Pokémon GO has many different Pokémon that players can collect, each unique in their own way. Players can not only hunt different types of Pokemon, but also different variants called Shiny versions, which have different colors than their original color. The best time to get these Pokemon is during Spotlight Hour events.
Many players decide to become Shiny hunters and collect as many of these beloved Pokémon in their unique color as they can. There are many ways players can catch a Shiny Pokemon, and this guide will explain how to get a Roselia Shiny Pokemon Pokémon GO.

Pokemon GO: Paldean Wooper Spotlight Hour Guide
Pokemon GO's Spotlight Hour is upon us again. Here are all the details.
How to get Shiny Roselia
Fortunately for those collectors who only want Shiny Pokemon, there is a shiny version of Roselia. The version of Roseelia that is shiny shares almost the same body structure while only having a few color differences. A big difference is the body color. The original Roselia has a dark green body and face, whereas the Shiny version has a lighter green body and face. The roses are also different colors. The regular Roselia has red and blue roses while the shiny one has dark blue/purple and black roses. Since these are the only noticeable differences, it's the small details that make players overlook how special Roselia as a shiny is.
Players must try to get many encounters with Roselia. The best time to do this is during a Community Day, Spotlight Hour, or trying to match certain environments where Roselia would spawn. Another way to get a Shiny Roselia is as follows:
Wild Encounters: Players can go on their regular adventures to possibly find Bedew (the first evolution of Roselia) as a Shiny or find Roselia in the wild with a possible chance of getting this Pokémon as a Shiny.
Participating in raid battles: If Roselia is hosted as a one-star raid, you may be able to catch a shiny of Roselia. Even with this Pokemon as a One Star Raid Battle, it should be easy for players to defeat.
Trade: If players still don't find any happiness in Pokémon Go to find a shiny Roselia. They might want to start trying to trade some other Pokemon with other players to get a Shiny Roselia.
Looking at encounters overall, players have a 1 in 4096 chance or 1 in 500 chance of catching a shiny each day. Players should always try to follow future events that are coming when they want a specific Pokemon. Events like Spotlight Hour and Community Day greatly increase the chances of catching a Shiny Pokemon. However, players should also stock up on Pokeballs, Incense and Berries and clear out the Pokemon storage before any upcoming event. That's all there is to know about bringing in a Shiny Roseelia Pokémon GO.