Important takeaways
- The Underworld in One Piece is an extremely secret crime syndicate with connections to media moguls and mercenaries.
- Characters like Rob Lucci and Doflamingo are influential brokers in the underworld and have access to top secret information.
- Big Mom and Kaido, powerful characters, have been involved in Underworld activities.
The Underworld is a crime syndicate spread across the New World. It is an extremely secretive organization, which is why it is almost impossible for the rest of the world to find out about it.
Even the best wigs have trouble finding a connection within the underworld. The people involved in the underworld have connections with the media tycoons, merchants and even mercenaries. Over the course of the series, fans have had the opportunity to see many One Piece characters connected to the underworld.
The characters were ranked based on their influence in the underworld.
7 Rob Lucci
A CP0 agent with strong underground connections
Rob Lucci is currently a member of CP0, the strongest Cipher Pol under the direction of the World Government. Lucci is an ardent believer in Dark Justice, and as a result does not believe in forgiveness or second chances.
Rob Lucci has worked with Cipher Pols his entire life. All these organizations operate in secret and they have access to all kinds of Intel. So it's hardly surprising that Lucci is aware of the underworld. In fact, he has become a broker, so he knows many high-profile people.
6 Kaido
Bought many illegal items from brokers
Kaido was known as the strongest being in the world, which is why everyone tried to stay away from him. His presence alone could cause trepidation, and this thing gave him a huge advantage over his enemies.
Kaido is among the few One Piece characters who can use the advanced versions of all three types of Haki. Additionally, he had access to the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu. The devil fruit allowed him to transform into a dragon that could easily cover the sky above Kuri. Kaido strongly believed that war was the right thing to do because it gave people an opportunity to be equal. Before starting a full-scale war, Kaido took care of Doflamingo, who provided him with artificial Devil Fruits, which were used on the lower-ranking members of the Beasts Pirates.
5 Crocodile
Had Strong With the Underworld
Krokodil was the main antagonist of the Alabasta arc. Motivated by his desire to gain more power, he decided to throw Alabasta into chaos so that it would be easy to find Ponegylph.
Crocodile ate the Suna Suna no Mi, a Logia-type devil fruit, which gave him the power to control the sand at will. He can use the Devil Fruit to drain the moisture from a person's body, leaving them severely dehydrated. Prior to the founding of the Cross Guild, Crocodile was involved in dealings with the underworld.
4 Mother Carmel
A broker who was involved with Marines and Cipher Pol
Mother Carmel was introduced as part of Big Mom's backstory. She met the young Linlin, who was abandoned by his parents. At first glance, it seemed that Mother Carmel was a kind and caring woman, but the reality was that she was deprived of both of these things.
Mother Carmel was an underground broker working with the World Government. Her job was to find promising individuals and sell them to the world government and other organizations for a ridiculous amount of money. If Linlin hadn't struck, it's very likely that Carmel would have sold her to the marines, and eventually the young girl would have become a fleet admiral.
3 Morgan's
The man who controls the papers
Morgans is known for his role as chairman of the World Economy News Paper. His epithet is Big News, which befits his personality as he is the first person to break big news to the whole world. Morgans is a rather mysterious character, as he always keeps his Devil Fruit form active. Because of this reason, his real identity remains a complete mystery.
Aside from his role as chairman of the World Economy News Paper, Morgans is also an underground emperor. This means that he holds a great deal of authority within the syndicate. He has several connections, which would explain how he can get top secret information so easily.
2 Big mom
Well-known figure in the underworld
Big Mom was the captain of the Big Mom Pirates and one of the four emperors of the sea. She ruled as the Queen of Totto Land, and her goal was to create a kingdom where all races could exist in harmony without fear of prosecution.
Big Mom was a powerful individual who could use Haki at the highest level. She also possessed the Soru Soru no Mi, a devil fruit that granted complete dominion over souls. While primarily a pirate, she did not hesitate to dabble in the affairs of the underworld. This was evident from her Tea Party, which included many prominent members of the Underworld.
1 Donquixote Doflamingo
The most famous broker in the underworld
Donquixote Doflamingo is undoubtedly one of the best One Piece villains. While he was introduced before the timeskip, he didn't get the opportunity to show off his full powers until the Dressrosa arc. Most people knew him as the King of Dressrosa, but he was a much more complicated individual.
Doflamingo was a famous Underworld broker who went by the name Joker. As a broker, it was his job to procure various items that his clients needed. Most of his dealings were with Kaido, who wanted artificial Devil Fruits for his army. Given his influence in the underworld, it is likely that Doflamingo had other known clients.