The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom does not have a large number of dungeons in it. They are more abundant and traditional than other newer ones Zelda games, namely Breath of the Wild and The tears of the kingdom. Players will have to do the usual from solving puzzles to finding a boss key for the final door.
Some of these dungeons are fun in design and some will make players pull their hair out. For the foremost in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdomlet's rank them all. To get into all of these dungeons, there will be spoilers.
8 Null's body
The Final Dungeon's Lost Potential
Null's Body is the final dungeon in the game, and it's quite short, even including the Still World intro. It should have been an instant hit because Link and Zelda get to work together. There are a few battle rooms along with a couple of rooms where the duo work together to solve puzzles.
Then there's a split in the dungeon that takes away that reunion that fans have been dreaming of for ages. The final boss, Null, is a little more involved, but it's also not that challenging. It's more like a battle of endurance over strength. It's a shame the game's final dungeon didn't end with a bang.
7 Hyrule Castle
A tough stealth battle through the dark
Hyrule Castle will be visited twice during Echo of wisdom. The first time Zelda will be running away from her doppelgänger father and the second time will be more serious. It will be swallowed by a rift, giving players more access. The big gimmick of this dungeon revolves around stealth, and it can make players very anxious.
If certain dark guards touch Zelda, she will be sucked into a void. There are checkpoints in these areas, but sometimes they can put players in such a bad position that it might be better to revert to an old save. It's more frustrating than fun because the stealth options don't compete with the big ones Metal Gear Solid. That said, the boss fight with Ganon at the end is pretty solid.
6 Faron temple
A whole bunch of spiders
Faron Temple is confusing in its design. Players will walk in and out of the temple itself and back into the Pacific World to find a litany of entrances. It's the most non-linear dungeon in the game which, again, can be confusing even with a map, although that may appeal to some players.
It should also be mentioned in this section that stealth is heavily involved in the pre-dungeon setup of Deku Prison, which was more aggravating than Hyrule Castle. Still, away from that experience, Faron Temple isn't without its charms, as players can feel like Spider-Man with all the web slinging they'll do, from climbing around to fighting enemies like the dungeon's boss, Gohma.
5 Suthorn ruins
A good tutorial for the way forward
Suthorn Ruins will be the first full dungeon players will tackle The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. After a brief visit to a gorge they arrive at a fairly standard design revolving around ancient stonework and cave systems. It's the perfect dungeon to familiarize players with the Echo system.
There's no big gimmick around the dungeon, but players should have fun climbing rocks, building bridges from beds, or climbing spider webs. The boss at the end, Seismic Talus, is fairly easy and perhaps a bit uninspired thanks to its generic rock golem design, but overall, Suthorn Ruins is a good way to get players ready for more.
4 Gerudo Sanctum
Sift through sandy puzzles
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom's The Gerudo Sanctum dungeon isn't much different from the Suthorn Ruins aesthetically; however, the puzzles are smarter as they revolve around sand and statue placement. Some areas must be emptied of sand before proceeding.
While not unusual in a Zelda game, it's a cool gimmick in the dungeon, and old school fans should dig it. That's because some of the exterior designs of the Gerudo Sanctum are reminiscent of the Desert Palace from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. The boss of this one is the challenger, Mogryph, who is a mole that can grow wings and create waves of sand to hurt players.
3 Temple of Fire
Gliding through a fiery chasm
Eldin Temple is a difficult one if players go into it unprepared. Some kind of fireproof potion would be a good idea The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom like the Golden Chilly Smoothie, to prevent lava damage, as there is a lot inside this volcanic dungeon. It can be tricky when players get to the boss room too, as Volvagia is full of that hot red goo. The puzzles have a surprising twist.
Players will either place giant rocks in lava to bridge seas of fire or must call out a flying monster Echo to slide past plumes of smoke. It's unexpected and doesn't really fit the theme of a volcanic dungeon, but it was still interesting.
2 Lanayru Temple
An awesome hike and a double dose of bosses
Climbing Mount Hebra is a challenge to get to the Lanayru Temple as players have to make lots of warming smoothies. Once inside the Lanayru Temple, they don't have to worry about freezing as much unless they jump into puddles. The gimmick for this one is pretty cool or hot depending on the situation. There are rooms with giant fans and placing a fire crystal in their node will melt a room's ice; conversely, placing an ice crystal will freeze everything.
The hot and cold aspect comes into play with the first boss, who has no name. Players must freeze this slime squid, attack it, and then do it multiple times because it keeps splitting. It's a bit trickier than the main boss, Skorchill. From the two bosses to dealing with ice at a constant level, players may struggle with Lanayru Temple, but the innovations help it stand out.
1 Jabul ruins
Simple in design and execution
The Jabul Ruins dungeon is simple yet compelling The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Players enter this gigantic room with a large drain and a fountain in the middle. The goal is to make the fountain shoot higher so players can reach the next level. On each landing there are two doors.
Solving the puzzle behind each door opens up a new water gate, creating the fountain's current. With the addition of the new water cube, which can be learned in the rift before this, players can come up with fun and inventive solutions to the puzzles. Also, this dungeon has two bosses and they are some of the hardest in the game, Lord Jabu-Jabu and Vocavor, which makes Jabul Ruins as compelling as a dungeon overall.