If The last of us part 3which may not be released until 2027, decides to introduce new types of infected, it must do so thoughtfully. The series has built its appeal on a deeply immersive, post-apocalyptic setting where the Infected are not just game obstacles, but haunting remnants of a society lost to a fungal plague. Any additional infected types should therefore feel plausible and stem from the underlying biology of the Cordyceps fungus and the themes of survival and humanity that define the series.
IN The last of us part 2Naughty Dog expanded its infected roster with the Shambler, an explosive, bloated infected that oozes caustic spores upon attack, and the Rat King, a stately amalgam of infected individuals fused together, almost like a twisted symbiote, among others. They tapped into the game's established lore to some degree, as both were rooted in Cordyceps' evolutionary potential and the game's brutal atmosphere. However, there is a fine line between enhancing the game with these infected types and slipping into something that feels too video game rich.

The last of us infected have never been the true enemy, but it's time to change that
Humans are very much the real “monsters” in The Last of Us universe, but a sequel might actually want to double the infected for a change.
The Last of Us is a survival horror story
The evolution of infected types needs to feel natural, and it's best if it takes a thematic twist. For example in The last of us part 3the infected can evolve based on the specific regions and conditions survivors face, especially if the game explores new locations outside of America. The series can reveal Cordyceps strains that have mutated differently in different climates, and zero in on a terrifying diversity within the infected without straying from a biological basis. Shamblers and also Clickers as a development from The last of us Runners due to long-term infection are a good example of this.
Each infected could therefore offer a window into the decay of the world, with new types based on distinct environmental challenges rather than the need for new combat mechanics. Second, infected types advancing should serve to mark the toll survival has taken on The Last of us the characters themselves. They can reflect the desperation, isolation or decay of human survivors.
For example, introducing new infected types that display bizarre hibernation or solitary behaviors can subtly reference the fractured psyches of those still alive. They could make things interesting as both adversaries and symbols of remnants of humanity that have been shaped by loss and fear.
The game should not add any infected types for shock value
A bizarre infected that looks like a cyclops, much like an undead Damrod troll from Ringing with powerfor example, would be an underwhelming addition. This is an extreme example but the point is that the series needs to stick to its genre of survival instead of turning into horror fiction. Yes, it's still fiction but the fact that it uses real science to back up cordyceps evolutionary infection is what gives the plot its backbone. Introducing fantasy-infected types can affect this feeling-real dynamic.
The key is to balance horror and realism in The Last of Us 3 and Beyond
In the end, the next chapter will come The last of us should aim to introduce infected types that feel like a natural extension of the story's themes and the harsh realities of a cordyceps-ravaged world. The last of us players should feel that each new infected reflects a potential adaptive or survival trait, not an over-the-top mutation designed for dramatic effect. The tension between innovation and fidelity to the series' aesthetics therefore becomes decisive.
By treading carefully, The last of us part 3 can push the boundaries of horror without compromising the emotional integrity fans cherish. The world of The last of us is a place where reality has been twisted but remains grounded. A world where every encounter feels like an insight into a terrifying but at the same time strangely familiar reflection of humanity's own characteristics. Touching base on darker themes like cannibalism was dark and scary but only made the game feel more real and it is The last of us infected types must also be contacted.