All boxing arenas in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle packs many hidden mysteries, secret interactions with NPCs, and fun activities into its vast locations. One of these hidden activities is the boxing pits that players can find in Vatican City, Gizeh and Sukhothai. After gaining access to one, you can fight increasingly tough fighters in a boxing arena and earn money after each round. Let's check out all the boxing locations in the game and how to access them.



Khmer Hidden Gate Puzzle Solution In Indiana Jones Great Circle

Players will encounter the Hidden Gate Puzzle in Sukhothai while searching for the blessed gem in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle.

The Vatican City Boxing Arena Location

The first boxing pit that you can visit Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is the one that lies in the bowels of Vatican City. After heading towards the right side of the Belvedere Courtyard, players can find their entrance in the Vatican Gardens, located just after passing the Confession Fountain.

Before players can access the battle den and fight Blackshirts, they must unlock the required Blackshirt disguise/costume.

Gizeh Knuckle Duster Boxing Pit Mode

The second boxing pit, also known as the Knuckle Duster Den in Indiana Jones and the Great Circlecan be found inside Gizeh Village. Simply fast travel to the village and head towards its back to find an open door leading underground.

Similar to the underground boxing ring in Vatican City, you also need to unlock the special disguise known as the Wehrmacht uniform in Gizeh to enter the dungeon.

Sukhothai Boxing Arena Location

Players can access the boxing arena in Sukhothai quite easily as it is very close to the starting hub. Simply board the boat and head north, hugging the border to the right until you reach a dock. After adding the boat, players will see the entrance to the Sukhothai boxing ring.

As you already know by now, you must first acquire the Royal Army Disguise before the pit keeper can let you in.

Why should you visit the boxing arenas of Indiana Jones and The Great Circle?

These were all the boxing arenas in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle. There are many reasons why you should visit the boxing ring including,

  • Test your hand-to-hand combat skills against increasingly difficult enemies.

  • A supply of unlimited medkits, even after completing all matches in the den.

  • The availability of Hardboiled and Sawbones series of adventure books that increase bandage capacity and merge health bars.

  • Earn a significant amount of money and adventure points.

  • Unlock the Tour de Force Trophy after completing all the boxing arenas.

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