Reborn animal is the next project of Tarsier Studios. Known as the original creators of Little nightmares Tarsier Studios announced a brand new IP last year at Gamescom with the title Reborn animal. This harrowing new horror story follows an orphaned brother and sister on a grueling journey to rescue their missing friends. The general starting point for Reborn animal has been confirmed, but the deeper story remains a mystery.
Despite the secretive nature of the game, one thing is certain. Reborn animal will be one of Tarsier's most visually stunning games to date. The Little nightmares the series was known for its grotesque and otherworldly character designs, and Reborn animal trying to take it a step further. This time around, the warped monstrosities that players must face are spine-chilling animal hybrids that aim to provide plenty of unsettling moments. The skin-crawling designs Reborn animal boasts shows how Tarsier Studios creates an even darker atmosphere than its previous works, but its plot promises extra emotional mayhem. Although the main objective is to save the main characters' friends, it is unlikely that they will all make it out alive.

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Reanimal's story is sure to have heavy emotional moments
The first and second Little nightmares the stories were already dark enough, but Tarsier Studios has teased Reborn animal as even more intense. Based on the visuals alone, that's been made pretty clear, and while it's exciting, it's also nerve-wracking when considering the journey ahead. On the game's official Steam page, a description of the game reads: “In this disturbing story, the emphasis is on suspense and thick atmosphere, as you join the two orphans on a desperate search for hope and redemption in the most difficult of circumstances.” So there's at least a chance for hope in the story, but based on Tarsier Studios' track record, shocking and upsetting twists can also balance out those hopeful moments.
From now on, Reborn animal has no official release date set in stone.
Like little nightmares, Reanimal can be ready to shock
If Little Nightmares 2 is any indication of where Reborn animals story can go, that means players might be better off not expecting a happy ending for every character. Throughout Little Nightmares 2players take on the role of Mono as he protects the first game's raincoat-wearing protagonist Six on their journey. But in a startling moment at the end of the game, Six betrays Mono and leaves him to a grim fate. There are plenty of theories as to why Six is doing this, but regardless, it serves as a great ending to an already dark story.
In this disturbing story, the emphasis is on suspense and thick atmosphere, as you join the two orphans on a desperate search for hope and redemption in the most difficult circumstances.
Since heartbreaking horror stories are Tarsier Studios' bread and butter, some of the friends have more Reborn animalIt is unlikely that the two main characters that players need to save will survive. If this prediction is correct, it will be interesting to see if such character deaths are written into the story and inevitable or if the actions of the players will dictate potential losses.
Reanimal is an exciting step forward for Tarsier Studios
Now that the developer is no longer involved in the Little nightmaresTarsier Studios now has the chance to showcase new ideas. Reborn animal covers much of what has been done Little nightmares stands out, but this tilt into even dark territory is compelling. It will be really fascinating to watch Reborn animal goes head-to-head with Little Nightmares 3.
Both Reborn animal and Little Nightmares III feature co-op, which adds an extra level to potential competition.
As the year continues, Tarsier Studios will hopefully offer more insight into Reborn animalor at least confirm a release date. Reborn animal looks incredibly bleak, but in the most endearing way, and it will be fascinating to see how the story matches that energy as the story unfolds.

- Developer
Tarsier Studios