Where to get big Malboro Tenril in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Introduces the object Transmuter, which allows players to take materials found in the open regions and create them for different objects. This can range from consumables that restore HP and MP to powerful tools and accessories that are ranked well above those in chests.

When players are ranked up their craft level, they will have access to better recipes that will require even more rare objects to make. One of these rare craftsmen is Large Malboro Tendrilthat can only be obtained by finding and defeating a legendary Final fantasy Enemy that many fans may know.

Updated February 2, 2025 by Joshua Leeds: The Great Malboro is a powerful enemy, and even though you may have fought one in previous games, it can still be a challenging battle. This article has been updated to include additional information about its affinities to help you prepare you for the battle and not waste any MP or ATB. A recommended party list was also added to make the fight even easier, along with a small section that describes exactly what this rare object can be used for because you only get one of it.


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Where to get a large Malboro Tenril (Sultan of Stench)

The Great Malboro's location on the map in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The only way to get a large Malboro -NDril is at defeat a great MalboroThe classified enemy in the Gongaga region. Gongaga is the fourth region that players will travel to under Chapter 9. In order to discover the enemy's place, players must first find and Scan four of the lives in the region. These can be easily located by activating the Remnawave towers that are already marked on the player's map when they reach the region.

After four life checks have been scanned, Chadley will inform Cloud that the large Malboro is located in the southwest corner of the region, with its place which is also added on the map. Scanning all life checks in this region will also give you further Lore about the region, where Gongaga is an important place in Lore of Final Fantasy 7.

Although this enemy can be found in Chapter 9, the use for the object will not be available until you reach Chapter 12.


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Five new side assignments will be available in Chapter 9 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth; Four of which take place in the game's Gongaga region.

How to defeat the Great Malboro in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The Great Malboro scanned in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Less resistance
















Proportional damage

  • Clouds – powerful focused attacks on the mouth to try to break it and stop further bad breath.

  • Aerith – focus clean on using IS magic formulas for injuries and to press the enemy.

  • TIFA – take advantage when Aerith pushes the enemy to try to confuse it.

The Great Malboro is a difficult enemy no matter what level the party is. Be sure to equip each party member with one Ice material And bring lots of regular drinks and Phoenix declines. It is also highly recommended to have a character equipped with Shiva cold, as the great Malboro is Weak against ice damage. During the fight with the big Malboro, save your ATB bars and let them build up. When the large Malboro opens the mouth to use a respiratory attack, use ice magic from each party member to break the attack and stagna the enemy.

These respiratory attacks can add various diseases to party members, with more added with each respiratory attack. In some situations, it may be best to wait for the effects and then use several items to recover. If enough respiratory attacks are used, the map will be covered in a purple fog, and it will stay there the rest of the fight. Should this happen, Each party member will take a decent amount of damage every second Until the end of the fight. This will quickly add and leave characters stuck to 1 health as the fog does not completely kill them.

Ranced characters like Aerith are fantastic here because she will already stay away and stand out in magical damage from matter. When the fog covers the battlefield, there is nothing that can be done apart from defeating the large Malboro. Instead of trying to heal, simply pick up impaired allies and don't waste drinks or magic on healing them further When their health disappears just as quickly. Continue to wait for additional respiratory attacks and stagna enemy and prioritize ice damage to speed up the fight.

What is the Great Malboro tendrile used for

When the battle is over, players will get the big Marlboro Tendril. It can then be used to create Legendary bait needed to complete ”Problems in paradise“Quest that can be started in Chapter 12 by interacting with the Quest Board in the Costa del Sol. The other ingredients for the legendary bait are: a Jabberwock HornThe X5 pearl ginger rootand X5 ether onions. Jabberwock Horn is another rather difficult article to get because you need to face face with yet another powerful monster hidden in another world region. Creating the legendary bait is the only use for Great Malboro Tendril, so use it to complete the mission without fear or miss something else later in the game.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tag Page Cover Art




February 29, 2024


T for teenager due to blood, language, mild suggestive themes, use of alcohol and tobacco, violence

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