and primary focus.

6 Buy Armor Tier 2

Tier 2 Armor is fairly cheap and provides damage reduction

tier 2 armor in freedom case

  • Tier 2 Armor: 4,000 Essence
  • Tier 3 Armor: 10,000 Essence

Paired with Jugger-Nog is Tier 2 Armor, which can be purchased for 4,000 Essence. Tier 2 armor is more durable than the standard armor, and it will also allow for more damage reduction, essentially meaning that players in the early rounds can take even more hits than they would first assume.

Tier 2 armor isn't as important as Jugger-Nog or even Pack-a-Punch, but it should quickly rank on a must-have list because of how zombies will hit harder in higher rounds, so get it faster than others will greatly benefit players who want less risk of death.

5 Use salvage on a charge weapon

Upgrade weapon damage through Arsenal

the arsenal in freedom falls

  • Uncommon: 500 Salvage
  • Rarity: 1,500 Salvage
  • Epic: 4,000 Salvage
  • Legendary: 9,000 Salvage

The Arsenal can be found in a few places on the other side Black Ops 6 Zombies maps, and they each require an assortment of salvage to use. Players can gain saves by killing zombies and increase their chance to save when using a suppressor on their weapons. Players should save their save to purchase rare upgrades on their preferred weapon.


Black Ops 6: 6 Things Richtofen Could Plan

Edward “Eddie” Richtofen can plan some unique and mysterious things for his grand plan in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

Usually it's a good idea to bring a charging weapon – like GS45s or SVDs, something with high firepower that can really wreak havoc in early rounds and deep into rounds 50 and up. Salvage allows players to increase the damage their weapons deal by using Salvage, so save it for Arsenal instead of wasting it on gear like Scorestreaks and Lethals.

4 Focus on main shots only

Headshots and critical hits add more essence

few headshots in freedom cases

  • 115 Essence per Headshot Kill

It may seem simple enough, but this tip will really make a difference in getting Essence in the low rounds so players can buy what they need. Headshots will give players 115 Essence, rather than the standard 90 Essence from a normal kill. With critical hit kills, more Essence obviously means more currency to buy essences with.

From the first round onwards, players should only focus on head shots. Not only are they easy to get, but they deal increased damage, and the bonus to Essence is always nice, it will be something players desperately need when trying to afford doors, upgrades, and perks in the early rounds.

3 Get free power-ups and perks through secrets

Terminus and Liberty Falls hold many secrets for a variety of free goodies

get double points in freedom cases

Across Liberty Falls and Terminus, there are a few secrets that players should find to gain an advantage. For Liberty Falls, players can find free perks like the Deadshot Daiquiri and the Liberty Lanes quest, but they can also find free Power-Ups scattered around that allow them to maximize their score by using 100% guaranteed double points.

The same can be said for Terminus, where there are tons of secret missions to get random perks. Whether it's hunting for clues, killing imprisoned zombies or activating the whack-a-crab, Terminus has many secrets that can see players gain the advantage long before round 10.

2 Pack-a-Punch A favorite gun

Significantly increase the firepower of a favorite weapon

uses pack-a-punch in freedom cases

  • Level 1: 5,000 Essence
  • Level 2: 15,000 Essence
  • Level 3: 30,000 Essence

Pack-a-Punch can be difficult to obtain due to how expensive each door is, but players will have the Essence to spare if they are smart with their currency. The Pack-a-Punch machine is essential for higher rounds due to how much it improves the firepower of each weapon run through the machine, and it's something that should be done early.


CoD Black Ops 6 Zombies: 10 Best Loadouts

Players can customize their loadouts in Black Ops 6 Zombies to great effect. Here are some of the best loadouts and weapon builds for the mode.

The faster players have a Pack-a-Punched weapon from charging, the better their chances of survival. More damage means easier kills on the low rounds to get through them faster with better efficiency and less risk of death so they can only live to see themselves completely Pack-a-Punch a weapon.

1 Get started with the free underarm

Each map has a subweapon that can be obtained for free

use the water valve in case of freedom

At both Terminus and Liberty Falls, there is a Wonder Weapon that players can get for free in their own unique quest. Each map has a specific Wonder Weapon that is almost essential in the meta because of how powerful it can be. The mission itself isn't too difficult, especially on low rounds due to how weak the zombies will be.

Whether it's Terminus for the DRI-11 Beamsmasher or Liberty Falls for the Jet Gun, even without the Mule Kick, these Wonder Weapons are a must for how easily they kill zombies at low rounds and even the highest rounds obtained.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Tag Page Cover Art

25 October 2024

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