Best Devices For Early Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero

Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero Continues the story of Marona Chroma and her spirit mate Ash. After a meeting with the shipwreck fleet, Marona is separated from Ash and washed up on Skull Rock Island. After joining forces with a Phantom Pirate, apricot, Marona refers to revive Argento Pirate crew and put on the shipwreck to track Ash.

To strengthen your powers in Phantom Brave: The Lost HeroWill you recruit phantom with different abilities and skills sets to call in battle. Depending on the type of strategies you use, some devices will be more valuable than others. This guide will discuss some of the most generally useful units in the early stages of the game.


A Final Fantasy Tactics Eremake can get the biggest part, but would have to act quickly

Although the idea of ​​a Final Fantasy Tactics remake seems exciting for many fans of the original, the context of the publication is challenging.

Best units in chapter 1

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When you first unlock “Create character” facility in Chapter 1, you only have access to some types of devices. Despite this, there are some very useful alternatives in this first gang that should be prioritized.

Fighter & Striker (Learn Skills Facility, Melee Combat Specialists)

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The fighter and the striker make both excellent melee combat units in the game's early stages. The fight specializes in swords, with balanced attack and defense but a vulnerability to magical attacks, and a powerful skill that strengthens them when surrounded by enemies. The striker prefers Spears and has a greater focus on mobility, with a skill that strengthens their attacks after moving, even if they share the fighter's vulnerability to magical attacks.

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It is best to have one of these in the early parts of the game as they can handle most enemies you will encounter early with some careful planning (and some support from Marona and Apricot.) It is also important to recruit at least one of These two in the beginning so you can access the facility “learn skills”, which allows your devices to learn new skills when planning and is crucial to getting the most out of your team.

Merchant (unlocking the store, retrieves useful items from battles)

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The trader is an important part of your team, which gives you access to the store facility to make the rest of your devices while retrieving useful items from the battlefield with the “Stock” command. They prefer general objects over traditional weapons, thrive when practicing vases, drawers and barrels against your enemies. They are a fairly versatile unit in battle, and as their level increases, the store will be better filled, so it is important to get them in battle to earn some expe.

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If you find a valuable item on a map and you are not sure you can plunder it, the merchant can use the “Stock” command to add it to the store. Although only one object can be stored in this way at a time, you have to spend living to get the item from the store, it is still a good way to guarantee access to a good article.

Healer (Heal Allies in Battle, Revive Allies of Battle)

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The hero is a device you want early, to help you get more mileage out of your devices, keep Marona alive and give defensive buffets. However, it is important to protect your healer, as they are quite fragile on their own.

The hero also gives you access to the “Heal” facility, which allows you to restore defeated units outside the battle. This makes the game much more forgiving when you lose a device, so it is important to have this facility going before you take on some of the more dangerous battles.

Sailor (prolonged and easy -to -use device.)

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The seaman is a fairly mediocre unit in terms of statistics and championships, but has the highest removal state in the game, which gives them the ability to remain active longer than any other unit during the battle. This makes them big when limited to gadgets or as additional support in direct battle, and their ability to pay attention to enemies makes them good to draw attention from other devices.

When they reincarnate units, they can keep the seamen's ability that raises the removal of the state, so educating a unit as a seaman before they reincerate them to another class will result in devices that can stay in battle much longer so that some sailors will make early Later will make later stages of the game easier.

Witch & Wizard (Elemental Attacks, AOE)

The witch and the magician are both useful units to have around, with the former focus on long-term harmful magic while the latter specializes in wider AOE attacks. Since friendly fire is a very real threat in this game, you have to be careful about your use of these two, even if their ability to hit the enemy's elementary weaknesses and circumventing physical defense makes them an important part of your team.

They are ranked lower in this list because they do not unlock a facility when recruited and are not so necessary in the previous parts of the game, where your physically inclined units can handle most threats. But when enemies with high physical defense begin to emerge, these two will be decisive for success.

Best units are unlocked in Chapter 2

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After completing Chapter 1, several new units become available in the “Create Character” plant and provide access to several new facilities during the process.

Fishermen (rescue)

Getting a fisherman when available can be extremely useful for your warehouse. They provide access to the rescue facility, which allows you to send a team to collect items. The time taken is determined by a combination of your chosen approach and the level of rescue facility, but the total quality of the articles (and the titles linked to them) is determined by the level of the fisherman.

In the battle, the fisherman specializes in practicing beach items to harm and blowback enemies, while negating overboard (ob) injuries that her allies have taken. With enough time and experience, the fisherman can become a strong combat unit.

Chef (Juice Bar)

While the chef's preferred weapon, the chef's knife, is a bit tricky to find early, you should still recruit one as soon as they become accessible to access the Juicest Rod. This facility allows you to give some of your experience from each assignment to Juice Bar, which can then be distributed to all the devices you want. This makes it easier to level up new units, allows you to spread experiences to devices that were not involved in a given battle and can eventually be upgraded to generate even more exped than you would normally get from a particular meeting.

The chef restores 20% SP to all allies in his action area when he attacks, making him an excellent support unit. Once he has been given a chef knife, his feeding ability will increase the attack power in his Dex skills by 45%, making him a formidable attacker. Later he gets increased movement while he exercises his preferred weapon, along with a powerful bonus for his SP restoration when an ally fisherman is on the map. In short, the chef is good to level up early, as they become extremely powerful when the game continues and can enable devices that spend a lot of SP when attacking to go out.

Zombie (strength in number)

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Zombies is a unit with a simple strategy: attack in larger numbers. Zombies buffer when other zombies are in the field, have excellent HP and DEF statistics, and after level 5 they can heal themselves for 15% of their HP when attacking. Further, their usability in the early game emphasizes zombies does not have to hold a weapon to be useful and distinguish themselves in unarmed battle. Since they have poor speed and SP, you must use Marona's confast if you want them to attack early in the tour, even if this disadvantage does not prevent them from soaking hits and drawing the enemy's attention.

Ghost (Alternative SpellCaster)

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Players looking for a monster unit Spellcaster may want to consider the ghost. Where witch and magician specializes in range and AOE, the ghost instead performs best at adding status effects. Although it has lower int and travel compared to the other magical users, it has better SPD, remove and the range of motion. This allows them to act earlier in the swing order, stay longer and easily replace their peers.

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